General Course Information


  • KVS Prasad, 6124, EDIT

Tutors and Lab Supervisors

For exercises, lab supervision and grading:

  • Anton Ekblad
  • Raúl Pardo Jiménez

To receive help with exercises and labs please attend the exercise and lab supervision sessions. If you are stuck with some problem between these sessions, ask a question on the Google group.

Course Representatives

  • Gian Perrone (
  • Johnny Ngu (
  • Anders Bastos (

Passing Requirements and Grading Guidelines

For Chalmers students

Your performance in the course is marked on a scale of 100 point, of which the exam carries 68, and each of the 4 labs carries 8.

For each lab, you get 8 points for acceptance on your first submission, 6 points for acceptance on your second submission, and 4 points for acceptance on your third submission.

The grade boundaries are 40 points for Grade 3, 60 points for Grade 4, and 80 points for Grade 5.

Additionally, all grades (3/4/5) require that you must get at least 4 points on each lab, and at least 24 points on the exam.

The exam and the lab requirements need not be met during the same course instance.

For GU students

Your performance in the course is marked on an exam carrying 68 marks, and 4 labs each carrying 8 marks.

For each lab, you get 8 points for acceptance on your first submission, 6 points for acceptance on your second submission, and 4 points for acceptance on your third submission.

To pass the course, you must get at least 4 points on each lab, and get at least 24 points on the exam. To get a VG, you must get at least 4 points on each lab, and get at least 54 points on the exam.

The exam and the lab requirements need not be met during the same course instance

Lectures and note-taking

Please do bring your own pencil and notebook to the lectures. Some of the information from the lectures may not be available elsewhere, so you will definitely want to take notes during the lectures.

From the course plan

"Concurrent programming plays a vital role in systems where many events appear to occur simultaneously. This course aims to provide an introduction to the problems common to concurrent systems such as operating systems, distributed systems and real-time systems, and practical knowledge of the programming constructs and techniques offered by modern concurrent programming languages."

cover picture
Last modified: Tuesday, 15-Oct-2013 22:14:12 CEST
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden - Tel: +46 (0)31- 772 1000