Course Requirement and Examinations

To pass the course, you must have passed the assignments (labs) and have passed the exam. See exam schedule (including re-exam/omtenta) for TDA381/TDA380/TDA211/INN390 Concurrent Programming. The only permitted material is a dictionary.

Front matter

Front matter of the upcoming exam is available here for your reference. If you have any questions or comments, please post them on the Google group.

Upcoming exam

To get a look at the style of the upcoming exam, please join the Google group. There is an example exam and general advice and information.

Past exams

We changed the textbook two years ago, and the new exams reflect that. So the old exams below may have a different style and notation. (See frontmatter (link) for current notation). The old exams can still be used, however, for examples.

More exams?

Not all the previous exams are available here because most of them do not contain any new questions. For example, exams on 2007-01-19 and 2006-10-27 contain only a mix of questions from the exams above. You can verify this by getting a copy of those exams from the Studieexpedition.

Last modified: Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 13:11:48 CEST
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden - Tel: +46 (0)31- 772 1000