Cheating and its Consequences

Finite Automata Theory and Formal Languages

TMV026/DIT321, LP4 2012

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Aim of Assignments

The main purpose of the assignments in this course is for the students to develop a good understanding and to gain knowledge about the different parts in the course. Hence, it is very important that you do the assignments on your own. In this way we can asses what parts you have understood and we can give hints on the parts you haven't.

Getting Help

It is only natural that you might not know how to solve some of the exercises in the assignments. To help some help you can:

NOT Allowed

Before you submit your own solution you cannot:


Be aware that, since assignments give bonus points to be used in the exam, they are part of the examination. Any suspicious we might have about students submitting similar solutions would be considered as cheating.

Note that we cannot know who copied from whom, so all the students that submit similar solutions would be considered equally involved in the cheating.

What Happens when we Suspect Cheating

First you will fail the assignments and get no points for them.

In most cases, you will also be reported to Chalmers' Disciplinary Board. The disciplinary board can impose a variety of penalties, ranging from a warning, through suspension for up to six months, up to expulsion from Chalmers in the most serious cases. Suspension means you are not allowed to take part in Chalmers teaching or exams, and (of course) you cannot receive "studiemedel" during that time.

Be aware that you risk these penalties even if another student copies your solution without your knowledge.