TDA206/DIT370, Period 3, 2012: Discrete Optimization




Times and Places

Monday 10:00-11:45, room ML3: lecture.
Wednesday 13:15-15:00, room ML1: lecture. (TimeEdit wrongly says "exercises".)
Thursday 15:15-17:00, room ML1: scheduled time for questions, exercise help, and other matters.

Book a time by email when you need a consultation outside the schedule.

Brief Course Description and Goals

You learn in this course specific methods to model and solve problems where some objective function shall be maximized or minimized under side constraints, especially for discrete problems, i.e., such with countable objects and integer variables.

After the course you should be able to:


Linear algebra, algorithms, data structures! Some knowledge of graph theory is helpful, too, however, graph concepts will be introduced when needed.

Course material


Grading is based on compulsory hand-in exercises and a take-home exam. (Details on how the exam works will be announced.) We do not use a point system but we record the exercise comments and apply the following grading criteria: 5/VG means that your solutions are on the whole correct and well explained, perhaps with minor difficulties; 3/G means that you show a basic understanding and have an idea how to approach the exercises, but with substantial difficulties; and 4/G is between these two. You may ask at any time during the course what your expected grade would be, based on your performance shown so far. There is no formal re-exam, but it is possible to improve your grade later by follow-up assignments. (But, of course, this is not only a formality, you must really achieve an improvement that justifies the higher grade.) You can express your interest before April, and the assignment should be finished before the end of study period 4.

General Rules and Policies

Read them carefully and take them very seriously.

Lecture Notes
