#include "renderer.h" #include SDL_Window* gWindow = NULL; //The window we'll be rendering to SDL_Renderer* gRenderer = NULL; //The window renderer TTF_Font *gFont = NULL; //Used font. Documentation of TTF_Font can be found here: // https://www.libsdl.org/projects/docs/SDL_ttf/SDL_ttf.html#SEC6 void renderGfxObject(GfxObject* gfx, int x, int y, double angle, float scale ) { //Render gfx object to screen SDL_Rect srcRect = { 0, 0, gfx->textureWidth, gfx->textureHeight }; // select the whole image // Use scale to compute new output width, height and x,y. // Note on scaling: integer-discretized output positions means that width and height should be modified // an equal amount on left/right/top/bottom sides to look good (i.e., in steps of two). int w = gfx->outputWidth*scale + 0.5; // round to nearest if ( ((w - gfx->outputWidth) % 2) == 1) w--; int h = gfx->outputHeight*scale + 0.5; // round to nearest if ( ((h - gfx->outputHeight) % 2) == 1) h--; float dstX = x - w/2; float dstY = y - h/2; SDL_Rect dstRect = { dstX, dstY, w, h }; // output position and width/height //Render to screen SDL_RenderCopyEx(gRenderer, gfx->mTexture, &srcRect, &dstRect, angle, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); // NULL here specifies that rotation will be done around the center of the image. // See here for details: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_RenderCopyEx } GfxObject createGfxObject( const char* filename ) { GfxObject gfx; //Load image at specified path SDL_Surface* loadedSurface = IMG_Load( filename ); if( loadedSurface == NULL ) printf( "Unable to load image %s! SDL_image Error: %s\n", filename, IMG_GetError() ); else { //Create texture from surface pixels gfx.mTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( gRenderer, loadedSurface ); if( gfx.mTexture == NULL ) printf( "Unable to create texture from %s! SDL Error: %s\n", filename, SDL_GetError() ); else { //Get image dimensions gfx.textureWidth = loadedSurface->w; gfx.textureHeight = loadedSurface->h; // Set some default output size gfx.outputWidth = gfx.textureWidth; gfx.outputHeight = gfx.textureHeight; } SDL_FreeSurface( loadedSurface ); //Get rid of old loaded surface } return gfx; } void freeGfxObject(GfxObject* gfx) { //Free texture if it exists if( gfx->mTexture != NULL ) SDL_DestroyTexture( gfx->mTexture ); gfx->mTexture = NULL; // good way to mark that the pointer is now invalid } bool initRenderer(int windowWidth, int windowHeight) { //Initialization flag bool success = true; //Initialize SDL if( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) { printf( "SDL could not initialize! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); success = false; } else { //Set texture filtering to linear if( !SDL_SetHint( SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1" ) ) { printf( "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!" ); } //Create window gWindow = SDL_CreateWindow( "SDL Project", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, windowWidth, windowHeight, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN ); if( gWindow == NULL ) { printf( "Window could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); success = false; } else { //Create vsynced renderer for window gRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer( gWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC ); if( gRenderer == NULL ) { printf( "Renderer could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); success = false; } else { //Initialize renderer color SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( gRenderer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF ); //Initialize PNG loading int imgFlags = IMG_INIT_PNG | IMG_INIT_JPG | IMG_INIT_TIF; if( !( IMG_Init( imgFlags ) & imgFlags ) ) { printf( "SDL_image could not initialize! SDL_image Error: %s\n", IMG_GetError() ); success = false; } //Initialize SDL_ttf if( TTF_Init() == -1 ) { printf( "SDL_ttf could not initialize! SDL_ttf Error: %s\n", TTF_GetError() ); success = false; } } } } return success; } void closeRenderer() { // free the font TTF_CloseFont(gFont); gFont=NULL; // to be safe... //Destroy window SDL_DestroyRenderer( gRenderer ); SDL_DestroyWindow( gWindow ); gWindow = NULL; gRenderer = NULL; //Quit SDL subsystems TTF_Quit(); IMG_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); } // Render Text void renderText(const char* str, int x, int y) { SDL_Color color={0xff, 0xff, 0x00}; // yellow renderTextWithColor(color, str, x, y); } void renderTextWithColor(SDL_Color color, const char* str, int x, int y) { static bool bFirstTime = true; if(bFirstTime) { bFirstTime = false; gFont = TTF_OpenFont( "../freefonts/FreeSans.ttf", 28 ); if( gFont == NULL ) { printf( "Failed to load font! SDL_ttf Error: %s\n", TTF_GetError() ); } } SDL_Surface *surface; if(!(surface=TTF_RenderText_Blended(gFont, str, color))) { printf("TTF_RenderText_Solid Error: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); } else { SDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gRenderer, surface); SDL_Rect dstRect = {x, y, surface->w, surface->h}; // x,y,w,h SDL_RenderCopy(gRenderer, texture, NULL, &dstRect); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); } }