Here you can find links and help about how to install the software needed for the course. For Ubuntu users, there are detailed instructions how to get the software up and running in no time. Unfortunetely, users having Windows, MAC, or other GNU/Linux distributions should follow the links in this page and try (on your own) to get things working.


We use the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) 6.12.1 for this course (you can try out a newer version of the compiler if you wish). To install the compiler:

$ sudo apt-get install ghc6
Once installed, you can launch the interpreter of Haskell by executing:
$ ghci 
Haskell's files have extension .hs . Having the interpreter running, we type
Prelude> :l Module.hs 
to load the module Module.hs into the interpreter. To get help about the command availables in the interpreter, please type
Prelude> :?

Haskell Documentation

Security Libraries in Haskell

To install the security libraries for the course, you should use the package manager Cabal. In Ubuntu, to install Cabal you should write
$ sudo apt-get install cabal-install 
Once installed Cabal, you should update the database of cabal packages by doing
$ cabal update 
Then, you can proceed to install the security libraries.


You can install the library SecLib by just typing
$ cabal install seclib  
To remove seclib from your system, you should write
$ ghc-pkg unregister seclib

Disjunction Category Labels

There is a package that provides Disjunction Category Labels (DCLabels) in Haskell. The package is specially designed for the computer science school ECI 2011 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) . Please, refer to the official release of dclabels if you plan to use it for other purposes.
$ cabal install dclabel-eci11  
To remove dclabel-eci11 from your system, you should write
$ ghc-pkg unregister dclabel-eci11


The following package is specially designed for the computer science school ECI 2011 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) . Please, refer to the official release of LIO if you plan to use it for other purposes.
$ cabal install lio-eci11  
To remove lio-eci11 from your system, you should write
$ ghc-pkg unregister lio-eci11

Secure Multi-Execution for Haskell (SME)

You can install the library sme by just typing
$ cabal install sme  
To remove sme from your system, you should write
$ ghc-pkg unregister seclib


The security libraries presented in the course have been tested in Python 2.6.5. However, it might be possible that they work for other versions too.

To install Python , just type
$ sudo apt-get install python
Some examples in the course use Webpy , a very simple framework to develop web pages. To install it, just type
$ sudo apt-get install python-webpy
Last modified: Saturday, 23-Jul-2011 23:05:15 CEST
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden - Tel: +46 (0)31- 772 1000