
DAT175 Advanced Topics in Electronic System Design (TILDE), 7.5 credits
General course information (updated August 22, 2018)

180822: TILDE participants must approach the instructor in the first study week of the study quarter in question.


  • Required background:
    Students that are eligible for this course are enrolled in the MPEES master's programme and have successfully completed the following courses: Introduction to electronic system design (DAT093), Introduction to integrated circuit design (MCC092), and Methods for electronic system design and verification (DAT110).

  • Limitation in participants:
    A maximum of 15 students are enrolled to this course.

  • Purpose:
    One purpose of this course is to offer the student an opportunity to dig deeper into a selected topic of advanced electronic system design, ranging from circuit design to embedded software design. Another purpose is to give the student a chance to learn the basic trades of research work, which is a skill that can prove useful already during the coming master thesis work.

  • Organization:
    There are three different formats of this course:

    F1. Individual work on a relevant research assignment.
    F2. Individual work on literature study on a relevant topic.
    F3. Activity in a regular PhD student course in a relevant area.

    The course organization depends on the selected course format. For a student that follows a regular PhD student course (F3), no participation in the activities below is required. For a student that intends to do a research assignment (F1) or a literature study (F2), the following information applies:

    The course spans study period 1 (SP1) and 2 (SP2), during which the student works in an independent manner.

    Prior to the start of the course, the student must 1) identify the course topic and 2) find a Chalmers supervisor. The supervisor is expected to provide guidance throughout the course; at the very minimum, this involves endorsing the work plan and reading/commenting/grading the final report.

    In the beginning of SP1, each student taking the course in SP1 is required to hand in, to the examiner, a work plan that defines the scope and the goal of the assignment/study. Similarly, in the beginning of SP2, each student taking the course in SP2 is required to hand in, to the examiner, a work plan that defines the scope and the goal of the assignment/study.

    In the end of SP2 (or the beginning of SP3), the students present their work.

  • Reading:
    Due to the character of the course, we won't have any common core textbook.

  • Examiner:
    Prof. Per Larsson-Edefors

The examination depends on the format:

  1. Evaluation of research assignment, including initial work plan, oral presentation and final report/research paper, according to 5, 4, 3 or fail
  2. Evaluation of literature study, including initial work plan, oral presentation and final report, according to 5, 4, 3 or fail
  3. The grade from the PhD course is used for DAT175, that is, either 5, 4, 3 or fail