
  1. The prelude PreludeList of Haskell98 contains a number of functions that are defined by means of a foldr (a catamorphism). Find at least five other functions in the prelude that can be defined as a catamorphism on lists, and give their definitions as a catamorphism.
  2. Catamorphisms can be defined in terms of function cata:
      cata :: Regular d => (FunctorOf d a b -> b) -> (d a -> b)    
      cata phi = phi . F (cata phi) . out
    Define the functions out and F (and probably a new type) in Haskell on the datatypes [a] and Tree a (see Thesis page 2), such that the following definitions define the catamorphisms on these datatypes.
      cataTree phi = phi . fTree (cataTree phi) . outTree
      cataList phi = phi . fList (cataList phi) . outList
  3. Define function anaList :: (b -> Maybe (a,b)) -> (b -> [a]) so that anaList f is an anamorphism for lists.
  4. Define function zip' (a variant of the prelude function zip):
    zip' :: ([a],[b]) -> [(a,b)]
    as an anamorphism.
  5. Fusion:
    1. Write function length as a [a] catamorphism.
    2. Write function insertion_sort as a [a] catamorphism.
    3. Use fusion to prove that
        length . insertion_sort = length
  6. Define minimum and reverse as catamorphisms on Tree a. Instantiate (mechanically, don't try to be clever!) the banana split theorem to obtain a Tree a catamorphism for the split of minimum and reverse in Haskell. The result can be further simplified - try to do it algebraically.
  7. The datatype PairList a is defined by
       data PairList a = PLNil
                       | PLCons a (PairList (a,a))
    1. Define, in Haskell, a map on this datatype. (Hint: use so-called polymorphic recursion.)
    2. Can you instantiate the polytypic map on this datatype?
  8. Define a polytypic function that calculates the maximum `depth' of a value of any datatype.
       depth :: d a -> Int
    For example,
       depth (Just 1) = 1
       depth [5, 2, 1] = 3
       depth (Bin (Leaf 6) (Bin (Bin (Leaf 3)(Leaf 6)) (Leaf 8))) = 3.
  9. Consider the function flatten defined in PolyLib. Since this definition uses ++ in the g*h case, it is rather inefficient: it is quadratic in the size of its argument. The standard trick to obtain a linear-time program is to use an `accumulating parameter': replace flatten by a function flatten'
       flatten = flatten' []
       flatten' :: d a -> [a] -> [a]
    Define the polytypic function flatten'.
  10. Define balance :: [a] -> Tree a as a Tree-anamorphism.
  11. Define mapTree using cataTree.


Misc. definitions

(-*-)    :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (      (a,b) ->       (c,d))
(-+-)    :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (Either a b  -> Either c d )

f -*- g  =  \(x,y) -> (f x, g y)
f -+- g  =  either (Left . f) (Right . g)

split :: (a->b) -> (a->c) -> (a-> (b,   c  ))
split      f         g    =  \x-> (f x, g x)

Banana Split

split (cata f) (cata g) = cata (split (f . fmap2 id fst) (g . fmap2 id snd))



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Last modified: Wed Oct 18 12:47:31 MET DST 2000 by
Patrik Jansson / NOpatrikjSP@AMchalmers.se