module Recursion where import Question factorialURL = "" gcdUrl = "" euclidUrl = "" divisorUrl = "" recursion = do h2 <#>Recursion -- Factorial. <#>Implement the >factorial function. ?> do ul $ do li $ p <#>Name: factorial. li $ p <#>Arguments: n. li $ p <#>Comment: -- Calculates the factorial of the argument. li $ p <#>Type signature: factorial :: Integer -> Integer li $ do p <#>Properties: ul $ do li $ fixed $ unlines [ "prop_factorial :: Integer -> Property" , "prop_factorial n =" , " n >= 0 ==> factorial (n+1) `div` factorial n == n+1" ] li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- n `divides` m is True iff n divides m." , "divides :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool" , "n `divides` m | n == 0 = error \"divides: Zero divisor.\"" , " | otherwise = m `mod` n == 0" , "" , "prop_factorial' :: Integer -> Property" , "prop_factorial' n =" , " n >= 0 ==> factorial n `divides` factorial (n+1)" ] li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- Calculates the factorial of the argument." , "factorial :: Integer -> Integer" , "factorial n | n < 0 = error \"factorial: Negative input not allowed.\"" , "factorial 0 = 1" , "factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)" ] li $ do p <#>The error function can be used to signal invalid input. It halts the program and prints the given error message. Try to write understandable error messages. fixed $ unlines [ "Main> factorial (-3)" , "" , "Program error: factorial: Negative input not allowed." ] li $ p <#>By putting a function name in backquotes we can use it in an infix style. Writing m `divides` n means exactly the same thing as writing divides m n. The reason for doing this is that the expression becomes easier to read. -- Even/odd. <#>Write two functions. One should check whether its argument is even, and the other whether its argument is odd. Use recursion. ?> do ul $ do li $ p <#>Name: even and odd are already defined by the Prelude. However, we can use these names anyway if we hide the predefined functions by writing import Prelude hiding (even, odd) in the beginning of the file. li $ p <#>Arguments: n. li $ do p <#>Comments: ul $ do li $ p <#>-- Checks if argument is even. li $ p <#>-- Checks if argument is odd. li $ do p <#>Type signatures: ul $ do li $ fixed "even :: Integer -> Bool" li $ fixed "odd :: Integer -> Bool" li $ do p <#>Properties: ul $ do li $ fixed $ unlines [ "prop_even :: Integer -> Bool" , "prop_even n = even (2*n) && not (even (2*n + 1))" ] li $ fixed $ unlines [ "prop_odd :: Integer -> Bool" , "prop_odd n = odd (2*n + 1) && not (odd (2*n))" ] li $ do p <#>Three ways of solving the problem: ul $ do li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- Checks if argument is even." , "even :: Integer -> Bool" , "even 0 = True" , "even n | n > 0 = not (even (n-1))" , "even n | n < 0 = not (even (n+1))" , "" , "-- Checks if argument is odd." , "odd :: Integer -> Bool" , "odd n = not (even n)" ] li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- Checks if argument is even." , "even :: Integer -> Bool" , "even 0 = True" , "even 1 = False" , "even n | n >= 2 = even (n-2)" , "even n | n < 0 = even (-n)" , "" , "-- Checks if argument is odd." , "odd :: Integer -> Bool" , "odd n = not (even n)" ] li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- Checks if argument is even." , "even :: Integer -> Bool" , "even 0 = True" , "even n | n > 0 = odd (n-1)" , "even n | n < 0 = odd (n+1)" , "" , "-- Checks if argument is odd." , "odd :: Integer -> Bool" , "odd 0 = False" , "odd n | n > 0 = even (n-1)" , "odd n | n < 0 = even (n+1)" ] -- Number of divisors. p <#>Compute the number of positive >divisors of an arbitrary positive integer. You may want to write a helper function that takes two integer arguments m and n: ul $ do li $ p <#>n: We want to know how many divisors n has in the range 1 to m. li $ p <#>m: The number next in turn. We should check whether it divides n or not. <#>If you get stuck, don't hesitate to take a peak at the solution. ?> do ul $ do li $ fixed $ unlines [ "-- n `divides` m is True iff n divides m." , "divides :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool" , "n `divides` m | n == 0 = error \"divides: Zero divisor.\"" , " | otherwise = m `mod` n == 0" , "" , "-- divisors n, for positive n, yields the number of positive divisors" , "-- of n." , "divisors :: Integer -> Integer" , "divisors n | n <= 0 = error \"divisors: Negative input.\"" , " | otherwise = divisors' n" , " where" , " divisors' :: Integer -> Integer" , " divisors' 1 = 1" , " divisors' m | m `divides` n = 1 + divisors' (m - 1)" , " | otherwise = divisors' (m - 1)" , "" , "-- All numbers greater than 1, also primes, have at least two divisors." , "prop_divisors :: Integer -> Property" , "prop_divisors n = n > 1 ==> 2 <= divs && divs <= n" , " where divs = divisors n" , "" , "prop_divisors' :: Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_divisors' m n =" , " m > 0 && n > 0 ==>" , " divisors m <= divisors (m * n)" ] li $ do p <#>We use where to introduce local values and functions. The names introduced using where are only visible in the current function definition. We could also have written divisors as follows (as proposed in the hint): fixed $ unlines [ "-- divisors n, for positive n, yields the number of positive divisors" , "-- of n." , "divisors :: Integer -> Integer" , "divisors n | n <= 0 = error \"divisors: Negative input.\"" , " | otherwise = divisors' n n" , "" , "-- Helper function for divisors." , "divisors' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "divisors' 1 n = 1" , "divisors' m n | m `divides` n = 1 + divisors' (m - 1) n" , " | otherwise = divisors' (m - 1) n" ] p <#>However, this definition introduces another name into the top-level scope, and unless we plan to use divisors' in another context there is no point in having it as a separate entity. li $ do p <#>You may want to think about why the last property above is to be preferred over the one below. (See the next exercise for an explanation.) fixed $ unlines [ "prop_divisors'' :: Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_divisors'' m n =" , " m > 0 && n > 0 && m `divides` n ==>" , " divisors m <= divisors n" ] li $ p <#>Note that if we had calculated the set of all divisors, instead of just the size of this set, then it would have been easier to write interesting properties. -- Gcd. <#>Write down some properties which the >greatest common divisor (gcd) of two integers, not both zero, should satisfy. Then implement a function which calculates the gcd. If you get stuck, try using >Euclid's algorithm. (You may not use the function gcd found in the Prelude.) ?> do p <#>We cannot use the name gcd, so let's use gcd' instead. p <#>Some properties: fixed $ unlines [ "-- n `divides` m is True iff n divides m." , "divides :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool" , "n `divides` m | n == 0 = error \"divides: Zero divisor.\"" , " | otherwise = m `mod` n == 0" , "" , "-- x =^= y is True iff the absolute values of x and y are equal." , "(=^=) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool" , "x =^= y = abs x == abs y" , "" , "prop_gcdDivisor :: Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_gcdDivisor m n =" , " m /= 0 || n /= 0 ==> gcd' m n `divides` m" , "" , "prop_gcdCommutative :: Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_gcdCommutative m n =" , " m /= 0 || n /= 0 ==> gcd' m n =^= gcd' n m" , "" , "prop_gcdGreatest :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_gcdGreatest m n p =" , " (m /= 0 || n /= 0) && p /= 0 &&" , " p `divides` m && p `divides` n ==>" , " p `divides` gcd' m n" ] p <#>(We have not specified whether the gcd should be positive or negative, hence the use of (=^=).) <#>Can you find any problems with the last property? ?> do p <#>What is the probability that the precondition is True for randomly generated m, n and p? We can collect test statistics using collect: fixed $ unlines [ "prop_gcdGreatest' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Property" , "prop_gcdGreatest' m n p =" , " (m /= 0 || n /= 0) && p /= 0 &&" , " p `divides` m && p `divides` n ==>" , " collect p $" , " p `divides` gcd' m n" ] fixed $ unlines [ "Main> quickCheck prop_gcdGreatest'" , "OK, passed 100 tests." , "37% -1." , "28% 1." , "10% -2." , "7% 2." , "6% 3." , "5% 4." , "3% -3." , "2% 6." , "1% 5." , "1% -6." ] p <#>We can see that over 60% of the ps are 1 or -1; the precondition is almost always true for such ps. You will learn more about how this situation can be avoided later in the course. fixed $ unlines [ "-- gcd' m n computes the greatest common divisor of m and n. At most" , "-- one of m and n may be zero." , "gcd' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer" , "gcd' 0 0 = error \"The gcd of 0 and 0 is undefined.\"" , "gcd' m 0 = m" , "gcd' m n = gcd' n (m `mod` n)" ]