[Added files. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220123116] [Made better Bit -> a Arbitrary instance available. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220192721 Specialising instances and meddling with -fallow-overlapping-instances necessary. ] [Fixed incorrect counter-example. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220193048] [Added printing of test labels. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220193116] [Added file with random notes. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220193141 Patrik likes to call such files log.txt... ] [Moved the files into a hierarchical structure. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220194126] [Noted that this implementation may not be very well thought through. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220194639] [Corrected some misleading comments. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220194854] [Added the standard state monad. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220225903] [Added variant of standard state monad with _|_ = const _|_. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050220230444] [Added an observation about semi-strict pairs. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050221121819] [Added a new property which I think should be included. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050221175807] [Added a new suite of tests, based on "observable" properties. Nils Anders Danielsson **20050221175816 The idea is that it's pointless to state m = m', the only thing that matters is observation under a run function. ]