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-- Code related to the delay monad
-- Nils Anders Danielsson

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --sized-types #-}

module README where

-- The concept referred to as the delay monad here is the monad
-- presented by Capretta in "General Recursion via Coinductive Types".

-- The delay monad

-- The delay monad, defined coinductively.

import Delay-monad

-- A type used to index a combined definition of strong and weak
-- bisimilarity and expansion.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Kind

-- A combined definition of strong and weak bisimilarity and
-- expansion, along with various properties.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity

-- Strong bisimilarity for partially defined values, along with a
-- proof showing that this relation is pointwise isomorphic to path
-- equality.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.For-all-sizes

-- A variant of weak bisimilarity that can be used to relate the
-- number of steps in two computations.

import Delay-monad.Quantitative-weak-bisimilarity

-- Termination.

import Delay-monad.Termination

-- Alternative definitions of weak bisimilarity.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Alternative

-- An observation about weak bisimilarity.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Observation

-- Some negative results related to weak bisimilarity and expansion.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Negative

-- An example showing that transitivity-like proofs that are not
-- size-preserving can sometimes be used in a compositional way.

import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Transitivity-constructor

-- A partial order.

import Delay-monad.Partial-order

-- Least upper bounds.

import Delay-monad.Least-upper-bound

-- The delay monad is a monad up to strong bisimilarity.

import Delay-monad.Monad

-- The "always true" predicate, □.

import Delay-monad.Always

-- A combinator for running two (independent) computations in
-- sequence.

import Delay-monad.Sequential

-- A combinator for running two computations in parallel.

import Delay-monad.Parallel

-- A variant of the delay monad with a sized type parameter

-- The delay monad, defined coinductively, with a sized type
-- parameter.

import Delay-monad.Sized

-- A combined definition of strong and weak bisimilarity and
-- expansion, along with various properties.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Bisimilarity

-- Strong bisimilarity for partially defined values, along with a
-- proof showing that this relation is pointwise isomorphic to path
-- equality.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Bisimilarity.For-all-sizes

-- Termination.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Termination

-- Alternative definitions of weak bisimilarity.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Bisimilarity.Alternative

-- Some negative results related to weak bisimilarity and expansion.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Bisimilarity.Negative

-- A partial order.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Partial-order

-- Least upper bounds.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Least-upper-bound

-- A monad-like structure.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Monad

-- The "always true" predicate, □.

import Delay-monad.Sized.Always


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