-- An LTS from Section 6.2.5 of "Enhancements of the bisimulation
-- proof method" by Pous and Sangiorgi

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Labelled-transition-system.6-2-5 (Name : Set) where

open import Prelude

open import Labelled-transition-system

infixr 12 _·_
infix   5 _[_]
infix   4 _[_]⟶_

-- Processes.

data Proc : Set where
  op  : Proc  Proc
  _·_ : Name  Proc  Proc
     : Proc

-- Transitions.

data _[_]⟶_ : Proc  Name  Proc  Set where
  action :  {a P}  a · P [ a ]⟶ P
  op     :  {a P P′ P″}  P [ a ]⟶ P′  P′ [ a ]⟶ P″  op P [ a ]⟶ P″

-- The LTS.

6-2-5 : LTS lzero
6-2-5 = record
  { Proc      = Proc
  ; Label     = Name
  ; _[_]⟶_    = _[_]⟶_
  ; is-silent = λ _  false

open LTS 6-2-5 public hiding (Proc; _[_]⟶_)

-- Polyadic contexts.

data Context (n : ) : Set where
  hole : (x : Fin n)  Context n
  op   : Context n  Context n
  _·_  : (a : Name)  Context n  Context n
      : Context n

-- Hole filling.

_[_] :  {n}  Context n  (Fin n  Proc)  Proc
hole x [ ps ] = ps x
op C   [ ps ] = op (C [ ps ])
a · C  [ ps ] = a · (C [ ps ])
      [ ps ] =