-- A partial order

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Delay-monad.Partial-order {a} {A : Set a} where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (module W)

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Strong-bisimilarity using ([_]_∼_)
open import Delay-monad.Weak-bisimilarity as W
  using ([_]_≈_; _≈_; force)

-- An ordering relation.
-- Capretta defines a pointwise logically equivalent relation in
-- "General Recursion via Coinductive Types".
-- Benton, Kennedy and Varming define a relation that is perhaps
-- pointwise logically equivalent in "Some Domain Theory and
-- Denotational Semantics in Coq".

infix 4 [_]_⊑_ [_]_⊑′_ _⊑_ _⊑′_


  data [_]_⊑_ (i : Size) : Delay A   Delay A   Set a where
    now    :  {x}  [ i ] now x  now x
    laterʳ :  {x y}  [ i ] x  force y  [ i ] x  later y
    laterˡ :  {x y}  [ i ] force x ⊑′ y  [ i ] later x  y

  record [_]_⊑′_ (i : Size) (x y : Delay A ) : Set a where
      force : {j : Size< i}  [ j ] x  y

open [_]_⊑′_ public

_⊑_ : Delay A   Delay A   Set a
_⊑_ = [  ]_⊑_

_⊑′_ : Delay A   Delay A   Set a
_⊑′_ = [  ]_⊑′_

-- A derived "constructor".

later-cong :  {i x y} 
             [ i ] force x ⊑′ force y  [ i ] later x  later y
later-cong p = laterʳ (laterˡ p)

-- Termination predicates.

Terminates : Size  Delay A   A  Set a
Terminates i x y = [ i ] now y  x

_⇓_ : Delay A   A  Set a
_⇓_ = Terminates 

-- If x terminates with the values y and z, then y is equal to z.

⇓→⇓→≡ :  {i x y z}  Terminates i x y  Terminates i x z  y  z
⇓→⇓→≡ now        now        = refl
⇓→⇓→≡ (laterʳ p) (laterʳ q) = ⇓→⇓→≡ p q

-- If x is smaller than or equal to now y, and x terminates, then
-- x terminates with the value y.

⊑now→⇓→⇓ :  {i x} {y z : A} 
           x  now y  Terminates i x z  Terminates i x y
⊑now→⇓→⇓ now        now        = now
⊑now→⇓→⇓ (laterˡ p) (laterʳ q) = laterʳ (⊑now→⇓→⇓ (force p) q)

-- The notion of termination defined here is pointwise isomorphic to
-- the one defined in Delay-monad.Weak-bisimilarity.

⇓↔⇓ :  {i x y}  Terminates i x y  W.Terminates i x y
⇓↔⇓ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to
      ; from = from
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  ; left-inverse-of = from∘to
  to :  {i x y}  Terminates i x y  W.Terminates i x y
  to now        = W.now
  to (laterʳ p) = W.laterʳ (to p)

  from :  {i x y}  W.Terminates i x y  Terminates i x y
  from W.now        = now
  from (W.laterʳ p) = laterʳ (from p)

  from∘to :  {i x y} (p : Terminates i x y)  from (to p)  p
  from∘to now        = refl
  from∘to (laterʳ p) = cong laterʳ (from∘to p)

  to∘from :  {i x y} (p : W.Terminates i x y)  to (from p)  p
  to∘from W.now        = refl
  to∘from (W.laterʳ p) = cong W.laterʳ (to∘from p)

-- Terminates i is pointwise isomorphic to Terminates ∞.

Terminates↔⇓ :  {i x y}  Terminates i x y  x  y
Terminates↔⇓ {i} {x} {y} =
  Terminates i x y    ↝⟨ ⇓↔⇓ 
  W.Terminates i x y  ↝⟨ W.Terminates↔⇓ 
  x W.⇓ y             ↝⟨ inverse ⇓↔⇓ ⟩□
  x  y               

-- The computation never is smaller than or equal to all other
-- computations.

never⊑ :  {i} x  [ i ] never  x
never⊑ (now x)   = laterˡ λ { .force  never⊑ (now x) }
never⊑ (later x) = later-cong λ { .force  never⊑ (force x) }

-- The computation never does not terminate.

now⋢never :  {i x}  ¬ Terminates i never x
now⋢never (laterʳ p) = now⋢never p

-- One can remove later constructors.

laterˡ⁻¹ :  {i} {j : Size< i} {x y} 
           [ i ] later x  y 
           [ j ] force x  y
laterˡ⁻¹ (laterʳ p) = laterʳ (laterˡ⁻¹ p)
laterˡ⁻¹ (laterˡ p) = force p

laterʳ⁻¹ :  {i x y} 
           [ i ] x  later y 
           [ i ] x  force y
laterʳ⁻¹ (laterʳ p) = p
laterʳ⁻¹ (laterˡ p) = laterˡ λ { .force  laterʳ⁻¹ (force p) }

later-cong⁻¹ :  {i} {j : Size< i} {x y} 
               [ i ] later x  later y 
               [ j ] force x  force y
later-cong⁻¹ p = laterʳ⁻¹ (laterˡ⁻¹ p)

-- Weak bisimilarity is contained in the ordering relation.

≈→⊑ :  {i x y}  [ i ] x  y  [ i ] x  y
≈→⊑ W.now        = now
≈→⊑ (W.later  p) = later-cong λ { .force  ≈→⊑ (force p) }
≈→⊑ (W.laterˡ p) = laterˡ λ { .force  ≈→⊑ p }
≈→⊑ (W.laterʳ p) = laterʳ (≈→⊑ p)

-- The ordering relation is antisymmetric (with respect to weak
-- bisimilarity).

antisymmetric :  {i x y} 
                [ i ] x  y  [ i ] y  x  [ i ] x  y
antisymmetric {x = now   x} {y = now  .x} now        _          = W.now
antisymmetric {x = now   x} {y = later y} (laterʳ p) q          = W.laterʳ (_↔_.to ⇓↔⇓ p)
antisymmetric {x = later x} {y = now   y} p          (laterʳ q) = W.laterˡ (W.symmetric (_↔_.to ⇓↔⇓ q))
antisymmetric {x = later x} {y = later y} p          q          =
  W.later λ { .force  antisymmetric (later-cong⁻¹ p) (later-cong⁻¹ q) }

-- An alternative characterisation of weak bisimilarity.

≈⇔⊑×⊒ :  {i x y}  [ i ] x  y  ([ i ] x  y × [ i ] y  x)
≈⇔⊑×⊒ = record
  { to   = λ p  ≈→⊑ p , ≈→⊑ (W.symmetric p)
  ; from = uncurry antisymmetric

-- The ordering relation is reflexive.

reflexive :  {i} x  [ i ] x  x
reflexive (now x)   = now
reflexive (later x) = later-cong λ { .force  reflexive (force x) }

-- Certain instances of symmetry also hold.

symmetric :  {i} {x : A} {y} 
            Terminates i y x  [ i ] y  now x
symmetric now        = now
symmetric (laterʳ p) = laterˡ λ { .force  symmetric p }

-- The ordering relation is transitive.

transitive :  {i} {x y z : Delay A } 
             [ i ] x  y  y  z  [ i ] x  z
transitive p          now        = p
transitive p          (laterʳ q) = laterʳ (transitive p q)
transitive (laterʳ p) (laterˡ q) = transitive p (force q)
transitive (laterˡ p) q          = laterˡ λ { .force 
                                     transitive (force p) q }

-- The termination relation respects weak bisimilarity.

⇓-respects-≈ :  {i x y z}  Terminates i x z  x  y  Terminates i y z
⇓-respects-≈ now        q = ≈→⊑ q
⇓-respects-≈ (laterʳ p) q = ⇓-respects-≈ p (W.laterˡ⁻¹ q)

-- The ordering relation respects weak bisimilarity.

transitive-≈⊑ :  {i x y z}  [ i ] x  y  y  z  [ i ] x  z
transitive-≈⊑ p q = transitive (≈→⊑ p) q

transitive-⊑≈ :  {i x y z}  [ i ] x  y  y  z  [ i ] x  z
transitive-⊑≈ p          W.now        = p
transitive-⊑≈ (laterʳ p) (W.later  q) = laterʳ (transitive-⊑≈ p (force q))
transitive-⊑≈ (laterˡ p) q            = laterˡ λ { .force 
                                          transitive-⊑≈ (force p) q }
transitive-⊑≈ (laterʳ p) (W.laterˡ q) = transitive-⊑≈ p q
transitive-⊑≈ p          (W.laterʳ q) = laterʳ (transitive-⊑≈ p q)

-- There is a transitivity-like function that produces an ordering
-- proof from one weak bisimilarity proof and one ordering proof, in
-- such a way that the size of the ordering proof is preserved, iff A
-- is uninhabited.

Transitivity-≈⊑ʳ =
   {i} {x y z : Delay A }  x  y  [ i ] y  z  [ i ] x  z

size-preserving-transitivity-≈⊑ʳ⇔uninhabited : Transitivity-≈⊑ʳ  ¬ A
size-preserving-transitivity-≈⊑ʳ⇔uninhabited = record
  { to   = Transitivity-≈⊑ʳ                                    ↝⟨  trans {i x} 

               [ i ] later (record { force = now x })  never        ↝⟨ ≈→⊑  W.∼→≈ 
               [ i ] later (record { force = now x })  never        ↝⟨ trans (W.laterʳ W.now) 
               [ i ] now x  never                                   ↝⟨ _↔_.to ⇓↔⇓ ⟩□
               [ i ] now x  never                                   ) 

           W.Laterˡ⁻¹-∼≈′                                      ↝⟨ _⇔_.to W.size-preserving-laterˡ⁻¹-∼≈′⇔uninhabited 

           ¬ A                                                 
  ; from = ¬ A               ↝⟨ W.uninhabited→trivial 
           (∀ x y  x  y)   ↝⟨  trivial _ _  ≈→⊑ (trivial _ _)) 
           (∀ x y  x  y)   ↝⟨  trivial {_ _ _ _} _ _  trivial _ _) ⟩□

-- Transitivity can be made size-preserving in the second argument iff
-- A is uninhabited.

Transitivityʳ =
   {i} {x y z : Delay A }  x  y  [ i ] y  z  [ i ] x  z

size-preserving-transitivityʳ⇔uninhabited : Transitivityʳ  ¬ A
size-preserving-transitivityʳ⇔uninhabited = record
  { to   = Transitivityʳ     ↝⟨ _∘ ≈→⊑ 
           Transitivity-≈⊑ʳ  ↝⟨ _⇔_.to size-preserving-transitivity-≈⊑ʳ⇔uninhabited ⟩□
           ¬ A               
  ; from = ¬ A              ↝⟨ W.uninhabited→trivial 
           (∀ x y  x  y)  ↝⟨  trivial _ _  ≈→⊑ (trivial _ _)) 
           (∀ x y  x  y)  ↝⟨  trivial {_ _ _ _} _ _  trivial _ _) ⟩□

-- There is a transitivity-like function that produces an ordering
-- proof from one ordering proof and one weak bisimilarity proof, in
-- such a way that the size of the weak bisimilarity proof is
-- preserved, iff A is uninhabited.

Transitivity-⊑≈ʳ =
   {i} {x y z : Delay A }  x  y  [ i ] y  z  [ i ] x  z

size-preserving-transitivity-⊑≈ʳ⇔uninhabited : Transitivity-⊑≈ʳ  ¬ A
size-preserving-transitivity-⊑≈ʳ⇔uninhabited = record
  { to   = Transitivity-⊑≈ʳ                                    ↝⟨  trans {i x} 

               [ i ] later (record { force = now x })  never        ↝⟨ W.∼→≈ 
               [ i ] later (record { force = now x })  never        ↝⟨ trans (laterʳ now) 
               [ i ] now x  never                                   ↝⟨ _↔_.to ⇓↔⇓ ⟩□
               [ i ] now x  never                                   ) 

           W.Laterˡ⁻¹-∼≈′                                      ↝⟨ _⇔_.to W.size-preserving-laterˡ⁻¹-∼≈′⇔uninhabited 

           ¬ A                                                 
  ; from = ¬ A               ↝⟨ W.uninhabited→trivial 
           (∀ x y  x  y)   ↝⟨  trivial _ _  ≈→⊑ (trivial _ _)) 
           (∀ x y  x  y)   ↝⟨  trivial {_ _ _ _} _ _  trivial _ _) ⟩□

-- An alternative characterisation of the ordering relation.
-- Capretta proves a similar result in "General Recursion via
-- Coinductive Types".
-- One might wonder if the equivalence can be made size-preserving in
-- some way. However, note that x ⇓ y is in bijective correspondence
-- with Terminates i x y for any size i (see Terminates↔⇓).

⊑⇔⇓→⇓ :  {x y}  x  y  (∀ z  x  z  y  z)
⊑⇔⇓→⇓ = record
  { to   = to
  ; from = from _
  to :  {x y}  x  y   z  x  z  y  z
  to p          z now   = p
  to (laterʳ p) z q          = laterʳ (to p z q)
  to (laterˡ p) z (laterʳ q) = to (force p) z q

  from :  x {y}  (∀ z  x  z  y  z)  x  y
  from (now x)   p = p x now
  from (later x) p = laterˡ λ { .force 
                       from (force x)  z q  p z (laterʳ q)) }

-- An alternative characterisation of weak bisimilarity.

≈⇔≈₂ : {x y : Delay A }  x  y  x W.≈₂ y
≈⇔≈₂ {x} {y} =
  x  y                                                  ↝⟨ ≈⇔⊑×⊒ 
  x  y × y  x                                          ↝⟨ ⊑⇔⇓→⇓ ×-cong ⊑⇔⇓→⇓ 
  (∀ z  x  z  y  z) × (∀ z  y  z  x  z)          ↝⟨ ∀-cong _  _  →-cong _ (from-bijection ⇓↔⇓) (from-bijection ⇓↔⇓))
                                                            ∀-cong _  _  →-cong _ (from-bijection ⇓↔⇓) (from-bijection ⇓↔⇓)) 
  (∀ z  x W.⇓ z  y W.⇓ z) × (∀ z  y W.⇓ z  x W.⇓ z)  ↝⟨ record { to   = uncurry λ to from z  record { to = to z; from = from z }
                                                                   ; from = λ hyp  _⇔_.to  hyp , _⇔_.from  hyp
                                                                   } ⟩□
  (∀ z  x W.⇓ z  y W.⇓ z)                              

-- If A is a set, then every computation is weakly bisimilar to either
-- never or now something (assuming excluded middle and
-- extensionality).

⇑⊎⇓ :
  Excluded-middle a  Extensionality a a 
  Is-set A  (x : Delay A )  never  x   λ y  x W.⇓ y
⇑⊎⇓ em ext A-set x =
  ⊎-map (_⇔_.from ≈⇔≈₂) id $
  Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em
        { x⇑ (y , x⇓y) 
            W.now≉never (now y  W.≈⟨ x⇓y 
                         x      W.≈⟨ W.symmetric (_⇔_.from ≈⇔≈₂ x⇑) ⟩∎
                         never  ) })
       (W.≈₂-propositional ext A-set)
       (W.∃-Terminates-propositional A-set))
    (⊎-map (_⇔_.to ≈⇔≈₂) id ⟨$⟩ W.¬¬[⇑⊎⇓] x)