-- Nested applications of the defined function can be handled

module Nested where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Stream
open import Function

-- A definition of φ (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ φ (φ xs)

module φ where

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data StreamP (A : Set) : Set where
    _∷_ : (x : A) (xs :  (StreamP A))  StreamP A
    φP  : (xs : StreamP A)  StreamP A

  data StreamW (A : Set) : Set where
    _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : StreamP A)  StreamW A

  φW  : {A : Set}  StreamW A  StreamW A
  φW (x  xs) = x  φP (φP xs)

  whnf : {A : Set}  StreamP A  StreamW A
  whnf (x  xs)   = x   xs
  whnf (φP xs)    = φW (whnf xs)


    ⟦_⟧W : {A : Set}  StreamW A  Stream A
     x  xs ⟧W = x    xs ⟧P

    ⟦_⟧P : {A : Set}  StreamP A  Stream A
     xs ⟧P =  whnf xs ⟧W

  ⌈_⌉ : {A : Set}  Stream A  StreamP A
   x  xs  = x     xs 

  φ : {A : Set}  Stream A  Stream A
  φ xs =  φP  xs  ⟧P

open φ using (⟦_⟧P; ⟦_⟧W; φP; φW; φ; _∷_; ⌈_⌉)

-- An equality proof language

module Equality where

  φ-rhs : {A : Set}  (Stream A  Stream A)  Stream A  Stream A
  φ-rhs φ (x  xs) = x   φ (φ ( xs))

  SatisfiesEquation : {A : Set}  (Stream A  Stream A)  Set
  SatisfiesEquation φ =  xs  φ xs  φ-rhs φ xs

  infixr 5 _∷_
  infix  4 _≈P_ _≈W_
  infix  3 _∎
  infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩_

  data _≈P_ {A : Set} : Stream A  Stream A  Set where
    _∷_     :  (x : A) {xs ys}
              (xs≈ys :  ( xs ≈P  ys))  x  xs ≈P x  ys
    _≈⟨_⟩_  :  (xs : Stream A) {ys zs}
              (xs≈ys : xs ≈P ys) (ys≈zs : ys ≈P zs)  xs ≈P zs
    _∎      : (xs : Stream A)  xs ≈P xs
    sym     :  {xs ys} (xs≈ys : xs ≈P ys)  ys ≈P xs
    φP-cong : (xs ys : φ.StreamP A) (xs≈ys :  xs ⟧P ≈P  ys ⟧P) 
               φP xs ⟧P ≈P  φP ys ⟧P
    lemma   : (φ₁ φ₂ : Stream A  Stream A)
              (s₁ : SatisfiesEquation φ₁) (s₂ : SatisfiesEquation φ₂) 
               {xs ys} (xs≈ys : xs ≈P ys)  φ-rhs φ₁ xs ≈P φ-rhs φ₂ ys

  -- Completeness.

  completeP : {A : Set} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs  ys  xs ≈P ys
  completeP (x  xs≈ys) = x   completeP ( xs≈ys)

  -- Weak head normal forms.

  data _≈W_ {A : Set} : Stream A  Stream A  Set where
    _∷_ :  x {xs ys} (xs≈ys :  xs ≈P  ys)  x  xs ≈W x  ys

  transW : {A : Set} {xs ys zs : Stream A} 
           xs ≈W ys  ys ≈W zs  xs ≈W zs
  transW (x  xs≈ys) (.x  ys≈zs) = x  (_ ≈⟨ xs≈ys  ys≈zs)

  reflW : {A : Set} (xs : Stream A)  xs ≈W xs
  reflW (x  xs) = x  ( xs )

  symW : {A : Set} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈W ys  ys ≈W xs
  symW (x  xs≈ys) = x  sym xs≈ys

  φW-cong : {A : Set} (xs ys : φ.StreamW A) 
             xs ⟧W ≈W  ys ⟧W   φW xs ⟧W ≈W  φW ys ⟧W
  φW-cong (.x  xs) (.x  ys) (x  xs≈ys) =
    x  φP-cong (φP xs) (φP ys) (φP-cong xs ys xs≈ys)

  lemmaW : {A : Set} (φ₁ φ₂ : Stream A  Stream A)
           (s₁ : SatisfiesEquation φ₁) (s₂ : SatisfiesEquation φ₂) 
            {xs ys}  xs ≈W ys  φ-rhs φ₁ xs ≈W φ-rhs φ₂ ys
  lemmaW φ₁ φ₂ s₁ s₂ {.x  xs} {.x  ys} (x  xs≈ys) = x  (
    φ₁ (φ₁ ( xs))        ≈⟨ completeP $ s₁ (φ₁ ( xs)) 
    φ-rhs φ₁ (φ₁ ( xs))  ≈⟨ lemma φ₁ φ₂ s₁ s₂ (
      φ₁ ( xs)                ≈⟨ completeP $ s₁ ( xs) 
      φ-rhs φ₁ ( xs)          ≈⟨ lemma φ₁ φ₂ s₁ s₂ xs≈ys 
      φ-rhs φ₂ ( ys)          ≈⟨ sym $ completeP $ s₂ ( ys) 
      φ₂ ( ys)                ) 
    φ-rhs φ₂ (φ₂ ( ys))  ≈⟨ sym $ completeP $ s₂ (φ₂ ( ys)) 
    φ₂ (φ₂ ( ys))        )

  whnf : {A : Set} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈P ys  xs ≈W ys
  whnf (x  xs≈ys)               = x   xs≈ys
  whnf (xs ≈⟨ xs≈ys  ys≈zs)     = transW (whnf xs≈ys) (whnf ys≈zs)
  whnf (xs )                    = reflW xs
  whnf (sym xs≈ys)               = symW (whnf xs≈ys)
  whnf (lemma φ₁ φ₂ s₁ s₂ xs≈ys) = lemmaW φ₁ φ₂ s₁ s₂ (whnf xs≈ys)
  whnf (φP-cong xs ys xs≈ys)     =
    φW-cong (φ.whnf xs) (φ.whnf ys) (whnf xs≈ys)

  -- Soundness.


    soundW : {A : Set} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈W ys  xs  ys
    soundW (x  xs≈ys) = x   soundP xs≈ys

    soundP : {A : Set} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈P ys  xs  ys
    soundP xs≈ys = soundW (whnf xs≈ys)

open Equality
  using (_≈P_; _∷_; _≈⟨_⟩_; _∎; sym; φP-cong; φ-rhs; SatisfiesEquation)

-- Correctness

module Correctness where

  -- Uniqueness of solutions for φ's defining equation.

  φ-unique : {A : Set} (φ₁ φ₂ : Stream A  Stream A) 
             SatisfiesEquation φ₁  SatisfiesEquation φ₂ 
              xs  φ₁ xs ≈P φ₂ xs
  φ-unique φ₁ φ₂ hyp₁ hyp₂ xs =
    φ₁ xs        ≈⟨ Equality.completeP (hyp₁ xs) 
    φ-rhs φ₁ xs  ≈⟨ Equality.lemma φ₁ φ₂ hyp₁ hyp₂ (xs ) 
    φ-rhs φ₂ xs  ≈⟨ sym (Equality.completeP (hyp₂ xs)) 
    φ₂ xs        

  -- The remainder of this module establishes the existence of a
  -- solution.

  ⟦⌈_⌉⟧P : {A : Set} (xs : Stream A)    xs  ⟧P ≈P xs
  ⟦⌈ x  xs ⌉⟧P = x   ⟦⌈  xs ⌉⟧P

  φ-cong : {A : Set} (xs ys : Stream A)  xs ≈P ys  φ xs ≈P φ ys
  φ-cong xs ys xs≈ys =
    φ xs            ≈⟨ φ xs  
     φP  xs  ⟧P  ≈⟨ φP-cong  xs   ys  lemma 
     φP  ys  ⟧P  ≈⟨ φ ys  
    φ ys  
    lemma =
        xs  ⟧P  ≈⟨ ⟦⌈ xs ⌉⟧P 
      xs           ≈⟨ xs≈ys 
      ys           ≈⟨ sym ⟦⌈ ys ⌉⟧P 
        ys  ⟧P  

  -- ♯′ provides a workaround for Agda's strange definitional
  -- equality.

  infix 10 ♯′_

  ♯′_ : {A : Set}  A   A
  ♯′_ = ♯_

  φW-hom : {A : Set} (xs : φ.StreamW A) 
            φW xs ⟧W ≈P head  xs ⟧W  ♯′ φ (φ (tail  xs ⟧W))
  φW-hom (x  xs) = x   (
     φP (φP xs) ⟧P                  ≈⟨ φP-cong (φP xs) (φP   xs ⟧P ) $
                                                φP-cong xs (  xs ⟧P )
                                                        (sym ⟦⌈  xs ⟧P ⌉⟧P) 
     φP (φP   xs ⟧P ) ⟧P         ≈⟨ φP-cong (φP   xs ⟧P )
                                                  φP   xs ⟧P  ⟧P 
                                                (sym ⟦⌈  φP   xs ⟧P  ⟧P ⌉⟧P) 
     φP   φP   xs ⟧P  ⟧P  ⟧P  )

  φ-hom : {A : Set} (xs : φ.StreamP A) 
           φP xs ⟧P ≈P head  xs ⟧P  ♯′ φ (φ (tail  xs ⟧P))
  φ-hom xs = φW-hom (φ.whnf xs)

  φ-correct : {A : Set} (xs : Stream A) 
              φ xs ≈P φ-rhs φ xs
  φ-correct (x  xs) =
    φ (x  xs)                  ≈⟨ φ (x  xs)  
     φP  x  xs  ⟧P          ≈⟨ φ-hom  x  xs  
    x  ♯′ φ (φ    xs  ⟧P)  ≈⟨ x   φ-cong (φ    xs  ⟧P) (φ ( xs))
                                                (φ-cong (   xs  ⟧P) ( xs) ⟦⌈  xs ⌉⟧P) 
    φ-rhs φ (x  xs)