-- A sound, inductive approximation of stream equality

-- The point of this module is to give a short (not entirely faithful)
-- illustration of the technique used to establish soundness of
-- RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Axiomatic.Inductive._⊢_≤_ with respect to
-- RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Axiomatic.Coinductive._≤_.

module InductiveStreamEquality {A : Set} where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.All as All
open import Data.List.Any as Any using (here; there)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Stream hiding (_∈_; lookup)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)

open Any.Membership-≡

infixr 5 _∷_
infix  4 _⊢_≈_ _≈P_ _≈W_

-- An approximation of stream equality

-- Streams do not need to be regular, so _⊢_≈_ is not complete with
-- respect to _≈_.

data _⊢_≈_ (H : List (Stream A × Stream A)) :
           Stream A  Stream A  Set where
  _∷_   :  x {xs ys} 
          (x  xs , x  ys)  H   xs   ys 
          H  x  xs  x  ys
  hyp   :  {xs ys}  (xs , ys)  H  H  xs  ys
  trans :  {xs ys zs}  H  xs  ys  H  ys  zs  H  xs  zs

-- Example.

repeat-refl : (x : A)  []  repeat x  repeat x
repeat-refl x = x  hyp (here refl)

-- Soundness

Valid : (Stream A  Stream A  Set)  Stream A × Stream A  Set
Valid _R_ (xs , ys) = xs R ys

-- Programs and WHNFs.


  data _≈P_ : Stream A  Stream A  Set where
    sound :  {A xs ys}  All (Valid _≈W_) A  A  xs  ys  xs ≈P ys
    trans :  {xs ys zs}  xs ≈P ys  ys ≈P zs  xs ≈P zs

  data _≈W_ : Stream A  Stream A  Set where
    _∷_ :  x {xs ys}   ( xs ≈P  ys)  x  xs ≈W x  ys

transW :  {xs ys zs}  xs ≈W ys  ys ≈W zs  xs ≈W zs
transW (x  xs≈ys) (.x  ys≈zs) = x   trans ( xs≈ys) ( ys≈zs)

soundW :  {A xs ys}  All (Valid _≈W_) A  A  xs  ys  xs ≈W ys
soundW valid (hyp h)             = lookup valid h
soundW valid (trans xs≈ys ys≈zs) = transW (soundW valid xs≈ys)
                                          (soundW valid ys≈zs)
soundW valid (x  xs≈ys)         = proof
  where proof = x   sound (proof  valid) xs≈ys

whnf :  {xs ys}  xs ≈P ys  xs ≈W ys
whnf (sound valid xs≈ys) = soundW valid xs≈ys
whnf (trans xs≈ys ys≈zs) = transW (whnf xs≈ys) (whnf ys≈zs)

-- The programs and WHNFs are sound with respect to _≈_.


  ⟦_⟧W :  {xs ys}  xs ≈W ys  xs  ys
   x  xs≈ys ⟧W = x     xs≈ys ⟧P

  ⟦_⟧P :  {xs ys}  xs ≈P ys  xs  ys
   xs≈ys ⟧P =  whnf xs≈ys ⟧W

-- The programs and WHNFs are also complete with respect to _≈_.


  completeP :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  xs ≈P ys
  completeP xs≈ys = sound (completeW xs≈ys  []) (hyp (here refl))

  completeW :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  xs ≈W ys
  completeW (x  xs≈ys) = x   completeP ( xs≈ys)

-- Finally we get the intended soundness result for _⊢_≈_.

reallySound :  {A xs ys}  All (Valid _≈_) A  A  xs  ys  xs  ys
reallySound valid xs≈ys =
   sound (All.map  {p}  done p) valid) xs≈ys ⟧P
  done :  p  Valid _≈_ p  Valid _≈W_ p
  done (xs , ys) = completeW