-- One can construct combinators which do not preserve equality

module TotalParserCombinators.NotACongruence where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List
open import Function.Equality
open import Function.Inverse as Inv
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Nullary

open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence using (_≅P_; _∷_)
open import TotalParserCombinators.BreadthFirst
open import TotalParserCombinators.Laws
open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics as S using (_∈_·_; _≅_)

-- It is easy to construct a combinator which does not preserve
-- equality. All it takes is to inspect the input combinator's
-- structure (or that of its index), and make some suitable decision
-- based on this information. Examples:

module Example₁ where

  -- A combinator which removes ambiguity.

  unambiguous :  {Tok R xs} 
                Parser Tok R xs  Parser Tok R (take 1 xs)
  unambiguous {xs = xs} p =
      token >>=  t   unambiguous (D t p))
     return⋆ (take 1 xs)

  -- The following two parsers are (parser) equal.

  p₁ : Parser Bool Bool (true  false  [])
  p₁ = return true  return false

  p₂ : Parser Bool Bool (false  true  [])
  p₂ = return false  return true

  equal : p₁ ≅P p₂
  equal = AdditiveMonoid.commutative (return true) (return false)

  -- However, unambiguous does not respect this equality.

  unambiguous-is-not-a-congruence :
    ¬ (unambiguous p₁  unambiguous p₂)
  unambiguous-is-not-a-congruence eq
    with Inverse.to eq ⟨$⟩ S.∣-right [] (S.∣-left S.return)
  ... | S.∣-right .[] (S.∣-left               ())
  ... | S.∣-right .[] (S.∣-right .([ false ]) ())
  ... | S.∣-left []∈ = helper refl []∈
    helper :  {s} {f : Bool  List Bool}
               {p :  b   (Parser Bool Bool (f b))} 
               s  [] 
             ¬ (true  token >>= p · s)
    helper () (S._>>=_ S.token _)

module Example₂ where

  -- A combinator which returns true (without consuming input) if its
  -- argument is "fail", and false otherwise.

  is-fail-bag :  {Tok R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  List Bool
  is-fail-bag fail = [ true  ]
  is-fail-bag _    = [ false ]

  is-fail :  {Tok R xs}
            (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok Bool (is-fail-bag p)
  is-fail fail             = return true
  is-fail (return x)       = return false
  is-fail token            = return false
  is-fail (p₁  p₂)        = return false
  is-fail (f <$> p)        = return false
  is-fail (p₁  p₂)        = return false
  is-fail (p₁ >>= p₂)      = return false
  is-fail (nonempty p)     = return false
  is-fail (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) = return false

  -- The following parsers are equal, but is-fail treats them
  -- differently.

  p₁ : Parser Bool Bool []
  p₁ = fail

  p₂ : Parser Bool Bool []
  p₂ = fail  fail

  equal : p₁ ≅P p₂
  equal = Inv.id  λ _   equal

  is-fail-is-not-a-congruence : ¬ (is-fail p₁  is-fail p₂)
  is-fail-is-not-a-congruence eq with Inverse.to eq ⟨$⟩ S.return
  ... | ()