-- A library of parser combinators

-- This module also provides examples of parsers for which the indices
-- cannot be inferred.

module StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Lib where

open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Grammar
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Index

open import Data.Nat hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec;  []; _∷_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; foldr; foldl; reverse)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; _∧_; _∨_)
open import Function
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Unit using ()
import Data.Char as Char
open Char using (Char; _==_)
open import Coinduction
open import Algebra
import Data.Bool.Properties as Bool
  module BCS = CommutativeSemiring Bool.commutativeSemiring-∨-∧
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level

-- Some important derived combinators

infixl 10 _>>=_

_>>=_ :  {NT Tok e₁ c₁ i₂ R₁ R₂}  let i₁ = e₁  c₁ in
        Parser NT Tok i₁ R₁ 
        (R₁  Parser NT Tok i₂ R₂) 
        Parser NT Tok (i₁ · i₂) R₂
_>>=_ {e₁ = true } p₁ p₂ = p₁ ?>>= p₂
_>>=_ {e₁ = false} p₁ p₂ = p₁ !>>= λ x   p₂ x

cast :  {NT Tok e₁ e₂ c₁ c₂ R} 
       e₁  e₂  c₁  c₂ 
       Parser NT Tok (e₁  c₁) R  Parser NT Tok (e₂  c₂) R
cast refl refl p = p

-- Applicative functor parsers

-- We could get these for free with better library support.

infixl 50 _⊛_ _⊛!_ _<⊛_ _⊛>_ _<$>_ _<$_ _⊗_ _⊗!_

_⊛_ :  {NT Tok i₁ i₂ R₁ R₂} 
      Parser NT Tok i₁ (R₁  R₂) 
      Parser NT Tok i₂ R₁ 
      Parser NT Tok _  R₂
p₁  p₂ = p₁ >>= λ f  p₂ >>= λ x  return (f x)

-- A variant: If the second parser does not accept the empty string,
-- then neither does the combination. (This is immediate for the first
-- parser, but for the second one a small lemma is needed, hence this
-- variant.)

_⊛!_ :  {NT Tok i₁ c₂ R₁ R₂} 
       Parser NT Tok i₁ (R₁  R₂) 
       Parser NT Tok (false  c₂) R₁ 
       Parser NT Tok (false  _)  R₂
_⊛!_ {i₁ = i₁} p₁ p₂ = cast (BCS.*-comm (empty i₁) false) refl
                            (p₁  p₂)

_<$>_ :  {NT Tok i R₁ R₂} 
        (R₁  R₂) 
        Parser NT Tok i R₁ 
        Parser NT Tok _ R₂
f <$> p = return f  p

_<⊛_ :  {NT Tok i₁ i₂ R₁ R₂} 
       Parser NT Tok i₁ R₁ 
       Parser NT Tok i₂ R₂ 
       Parser NT Tok _ R₁
p₁ <⊛ p₂ = const <$> p₁  p₂

_⊛>_ :  {NT Tok i₁ i₂ R₁ R₂} 
       Parser NT Tok i₁ R₁ 
       Parser NT Tok i₂ R₂ 
       Parser NT Tok _ R₂
p₁ ⊛> p₂ = flip const <$> p₁  p₂

_<$_ :  {NT Tok i R₁ R₂} 
       Parser NT Tok i R₂ 
       Parser NT Tok _ R₁
x <$ p = const x <$> p

_⊗_ :  {NT Tok i₁ i₂ R₁ R₂} 
      Parser NT Tok i₁ R₁  Parser NT Tok i₂ R₂ 
      Parser NT Tok _ (R₁ × R₂)
p₁  p₂ = (_,_) <$> p₁  p₂

_⊗!_ :  {NT Tok i₁ c₂ R₁ R₂} 
       Parser NT Tok i₁ R₁  Parser NT Tok (false  c₂) R₂ 
       Parser NT Tok (false  _) (R₁ × R₂)
p₁ ⊗! p₂ = (_,_) <$> p₁ ⊛! p₂

-- Parsing sequences

infix 55 _⋆ _+

-- Not accepted by the productivity checker:

-- mutual

--   _⋆ : ∀ {NT Tok R c} →
--        Parser NT Tok (false ◇ c) R     →
--        Parser NT Tok _           (List R)
--   p ⋆ = return [] ∣ p +

--   _+ : ∀ {NT Tok R c} →
--        Parser NT Tok (false ◇ c) R     →
--        Parser NT Tok _           (List R)
--   p + = _∷_ <$> p ⊛ p ⋆

-- In fact the code above risks leading to infinite loops in the
-- current version of Agda (Mar 2009), since it does not contain any
-- coinductive constructors. The following code is OK, though:


  _⋆ :  {NT Tok R c} 
       Parser NT Tok (false  c) R        
       Parser NT Tok _           (List R)
  p  = return []  p +

  _+ :  {NT Tok R c} 
       Parser NT Tok (false  c) R        
       Parser NT Tok _           (List R)
  p + =  p   !>>= λ x   
        (p  ?>>= λ xs 
         return (x  xs))

-- p sepBy⟨ ne ⟩ sep and p sepBy sep parse one or more ps separated by
-- seps.

_sepBy⟨_⟩_ :  {NT Tok i i′ R R′} 
             Parser NT Tok i R 
             (empty i′  true)  (empty i  true)  false 
             Parser NT Tok i′ R′ 
             Parser NT Tok _ (List R)
p sepBy⟨ non-empty  sep = _∷_ <$> p  cast₁ (sep ⊛> p) 
  where cast₁ = cast non-empty refl

-- _sepBy_ could be implemented by using _sepBy⟨_⟩_, but the following
-- definition is handled more efficiently by the current version of
-- Agda (Dec 2008).

_sepBy_ :  {NT Tok i c R R′} 
          Parser NT Tok i R  Parser NT Tok (false  c) R′ 
          Parser NT Tok _ (List R)
p sepBy sep = _∷_ <$> p  (sep ⊛> p) 

-- Note that the index of atLeast is only partly inferred; the
-- recursive structure of atLeast-index is given manually.

atLeast-index : Corners    Index
atLeast-index c zero    = _
atLeast-index c (suc n) = _

-- At least n occurrences of p.

atLeast :  {NT Tok c R} (n : ) 
          Parser NT Tok (false  c) R 
          Parser NT Tok (atLeast-index c n) (List R)
atLeast zero    p = p 
atLeast (suc n) p = _∷_ <$> p  atLeast n p

-- exactly n p parses n occurrences of p.

exactly-index : Index    Index
exactly-index i zero    = _
exactly-index i (suc n) = _

exactly :  {NT Tok i R} n 
          Parser NT Tok i R 
          Parser NT Tok (exactly-index i n) (Vec R n)
exactly zero    p = return []
exactly (suc n) p = _∷_ <$> p  exactly n p

-- A function with a similar type:

sequence :  {NT Tok i R n} 
           Vec (Parser NT Tok i R) n 
           Parser NT Tok (exactly-index i n) (Vec R n)
sequence []       = return []
sequence (p  ps) = _∷_ <$> p  sequence ps

-- p between ps parses p repeatedly, between the elements of ps:
--   ∙ between (x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []) ≈ x ∙ y ∙ z.

between-corners : Corners    Corners
between-corners c′ zero    = _
between-corners c′ (suc n) = _

_between_ :  {NT Tok i R c′ R′ n} 
            Parser NT Tok i R 
            Vec (Parser NT Tok (false  c′) R′) (suc n) 
            Parser NT Tok (false  between-corners c′ n) (Vec R n)
p between (x  [])     = [] <$ x
p between (x  y  xs) = _∷_ <$> (x ⊛> p)  (p between (y  xs))

-- Chaining

-- Associativity. Used to specify how chain≥ should apply the parsed
-- operators: left or right associatively.

data Assoc : Set where
  left  : Assoc
  right : Assoc

-- Application.

appʳ : {R : Set}  R × (R  R  R)  R  R
appʳ (x , _•_) y = x  y

appˡ :  {R}  R  (R  R  R) × R  R
appˡ x (_•_ , y) = x  y

-- Shifting. See Examples below for an illuminating example.

shiftʳ :  {A B}  A  List (B × A)  List (A × B) × A
shiftʳ x  []                = ([] , x)
shiftʳ x₁ ((x₂ , x₃)  xs₄) = ((x₁ , x₂)  proj₁ xs₃x₄ , proj₂ xs₃x₄)
  where xs₃x₄ = shiftʳ x₃ xs₄

-- Post-processing for the chain≥ parser.

chain≥-combine : {R : Set}  Assoc  R  List ((R  R  R) × R)  R
chain≥-combine left  x ys = foldl appˡ x ys
chain≥-combine right x ys with shiftʳ x ys
... | (xs , y) = foldr appʳ y xs

-- Chains at least n occurrences of op, in an a-associative
-- manner. The ops are surrounded by ps.

chain≥ :  {NT Tok c₁ i₂ R} (n : ) 
         Parser NT Tok (false  c₁) R 
         Parser NT Tok i₂ (R  R  R) 
         Parser NT Tok _ R
chain≥ n a p op = chain≥-combine a <$> p  atLeast n (op ⊗! p)

 module Examples {R S : Set}
                 (x y z : R)
                 (a b : S)
                 (_+_ _*_ : R  R  R)

  ex : shiftʳ x ((a , y)  (b , z)  [])  ((x , a)  (y , b)  [] , z)
  ex = refl

  exʳ : chain≥-combine right x ((_+_ , y)  (_*_ , z)  [])  x + (y * z)
  exʳ = refl

  exˡ : chain≥-combine left  x ((_+_ , y)  (_*_ , z)  [])  (x + y) * z
  exˡ = refl

-- N-ary variants of _∣_

-- choice ps parses one of the elements in ps.

choice-corners : Corners    Corners
choice-corners c zero    = _
choice-corners c (suc n) = _

choice :  {NT Tok c R n} 
         Vec (Parser NT Tok (false  c) R) n 
         Parser NT Tok (false  choice-corners c n) R
choice []       = fail
choice (p  ps) = p  choice ps

-- choiceMap f xs ≈ choice (map f xs), but avoids use of Vec and
-- fromList.

choiceMap-corners : {A : Set}  (A  Corners)  List A  Corners
choiceMap-corners c []       = _
choiceMap-corners c (x  xs) = _

choiceMap :  {NT Tok R} {A : Set} {c : A  Corners} 
            ((x : A)  Parser NT Tok (false  c x) R) 
            (xs : List A) 
            Parser NT Tok (false  choiceMap-corners c xs) R
choiceMap f []       = fail
choiceMap f (x  xs) = f x  choiceMap f xs

-- sat and friends

sat :  {NT Tok R}  (Tok  Maybe R)  Parser NT Tok (0I · 1I) R
sat {NT} {Tok} {R} p = token !>>= λ c   ok (p c)
  okIndex : Maybe R  Index
  okIndex nothing  = _
  okIndex (just _) = _

  ok : (x : Maybe R)  Parser NT Tok (okIndex x) R
  ok nothing  = fail
  ok (just x) = return x

sat' :  {NT Tok}  (Tok  Bool)  Parser NT Tok _ 
sat' p = sat (boolToMaybe  p)

any :  {NT Tok}  Parser NT Tok _ Tok
any = sat just

-- Token parsers

module Token (A : DecSetoid zero zero) where

  open DecSetoid A using (_≟_) renaming (Carrier to Tok)

  -- Parses a given token (or, really, a given equivalence class of
  -- tokens).

  tok :  {NT}  Tok  Parser NT Tok _ Tok
  tok tok = sat p
    p : Tok  Maybe Tok
    p tok′ with tok  tok′
    ... | yes _ = just tok′
    ... | no  _ = nothing

  -- Parses a sequence of tokens.

  theString :  {NT n}  Vec Tok n  Parser NT Tok _ (Vec Tok n)
  theString cs = sequence (Vec.map tok cs)

-- Character parsers

digit :  {NT}  Parser NT Char _ 
digit = 0 <$ tok '0'
       1 <$ tok '1'
       2 <$ tok '2'
       3 <$ tok '3'
       4 <$ tok '4'
       5 <$ tok '5'
       6 <$ tok '6'
       7 <$ tok '7'
       8 <$ tok '8'
       9 <$ tok '9'
  where open Token Char.decSetoid

number :  {NT}  Parser NT Char _ 
number = toNum <$> digit +
  toNum = foldr  n x  10 * x + n) 0  reverse

-- whitespace recognises an incomplete but useful list of whitespace
-- characters.

whitespace :  {NT}  Parser NT Char _ 
whitespace = sat' isSpace
  isSpace = λ c 
    (c == ' ')  (c == '\t')  (c == '\n')  (c == '\r')