-- Pointwise equalities can be lifted

module Stream.Pointwise where

open import Coinduction hiding ()
open import Stream
open import Stream.Equality
import Stream.Programs as Prog
open Prog hiding (lift; ⟦_⟧)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
import Data.Vec  as Vec
import Data.Vec1 as Vec1
open Vec  using (Vec;  _∷_)
open Vec1 using (Vec₁; _∷_)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality1
  module IsEq {A} =
    IsEquivalence (Setoid.isEquivalence (Stream.setoid A))

-- Definitions

infix  8 _∞
infixr 7 _·_
infix  6 _⟨_⟩_

-- Expressions corresponding to pointwise definitions of streams.
-- Indexed on the number of variables.

-- It is possible to generalise this type, allowing variables to
-- correspond to streams containing elements of arbitrary type, and
-- letting the function arguments of _·_ and _⟨_⟩_ be more general.
-- However, this would complicate the development, so I hesitate to do
-- so without evidence that it would be genuinely useful.

data Pointwise A n : Set where
  var   : (x : Fin n)  Pointwise A n
  _∞    : (x : A)  Pointwise A n
  _·_   : (f : A  A) (xs : Pointwise A n)  Pointwise A n
  _⟨_⟩_ : (xs : Pointwise A n)
          (_∙_ : A  A  A)
          (ys : Pointwise A n) 
          Pointwise A n

-- Stream semantics.

⟦_⟧ :  {A n}  Pointwise A n  (Vec₁ (Prog A) n  Prog A)
 var x          ρ = Vec1.lookup x ρ
 x             ρ = x 
 f · xs         ρ = f ·  xs  ρ
 xs  _∙_  ys  ρ =  xs  ρ  _∙_   ys  ρ

-- Pointwise semantics.

⟪_⟫ :  {A n}  Pointwise A n  (Vec A n  A)
 var x          ρ = Vec.lookup x ρ
 x             ρ = x
 f · xs         ρ = f ( xs  ρ)
 xs  _∙_  ys  ρ =  xs  ρ   ys  ρ

-- Some lemmas used below


  -- lookup is natural.

  lookup-nat :  {A B n} (f : A  B) (x : Fin n) ρ 
               f (Vec1.lookup x ρ)  Vec.lookup x (Vec1.map₁₀ f ρ)
  lookup-nat f zero    (x  ρ) = refl
  lookup-nat f (suc i) (x  ρ) = lookup-nat f i ρ

  lookup-nat' :  {A B : Set1} {n} (f : A  B) (x : Fin n) ρ 
                f (Vec1.lookup x ρ) ≡₁ Vec1.lookup x (Vec1.map f ρ)
  lookup-nat' f zero    (x  ρ) = refl
  lookup-nat' f (suc i) (x  ρ) = lookup-nat' f i ρ

-- The two semantics above are related via the function lift


  -- Lifts a pointwise function to a function on stream programs.

  lift :  {A B n} 
         (Vec A n  B)  Vec₁ (Prog A) n  Prog B
  lift f xs = f (Vec1.map₁₀ headP xs)  ♯₁ lift f (Vec1.map tailP xs)

  -- lift is a congruence in its first argument.

  lift-cong :  {A B n} {f g : Vec A n  B} 
              (∀ ρ  f ρ  g ρ) 
               ρ  lift f ρ  lift g ρ
  lift-cong hyp ρ = hyp (Vec1.map₁₀ headP ρ) 
                    ♯₁ lift-cong hyp (Vec1.map tailP ρ)

  -- unfold xs ρ is the one-step unfolding of ⟦ xs ⟧ ρ. Note the
  -- similarity to lift.

  unfold :  {A n} (xs : Pointwise A n) ρ  Prog A
  unfold xs ρ =  xs  (Vec1.map₁₀ headP ρ) ≺♯
                 xs  (Vec1.map   tailP ρ)

  unfold-lemma :  {A n} (xs : Pointwise A n) ρ 
                  xs  ρ  unfold xs ρ
  unfold-lemma (var x) ρ =
    Vec1.lookup x ρ
      ≊⟨ ≊-η (Vec1.lookup x ρ) 
    headP (Vec1.lookup x ρ) ≺♯ tailP (Vec1.lookup x ρ)
      ≊⟨ lookup-nat headP x ρ 
         ♯₁ ≈⇒≅ (IsEq.reflexive
                   (cong₁₀ Prog.⟦_⟧ (lookup-nat' tailP x ρ))) 
    Vec.lookup x (Vec1.map₁₀ headP ρ) ≺♯
    Vec1.lookup x (Vec1.map tailP ρ)
      ≡⟨ refl 
    unfold (var x) ρ
  unfold-lemma (x )    ρ = x  
  unfold-lemma (f · xs) ρ =
    f ·  xs  ρ
      ≊⟨ ·-cong f ( xs  ρ) (unfold xs ρ) (unfold-lemma xs ρ) 
    f · unfold xs ρ
  unfold-lemma (xs    ys) ρ =
     xs  ρ     ys  ρ
      ≊⟨   ⟩-cong ( xs  ρ) (unfold xs ρ) (unfold-lemma xs ρ)
                    ( ys  ρ) (unfold ys ρ) (unfold-lemma ys ρ) 
    unfold xs ρ    unfold ys ρ

  -- The two semantics are related.

  main-lemma :  {A n} (xs : Pointwise A n) 
                ρ   xs  ρ  lift  xs  ρ
  main-lemma xs ρ =
     xs  ρ
      ≊⟨ unfold-lemma xs ρ 
    unfold xs ρ
      ≡⟨ refl 
     xs  (Vec1.map₁₀ headP ρ) ≺♯  xs  (Vec1.map tailP ρ)
      ≊⟨ refl  ♯₁ main-lemma xs (Vec1.map tailP ρ) 
    lift  xs  ρ

-- To prove that two streams which are defined pointwise are equal, it
-- is enough to reason about a single (arbitrary) point

-- This function is a bit awkward to use, since the user has to come
-- up with a suitable environment manually. The alternative function
-- pointwise below may be slightly easier to use.

pointwise' :  {A n} (xs ys : Pointwise A n) 
             (∀ ρ   xs  ρ   ys  ρ) 
             (∀ ρ   xs  ρ   ys  ρ)
pointwise' xs ys hyp ρ =
   xs  ρ
    ≊⟨ main-lemma xs ρ 
  lift  xs  ρ
    ≊⟨ lift-cong hyp ρ 
  lift  ys  ρ
    ≊⟨ ≅-sym (main-lemma ys ρ) 
   ys  ρ

open import Data.Vec.N-ary
import Data.Vec.N-ary1 as N1

-- Applies the function to all possible variables.

app :  {A} n 
      N-ary n (Pointwise A n) (Pointwise A n)  Pointwise A n
app n f = f $ⁿ Vec.map var (Vec.allFin n)

-- The type signature of this function may be a bit daunting, but once
-- n, f and g are instantiated with well-behaved concrete values the
-- remaining type evaluates nicely.

  :  {A} n (f g : N-ary n (Pointwise A n) (Pointwise A n)) 
    Eq    n _≡_ (   curryⁿ  app n f ) (   curryⁿ  app n g ) 
    N1.Eq n _≊_ (N1.curryⁿ  app n f ) (N1.curryⁿ  app n g )
pointwise n f g hyp =
  N1.curryⁿ-pres  app n f   app n g 
    (pointwise' (app n f) (app n g)
      (curryⁿ-pres⁻¹  app n f   app n g  hyp))

-- Some examples


  example₁ : suc · 0   1 
  example₁ = pointwise 0 (suc · 0 ) (1 ) refl

  example₂ :  s  suc · s  1   _+_  s
  example₂ = pointwise 1  s  suc · s)
                          s  1   _+_  s)
                          _  refl)

  example₃ :  s t u 
             (s  _+_  t)  _+_  u  s  _+_  (t  _+_  u)
  example₃ = pointwise 3  s t u  (s  _+_  t)  _+_  u)
                          s t u   s  _+_  (t  _+_  u))
    open import Data.Nat.Properties
    open import Algebra.Structures
    open IsCommutativeSemiring isCommutativeSemiring