-- Data and codata can sometimes be "unified"

-- In Haskell one can define the partial list type once, and define
-- map once and for all for this type. In Agda one typically defines
-- the (finite) list type + map and separately the (potentially
-- infinite) colist type + map. This is not strictly necessary,
-- though: the two types can be unified. The gain may be small,
-- though.

module DataAndCodata where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Conditional coinduction

data Rec : Set where
  μ : Rec
  ν : Rec

∞? : Rec  Set  Set
∞? μ = id₁
∞? ν = 

♯? :  (r : Rec) {A}  A  ∞? r A
♯? μ = id
♯? ν = ♯_

♭? :  (r : Rec) {A}  ∞? r A  A
♭? μ = id
♭? ν = 

-- A type for definitely finite or potentially infinite lists

-- If the Rec parameter is μ, then the type contains finite lists, and
-- otherwise it contains potentially infinite lists.

infixr 5 _∷_

data List∞? (r : Rec) (A : Set) : Set where
  []  : List∞? r A
  _∷_ : A  ∞? r (List∞? r A)  List∞? r A

-- List equality.

infix 4 _≈_

data _≈_ {r A} : List∞? r A  List∞? r A  Set where
  []  : []  []
  _∷_ :  {x y xs ys} 
        x  y  ∞? r (♭? r xs  ♭? r ys)  x  xs  y  ys

-- μ-lists can be seen as ν-lists.

lift :  {A}  List∞? μ A  List∞? ν A
lift []       = []
lift (x  xs) = x   lift xs

-- The map function

-- Maps over any list. The definition contains separate cases for _∷_
-- depending on whether the Rec index is μ or ν, though.

map :  {r A B}  (A  B)  List∞? r A  List∞? r B
map     f []       = []
map {μ} f (x  xs) = f x  map f xs        -- Structural recursion
                                           -- (guarded).
map {ν} f (x  xs) = f x   map f ( xs)  -- Guarded corecursion.

-- In Haskell the map function is automatically (in effect) parametric
-- in the Rec parameter. Here this property is not automatic, so I
-- have proved it manually:

map-parametric :  {A B} (f : A  B) (xs : List∞? μ A) 
                 map f (lift xs)  lift (map f xs)
map-parametric f []       = []
map-parametric f (x  xs) = refl   map-parametric f xs