-- A definitional interpreter

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module Lambda.Partiality-monad.Inductive.Interpreter where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Interval using (ext)
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Maybe equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J

open import Partiality-monad.Inductive
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Fixpoints
open import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Monad

open import Lambda.Syntax hiding ([_])

open Closure Tm

-- An interpreter monad

-- The interpreter monad.

M :  {}  Set   Set 
M = MaybeT _⊥

-- Information ordering.

infix 4 _⊑M_

_⊑M_ :  {a} {A : Set a}  M A  M A  Set a
x ⊑M y = run x  run y

-- Bind is monotone.

_>>=ᵐ-mono_ :
   {} {A B : Set } {x y : M A} {f g : A  M B} 
  x ⊑M y  (∀ z  f z ⊑M g z)  x >>= f ⊑M y >>= g
_>>=ᵐ-mono_ {x = x} {y} {f} {g} x⊑y f⊑g =
  run x >>= maybe (MaybeT.run  f) (return nothing)  ⊑⟨ x⊑y >>=-mono maybe f⊑g (run fail ) ⟩■
  run y >>= maybe (MaybeT.run  g) (return nothing)  

-- A variant of bind for sequences.

infix 5 _>>=ˢ_

_>>=ˢ_ : {A B : Set} 
         Increasing-sequence (Maybe A) 
         (A  Increasing-sequence (Maybe B)) 
         Increasing-sequence (Maybe B)
s >>=ˢ f =
     n  MaybeT.run (wrap (s [ n ]) >>= λ x  wrap (f x [ n ])))
  ,  n  increasing s n >>=ᵐ-mono λ x  increasing (f x) n)

-- One interpreter

module Interpreter₁ where

  -- This interpreter is defined as the least upper bound of a
  -- sequence of increasingly defined interpreters.

  infix 10 _∙_


    ⟦_⟧′ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n    M Value
     con i ⟧′   ρ n = return (con i)
     var x ⟧′   ρ n = return (ρ x)
     ƛ t ⟧′     ρ n = return (ƛ t ρ)
     t₁ · t₂ ⟧′ ρ n =  t₁ ⟧′ ρ n >>= λ v₁ 
                        t₂ ⟧′ ρ n >>= λ v₂ 
                       (v₁  v₂) n

    _∙_ : Value  Value    M Value
    (con i   v₂) n       = fail
    (ƛ t₁ ρ  v₂) zero    = liftʳ never
    (ƛ t₁ ρ  v₂) (suc n) =  t₁ ⟧′ (snoc ρ v₂) n


    ⟦⟧′-increasing :
       {n} (t : Tm n) ρ n   t ⟧′ ρ n ⊑M  t ⟧′ ρ (suc n)
    ⟦⟧′-increasing (con i)   ρ n = MaybeT.run (return (con i)) 
    ⟦⟧′-increasing (var x)   ρ n = MaybeT.run (return (ρ x))   
    ⟦⟧′-increasing (ƛ t)     ρ n = MaybeT.run (return (ƛ t ρ)) 
    ⟦⟧′-increasing (t₁ · t₂) ρ n =
      ⟦⟧′-increasing t₁ ρ n >>=ᵐ-mono λ v₁ 
      ⟦⟧′-increasing t₂ ρ n >>=ᵐ-mono λ v₂ 
      ∙-increasing v₁ v₂ n

    ∙-increasing :  v₁ v₂ n  (v₁  v₂) n ⊑M (v₁  v₂) (suc n)
    ∙-increasing (con i)  v₂ n       = run fail 
    ∙-increasing (ƛ t₁ ρ) v₂ (suc n) = ⟦⟧′-increasing t₁ (snoc ρ v₂) n
    ∙-increasing (ƛ t₁ ρ) v₂ zero    =
      never >>= return  just      ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩⊑
      never                        ⊑⟨ never⊑ _ ⟩■
      run ( t₁ ⟧′ (snoc ρ v₂) 0)  

  ⟦_⟧ˢ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  Increasing-sequence (Maybe Value)
   t ⟧ˢ ρ = MaybeT.run   t ⟧′ ρ , ⟦⟧′-increasing t ρ

  ⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  M Value
  run ( t  ρ) =  ( t ⟧ˢ ρ)

-- Another interpreter

module Interpreter₂ where

  -- This interpreter is defined using a fixpoint combinator.

  M′ : Set  Set₁
  M′ = MaybeT (Partial ( λ n  Tm n × Env n)  _  Maybe Value))

  infix 10 _∙_

  _∙_ : Value  Value  M′ Value
  con i   v₂ = fail
  ƛ t₁ ρ  v₂ = wrap (rec (_ , t₁ , snoc ρ v₂))

  ⟦_⟧′ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  M′ Value
   con i ⟧′   ρ = return (con i)
   var x ⟧′   ρ = return (ρ x)
   ƛ t ⟧′     ρ = return (ƛ t ρ)
   t₁ · t₂ ⟧′ ρ =  t₁ ⟧′ ρ >>= λ v₁ 
                    t₂ ⟧′ ρ >>= λ v₂ 
                   v₁  v₂

  ⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  M Value
  run ( t  ρ) =
    fixP  { (_ , t , ρ)  run ( t ⟧′ ρ) }) (_ , t , ρ)

-- The two interpreters are pointwise equal

interpreters-equal :
   {n} (t : Tm n) ρ 
  Interpreter₁.⟦ t  ρ  Interpreter₂.⟦ t  ρ
interpreters-equal = λ t ρ 
                                                           $⟨ ⟦⟧-lemma t ρ 
  (∀ n  run (Interpreter₁.⟦ t ⟧′ ρ n) 
         app→ step₂ (suc n) (_ , t , ρ))                   ↝⟨ cong   _↔_.to equality-characterisation-increasing 

   (Interpreter₁.⟦ t ⟧ˢ ρ) 
   (tailˢ (at (fix→-sequence step₂) (_ , t , ρ)))         ↝⟨ flip trans (⨆tail≡⨆ _) 

   (Interpreter₁.⟦ t ⟧ˢ ρ) 
   (at (fix→-sequence step₂) (_ , t , ρ))                 ↝⟨ id 

  run (Interpreter₁.⟦ t  ρ)  run (Interpreter₂.⟦ t  ρ)  ↝⟨ cong wrap ⟩□

  Interpreter₁.⟦ t  ρ  Interpreter₂.⟦ t  ρ              
  open Partial
  open Trans-⊑

  step₂ : Trans-⊑ ( λ n  Tm n × Env n)  _  Maybe Value)
  step₂ = transformer λ { (_ , t , ρ)  run (Interpreter₂.⟦ t ⟧′ ρ) }


    ⟦⟧-lemma :
       {n} (t : Tm n) ρ n 
      run (Interpreter₁.⟦ t ⟧′ ρ n) 
      function (run (Interpreter₂.⟦ t ⟧′ ρ)) (app→ step₂ n)
    ⟦⟧-lemma (con i)   ρ n = refl
    ⟦⟧-lemma (var x)   ρ n = refl
    ⟦⟧-lemma (ƛ t)     ρ n = refl
    ⟦⟧-lemma (t₁ · t₂) ρ n =
      cong₂ _>>=_ (⟦⟧-lemma t₁ ρ n) $ ext $ flip maybe refl λ v₁ 
      cong₂ _>>=_ (⟦⟧-lemma t₂ ρ n) $ ext $ flip maybe refl λ v₂ 
      ∙-lemma v₁ v₂ n

    ∙-lemma :
       v₁ v₂ n 
      run ((v₁ Interpreter₁.∙ v₂) n) 
      function (run (v₁ Interpreter₂.∙ v₂)) (app→ step₂ n)
    ∙-lemma (con i)  v₂ n       = refl
    ∙-lemma (ƛ t₁ ρ) v₂ zero    = never >>= return  just  ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩∎
    ∙-lemma (ƛ t₁ ρ) v₂ (suc n) = ⟦⟧-lemma t₁ (snoc ρ v₂) n

-- Let us use Interpreter₁ as the default interpreter.

open Interpreter₁ public

-- An example

-- The semantics of Ω is the non-terminating computation never.

Ω-loops : run ( Ω  empty)  never
Ω-loops =
  antisymmetry (least-upper-bound _ _ lemma) (never⊑ _)
  ω-empty = ƛ (var fzero · var fzero) empty

  reduce-twice :
     n  run ( Ω ⟧′ empty n)  run ((ω-empty  ω-empty) n)
  reduce-twice n =
    run ( Ω ⟧′ empty n)                              ≡⟨ now->>= 
    run ( ω ⟧′ empty n >>= λ v₂  (ω-empty  v₂) n)  ≡⟨ now->>= ⟩∎
    run ((ω-empty  ω-empty) n)                       

  lemma :  n  run ( Ω ⟧′ empty n)  never
  lemma zero    =
    run ( Ω ⟧′ empty zero)         ≡⟨ reduce-twice zero ⟩⊑
    run ((ω-empty  ω-empty) zero)  ≡⟨ never->>= ⟩⊑
  lemma (suc n) =
    run ( Ω ⟧′ empty (suc n))  ≡⟨ reduce-twice (suc n) ⟩⊑
    run ( Ω ⟧′ empty n)        ⊑⟨ lemma n ⟩■