-- Compiler correctness

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module Lambda.Delay-monad.Compiler-correctness where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import Maybe equality-with-J hiding (_>>=′_)
open import Monad equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad.Monad
open import Delay-monad.Strong-bisimilarity
open import Delay-monad.Weak-bisimilarity

open import Lambda.Compiler
open import Lambda.Delay-monad.Interpreter
open import Lambda.Delay-monad.Virtual-machine
open import Lambda.Syntax hiding ([_])
open import Lambda.Virtual-machine

  module C = Closure Code
  module T = Closure Tm

-- Bind preserves strong bisimilarity.

infixl 5 _>>=-congM_

_>>=-congM_ :
   {i } {A B : Set } {x y : M  A} {f g : A  M  B} 
  Strongly-bisimilar i (run x) (run y) 
  (∀ z  Strongly-bisimilar i (run (f z)) (run (g z))) 
  Strongly-bisimilar i (run (x >>= f)) (run (y >>= g))
p >>=-congM q = p >>=-cong-∼ [  _  run fail ∎∼) , q ]

-- Bind is associative.

associativityM :
   {} {A B C : Set } (x : M  A) (f : A  M  B) (g : B  M  C) 
  run (x >>=  x  f x >>= g))  run (x >>= f >>= g)
associativityM x f g =
  run (x >>= λ x  f x >>= g)                                       ∼⟨⟩

  run x >>=′ maybe  x  run (f x >>= g)) (return nothing)         ∼⟨ (run x ∎∼) >>=-cong-∼ [  _  run fail ∎∼) ,  x  run (f x >>= g) ∎∼) ] 

  run x >>=′  x  maybe (MaybeT.run  f) (return nothing) x >>=′
                    maybe (MaybeT.run  g) (return nothing))        ∼⟨ associativity′ (run x) _ _ 

  run x >>=′ maybe (MaybeT.run  f) (return nothing)
        >>=′ maybe (MaybeT.run  g) (return nothing)                ∼⟨⟩

  run (x >>= f >>= g)                                               ∎∼

-- Compiler correctness.


  ⟦⟧-correct :
     {i n} t {ρ : T.Env n} {c s} {k : T.Value  M  C.Value} 
    (∀ v  Weakly-bisimilar i
             (run (exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ ))
             (run (k v))) 
    Weakly-bisimilar i
      (run (exec  comp t c , s , comp-env ρ ))
      (run ( t  ρ >>= k))

  ⟦⟧-correct (con i) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  con i  c , s , comp-env ρ )                     ≳⟨⟩
    run (exec  c , val (comp-val (T.con i))  s , comp-env ρ )  ≈⟨ hyp (T.con i) 
    run (k (T.con i))                                             ∼⟨⟩
    run ( con i  ρ >>= k)                                       ∎∼

  ⟦⟧-correct (var x) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  var x  c , s , comp-env ρ )                 ≳⟨⟩
    run (exec  c , val (comp-val (ρ x))  s , comp-env ρ )  ≈⟨ hyp (ρ x) 
    run (k (ρ x))                                             ∼⟨⟩
    run ( var x  ρ >>= k)                                   ∎∼

  ⟦⟧-correct (ƛ t) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  clo (comp t (ret  []))  c , s , comp-env ρ )   ≳⟨⟩
    run (exec  c , val (comp-val (T.ƛ t ρ))  s , comp-env ρ )  ≈⟨ hyp (T.ƛ t ρ) 
    run (k (T.ƛ t ρ))                                             ∼⟨⟩
    run ( ƛ t  ρ >>= k)                                         ∎∼

  ⟦⟧-correct (t₁ · t₂) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app  c)) , s , comp-env ρ )    ≈⟨ (⟦⟧-correct t₁ λ v₁  ⟦⟧-correct t₂ λ v₂  ∙-correct v₁ v₂ hyp) 

    run ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁   t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂  v₁  v₂ >>= k)    ∼⟨ (run ( t₁  ρ) ∎∼) >>=-congM  _  associativityM ( t₂  ρ) _ _) 

    run ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁  ( t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂  v₁  v₂) >>= k)  ∼⟨ associativityM ( t₁  ρ) _ _ 

    run ( t₁ · t₂  ρ >>= k)                                      ∎∼

  ∙-correct :
     {i n} v₁ v₂ {ρ : T.Env n} {c s} {k : T.Value  M  C.Value} 
    (∀ v  Weakly-bisimilar i
             (run (exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ ))
             (run (k v))) 
    Weakly-bisimilar i
      (run (exec  app  c
                 , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val v₁)  s
                 , comp-env ρ
      (run (v₁  v₂ >>= k))
  ∙-correct (T.con i) v₂ {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  app  c
              , val (comp-val v₂)  val (C.con i)  s
              , comp-env ρ
              )                                       ≈⟨⟩

    run fail                                           ≈⟨⟩

    run (T.con i  v₂ >>= k)                           ∎≈

  ∙-correct (T.ƛ t₁ ρ₁) v₂ {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
    run (exec  app  c
              , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val (T.ƛ t₁ ρ₁))  s
              , comp-env ρ
              )                                                    ≈⟨ later-cong (

      run (exec  comp t₁ (ret  [])
                , ret c (comp-env ρ)  s
                , snoc (comp-env ρ₁) (comp-val v₂)
             )                                                          ≡⟨ cong  ρ′ 
                                                                                    run (exec  comp t₁ (ret  []) , ret c (comp-env ρ)  s , ρ′ ))
                                                                                 (sym comp-snoc) ⟩∞≈
      run (exec  comp t₁ (ret  [])
                , ret c (comp-env ρ)  s
                , comp-env (snoc ρ₁ v₂)
                )                                                       ≈⟨ ∞⟦⟧-correct t₁  v 

        run (exec  ret  []
                  , val (comp-val v)  ret c (comp-env ρ)  s
                  , comp-env (snoc ρ₁ v₂)
                  )                                                          ≳⟨⟩

        run (exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ )                  ≈⟨ hyp v ⟩∎

        run (k v)                                                             ) ⟩∞

      run ( t₁  (snoc ρ₁ v₂) >>= k)                                    ∎∼) ⟩∎

    run (T.ƛ t₁ ρ₁  v₂ >>= k)                                      

  ∞⟦⟧-correct :
     {i n} t {ρ : T.Env n} {c s} {k : T.Value  M  C.Value} 
    (∀ v  Weakly-bisimilar i
             (run (exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ ))
             (run (k v))) 
    ∞Weakly-bisimilar i
      (run (exec  comp t c , s , comp-env ρ ))
      (run ( t  ρ >>= k))
  force (∞⟦⟧-correct t hyp) = ⟦⟧-correct t hyp

-- Note that the equality that is used here is syntactic.

correct :
  exec  comp t [] , [] , empty  ≈M
   t  empty >>= λ v  return (comp-val v)
correct t =
  run (exec  comp t [] , [] , empty )            ≡⟨ cong  ρ  run (exec  comp t [] , [] , ρ )) $ sym comp-empty ⟩≈
  run (exec  comp t [] , [] , comp-env empty )   ≈⟨ ⟦⟧-correct t  v  return (just (comp-val v)) ∎≈) ⟩∎
  run ( t  empty >>= λ v  return (comp-val v))