-- Substitutions

module SimplyTyped.Substitution where

open import SimplyTyped.TypeSystem
open import SimplyTyped.ContextExtension
import SimplyTyped.Environment as Env
open import Function hiding (_∋_)

-- General substitution machinery

-- Uses idea from "Type-Preserving Renaming and Substitution" by Conor
-- McBride to enable defining both term and variable substitutions
-- without having to write several functions which traverse terms.

-- Definition of what a substitution is.

module SubstDef (_•_ : TmLike) -- The substitution replaces variables
                               -- with this kind of "term".

  -- Substitutions of type Γ ⇒ Δ, when applied, take things with
  -- variables in Γ and give things with variables in Δ. (This concept
  -- is sometimes written with the arrow in the other direction.)

  -- Substitutions are defined in terms of environments.

  infix 10 _⇒_

    module Dummy {Δ : Ctxt} where
      open Env (_•_ Δ) public
  open Dummy public using (; _▷_; lookup)

  _⇒_ : Ctxt  Ctxt  Set
  Γ  Δ = Dummy.Env {Δ} Γ

  -- The type of functions applying substitutions to things.

  Applier : TmLike  TmLike  Set
  Applier _•₁_ _•₂_ =  {Γ Δ τ}  Γ •₁ τ  Γ  Δ  Δ •₂ τ

  -- You get lots of substitution machinery defined for you (see
  -- below) if you define a SubstKit, ...

  record SubstKit : Set where
      vr     :  {Γ τ}    Γ  τ  Γ  τ
      weaken :  {Γ σ τ}  Γ  τ  (Γ  σ)  τ
      tm     :  {Γ τ}    Γ  τ  Γ  τ

  -- ...and more if you define a SubstKit⁺.

  record SubstKit⁺ : Set where
      kit  : SubstKit
      _/•_ : Applier _•_ _•_

open SubstDef using (SubstKit; SubstKit⁺) hiding (module SubstKit)

-- Various substitution-related functions.

module Subst {_•_ : TmLike}
             (kit : SubstKit _•_)

  open SubstDef _•_ public
  open SubstKit kit

  infix  70 _↑
  infix  48 _[_]

  -- Weakening of substitutions.

  wk⇒ :  {Γ Δ σ}  Γ  Δ  Γ  Δ  σ
  wk⇒        = 
  wk⇒ (ρ  t) = wk⇒ ρ  weaken t

  -- Lifting of substitutions.

  _↑ :  {Γ Δ σ}  Γ  Δ  Γ  σ  Δ  σ
  ρ  = wk⇒ ρ  vr vz

  -- Identity.

  idˢ :  {Γ}  Γ  Γ
  idˢ {Γ = ε}     = 
  idˢ {Γ = Γ  τ} = idˢ 

  -- Weakening.

  wk :  {Γ σ}  Γ  Γ  σ
  wk = wk⇒ idˢ

  -- Substitution of a single variable.

  sub :  {Γ τ}  Γ  τ  Γ  τ  Γ
  sub t = idˢ  t

  -- Substitution application for terms.

  _[_] : Applier _⊢_ _⊢_
  var x   [ ρ ] = tm (lookup x ρ)
  ƛ t     [ ρ ] = ƛ (t [ ρ  ])
  t₁ · t₂ [ ρ ] = (t₁ [ ρ ]) · (t₂ [ ρ ])

  -- Multiple weakenings.

  wk⇒⋆ :  {Γ Δ} Δ⁺  Γ  Δ  Γ  Δ ▻▻ Δ⁺
  wk⇒⋆ ε        ρ = ρ
  wk⇒⋆ (Δ⁺  σ) ρ = wk⇒ (wk⇒⋆ Δ⁺ ρ)

  wk⋆ :  {Γ} Γ⁺  Γ  Γ ▻▻ Γ⁺
  wk⋆ Γ⁺ = wk⇒⋆ Γ⁺ idˢ

-- Subst⁺ defines composition. This function uses a stronger
-- substitution kit, which is sometimes defined using the Subst module
-- (see the examples below); this is the reason for placing
-- composition in a separate module.

module Subst⁺ {_•_  : TmLike}
              (kit⁺ : SubstKit⁺ _•_)

  open SubstDef.SubstKit⁺ kit⁺
  open Subst kit public

  infixl 70 _∘ˢ_

  _∘ˢ_ :  {Γ Δ X}  Γ  Δ  Δ  X  Γ  X
          ∘ˢ ρ₂ = 
  (ρ₁  t) ∘ˢ ρ₂ = ρ₁ ∘ˢ ρ₂  (t /• ρ₂)

-- Instantiations of the general structures above

-- Variables.

varKit : SubstKit _∋_
varKit = record
  { vr     = id
  ; weaken = vs
  ; tm     = var

varKit⁺ : SubstKit⁺ _∋_
varKit⁺ = record { kit  = varKit
                 ; _/•_ = Subst.lookup varKit

module VarSubst where
  open Subst⁺ varKit⁺ public

-- Terms.

tmKit : SubstKit _⊢_
tmKit = record
  { vr     = var
  ; weaken = λ t  t [ wk ]
  ; tm     = id
  where open VarSubst

tmKit⁺ : SubstKit⁺ _⊢_
tmKit⁺ = record { kit  = tmKit
                ; _/•_ = Subst._[_] tmKit

module TmSubst where
  open Subst⁺ tmKit⁺ public