-- Evaluating terms

open import Data.Nat

module SimplyTyped.Evaluation
         -- Semantic domains of all the base types.
         (Base :   Set)

open import SimplyTyped.TypeSystem
import SimplyTyped.Environment
open import SimplyTyped.ApplicativeStructure

-- Semantic domains for types.

⟦_⟧⋆ : Ty  Set
 base n ⟧⋆ = Base n
 σ  τ  ⟧⋆ =  σ ⟧⋆   τ ⟧⋆

open SimplyTyped.Environment ⟦_⟧⋆

-- Applicative structure.

appStr : ApplicativeStructure
appStr = record
  { Dom = λ Γ τ  Env Γ   τ ⟧⋆
  ; Var = lookup
  ; Lam = λ f ρ v  f (ρ  v)
  ; App = λ f x ρ  f ρ (x ρ)

module ForIllustrationOnly where

  -- The applicative structure above may be hard to grasp at first. If
  -- the interpretation function is written out explicitly we get the
  -- following:

  ⟦_⟧ :  {Γ τ}  Γ  τ  Env Γ   τ ⟧⋆
   var x    ρ = lookup x ρ
   ƛ t      ρ = λ v   t  (ρ  v)
   t₁ · t₂  ρ =  t₁  ρ ( t₂  ρ)