-- A quotient inductive-inductive definition of the lifting
-- construction on ω-cpos

-- The code in this module is based on a suggestion from Paolo
-- Capriotti.

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

open import Omega-cpo

module Lifting {} (cpo : ω-cpo  ) where

import Equality.Path as P
open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding ()

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

  module CPO = ω-cpo cpo

-- An ω-cppo

-- The carrier type (Carrier) and the information ordering (_⊑_) are
-- defined simultaneously.

infix 4 _⊑_ _⊒_

data Carrier : Type 
data _⊑_     : Carrier  Carrier  Type 

_⊒_ : Carrier  Carrier  Type 
x  y = y  x

    x y : Carrier

-- Increasing sequences.

Increasing-sequence : Type 
Increasing-sequence =  λ (f :   Carrier)   n  f n  f (suc n)

-- Projection functions for Increasing-sequence.

infix 30 _[_]

_[_] : Increasing-sequence    Carrier
_[_] = proj₁

increasing : (s : Increasing-sequence) 
              n  s [ n ]  s [ suc n ]
increasing = proj₂

-- Upper bounds.

Is-upper-bound : Increasing-sequence  Carrier  Type 
Is-upper-bound s x =  n  s [ n ]  x

-- Originally these types were postulated. After the release of
-- Cubical Agda they were turned into a QIIT, but in order to not get
-- any extra computation rules they were made abstract.


  -- _⊥ "constructors".

  data Carrier where
    never′        : Carrier
    now′          : CPO.Carrier  Carrier
    ⨆′            : Increasing-sequence  Carrier
    antisymmetry′ : x  y  x  y  x P.≡ y

    -- We have chosen to explicitly make the type set-truncated.
    -- However, this constructor is only used in the definition of the
    -- eliminator below.
    ≡-propositional′ : P.Is-set Carrier

  -- _⊑_ "constructors".

  data _⊑_ where
    ⊑-refl′            :  x  x  x
    ⊑-trans′           :  x y z  x  y  y  z  x  z
    never⊑′            :  x  never′  x
    upper-bound′       :  s  Is-upper-bound s (⨆′ s)
    least-upper-bound′ :  s ub  Is-upper-bound s ub  ⨆′ s  ub
    now-mono′          :  {x y}  x CPO.⊑ y  now′ x  now′ y
    now-⨆″             :  s 
                         now′ (CPO.⨆ s) 
                         ⨆′ (Σ-map (now′ ∘_) (now-mono′ ∘_) s)
    ⊑-propositional′   :  {x y}  P.Is-proposition (x  y)

  never : Carrier
  never = never′

  now : CPO.Carrier  Carrier
  now = now′

   : Increasing-sequence  Carrier
   = ⨆′

  antisymmetry : x  y  y  x  x  y
  antisymmetry = λ p q  _↔_.from ≡↔≡ (antisymmetry′ p q)

  ⊑-refl :  x  x  x
  ⊑-refl = ⊑-refl′

  ⊑-trans :  x y z  x  y  y  z  x  z
  ⊑-trans = ⊑-trans′

  never⊑ :  x  never  x
  never⊑ = never⊑′

  upper-bound :  s  Is-upper-bound s ( s)
  upper-bound = upper-bound′

  least-upper-bound :  s ub  Is-upper-bound s ub   s  ub
  least-upper-bound = least-upper-bound′

  now-mono :  {x y}  x CPO.⊑ y  now x  now y
  now-mono = now-mono′

  now-⨆′ :  s  now (CPO.⨆ s)   (Σ-map (now ∘_) (now-mono ∘_) s)
  now-⨆′ = now-⨆″

  ⊑-propositional :  {x y}  Is-proposition (x  y)
  ⊑-propositional {x = x} {y = y} =
                              $⟨ ⊑-propositional′ 
    P.Is-proposition (x  y)  ↝⟨ _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 1) ⟩□
    Is-proposition (x  y)    

-- The construction above is an ω-cppo.

cppo : ω-cppo  
cppo = record
  { cpo = record
    { Carrier           = Carrier
    ; _⊑_               = _⊑_
    ; reflexivity       = ⊑-refl _
    ; antisymmetry      = antisymmetry
    ; transitivity      = ⊑-trans _ _ _
    ; ⊑-propositional   = ⊑-propositional
    ;                  = 
    ; upper-bound       = upper-bound
    ; least-upper-bound = least-upper-bound _ _
  ; least  = never
  ; least⊑ = never⊑ _

-- Dependent eliminators

-- Predicate transformer related to increasing sequences.

Inc :  {p q}
      (P : Carrier  Type p)
      (Q :  {x y}  P x  P y  x  y  Type q) 
      Increasing-sequence  Type (p  q)
Inc P Q s =
   λ (p :  n  P (s [ n ])) 
     n  Q (p n) (p (suc n)) (increasing s n)

-- Record wrapping up the eliminators' arguments.

record Rec-args
         {p q}
         (P : Carrier  Type p)
         (Q :  {x y}  P x  P y  x  y  Type q) :
         Type (  p  q) where
    pe : P never
    po :  x  P (now x)
    pl :  s (pq : Inc P Q s)  P ( s)
    pa :  {x y} (x⊑y : x  y) (x⊒y : x  y)
         (p-x : P x) (p-y : P y)
         (q-x⊑y : Q p-x p-y x⊑y) (q-x⊒y : Q p-y p-x x⊒y) 
         subst P (antisymmetry x⊑y x⊒y) p-x  p-y
    pp :  {x} {p₁ p₂ : P x}  Is-proposition (p₁  p₂)
    qr :  x (p : P x)  Q p p (⊑-refl x)
    qt :  {x y z}
         (x⊑y : x  y) (y⊑z : y  z)
         (p-x : P x) (p-y : P y) (p-z : P z) 
         Q p-x p-y x⊑y  Q p-y p-z y⊑z 
         Q p-x p-z (⊑-trans x y z x⊑y y⊑z)
    qe :  x (p : P x)  Q pe p (never⊑ x)
    qu :  s (pq : Inc P Q s) n 
         Q (proj₁ pq n) (pl s pq) (upper-bound s n)
    ql :  s ub is-ub (pq : Inc P Q s) (pu : P ub)
         (qu :  n  Q (proj₁ pq n) pu (is-ub n)) 
         Q (pl s pq) pu (least-upper-bound s ub is-ub)
    qm :  {x y} (le : x CPO.⊑ y) 
         Q (po x) (po y) (now-mono le)
    q⨆ :  s 
         Q (po (CPO.⨆ s))
           (pl (Σ-map (now ∘_) (now-mono ∘_) s)
               (  n  po (s CPO.[ n ]))
               ,  n  qm (CPO.increasing s n))
           (now-⨆′ s)
    qp :  {x y} (p-x : P x) (p-y : P y) (x⊑y : x  y) 
         Is-proposition (Q p-x p-y x⊑y)

-- The eliminators.

module _ {p q}
         {P : Carrier  Type p}
         {Q :  {x y}  P x  P y  x  y  Type q}
         (args : Rec-args P Q) where

  open Rec-args args


    inc-rec : (s : Increasing-sequence)  Inc P Q s
    inc-rec (s , inc) =  n  ⊥-rec (s   n))
                      ,  n  ⊑-rec (inc n))


      ⊥-rec : (x : Carrier)  P x
      ⊥-rec never′ = pe

      ⊥-rec (now′ x) = po x

      ⊥-rec (⨆′ s) = pl s (inc-rec s)

      ⊥-rec (antisymmetry′ {x = x} {y = y} p q i) =
          {B = P}
          {eq = antisymmetry′ p q}
          (pa p q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) (⊑-rec p) (⊑-rec q)) i

      ⊥-rec (≡-propositional′ {x = x} {y = y} p q i j) = lemma i j
        ≡-propositional : P.Is-set Carrier
        ≡-propositional = ≡-propositional′

        lemma :
          P.[  i  P.[  j  P (≡-propositional p q i j)) ]
                       ⊥-rec x  ⊥-rec y) ]
             i  ⊥-rec (p i))   i  ⊥-rec (q i))
        lemma = P.heterogeneous-UIP
                   x  _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) (pp {x = x}))
                  (≡-propositional′ p q)
                  _ _

      ⊑-rec : (x⊑y : x  y)  Q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) x⊑y
      ⊑-rec (⊑-refl′ x) = qr x (⊥-rec x)

      ⊑-rec (⊑-trans′ x y z p q) =
        qt p q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) (⊥-rec z) (⊑-rec p) (⊑-rec q)

      ⊑-rec (never⊑′ x) = qe x (⊥-rec x)

      ⊑-rec (upper-bound′ s n) = qu s (inc-rec s) n

      ⊑-rec (least-upper-bound′ s ub is-ub) =
        ql s ub is-ub (inc-rec s) (⊥-rec ub)
           n  ⊑-rec {x = proj₁ s n} (is-ub n))

      ⊑-rec (now-mono′ x) = qm x

      ⊑-rec (now-⨆″ s) = q⨆ s

      ⊑-rec (⊑-propositional′ {x = x} {y = y} p q i) = lemma i
        ⊑-propositional″ :  {x y}  P.Is-proposition (x  y)
        ⊑-propositional″ = ⊑-propositional′

        lemma : P.[  i  Q (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y)
                             (⊑-propositional″ p q i)) ]
                  ⊑-rec p  ⊑-rec q
        lemma =
             p  _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1)
                     (qp (⊥-rec x) (⊥-rec y) p))

      -- Some computation rules.

      ⊥-rec-never : ⊥-rec never  pe
      ⊥-rec-never = refl

      ⊥-rec-now :  x  ⊥-rec (now x)  po x
      ⊥-rec-now _ = refl

      ⊥-rec-⨆ :  s  ⊥-rec ( s)  pl s (inc-rec s)
      ⊥-rec-⨆ _ = refl

-- Some lemmas

-- The inequality now-⨆′ can be strengthened to an equality.

now-⨆ : (s : CPO.Increasing-sequence) 
        now (CPO.⨆ s)   (Σ-map (now ∘_) (now-mono ∘_) s)
now-⨆ s =
    (now-⨆′ s)
    (least-upper-bound _ _ λ n  now-mono (CPO.upper-bound s n))


  -- A lemma.

  Carrier-is-set-and-equality-characterisation : Is-set Carrier × _
  Carrier-is-set-and-equality-characterisation =
       x y  x  y × x  y)
       _ _  ×-closure 1 ⊑-propositional ⊑-propositional)
       x  ⊑-refl x , ⊑-refl x)
       x y  uncurry {B = λ _  x  y} antisymmetry)

-- Carrier is a set. (This lemma is analogous to Theorem 11.3.9 in
-- "Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics" (first
-- edition).)

Carrier-is-set : Is-set Carrier
Carrier-is-set = proj₁ Carrier-is-set-and-equality-characterisation

-- Equality characterisation lemma for Carrier.

equality-characterisation-Carrier :
   {x y}  (x  y × x  y)  (x  y)
equality-characterisation-Carrier =
  proj₂ Carrier-is-set-and-equality-characterisation ext

-- Equality characterisation lemma for increasing sequences.

equality-characterisation-increasing :
  {s₁ s₂ : Increasing-sequence} 
  (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ n ])  s₁  s₂
equality-characterisation-increasing {s₁} {s₂} =
  (∀ n  s₁ [ n ]  s₂ [ n ])  ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 
  proj₁ s₁  proj₁ s₂          ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component
                                    (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                     ⊑-propositional) ⟩□
  s₁  s₂