-- The syntax of the untyped λ-calculus

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Lambda.Simplified.Syntax where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import Vec.Function equality-with-J

-- Terms

-- Variables are represented using de Bruijn indices.

infixl 9 _·_

data Tm (n : ) : Type where
  var : (x : Fin n)  Tm n
  ƛ   : Tm (suc n)  Tm n
  _·_ : Tm n  Tm n  Tm n

-- Closure-based definition of values

-- Environments and values. Defined in a module parametrised by the
-- type of terms.

module Closure (Tm :   Type) where


    -- Environments.

    Env :   Type
    Env n = Vec Value n

    -- Values. Lambdas are represented using closures, so values do
    -- not contain any free variables.

    data Value : Type where
      ƛ :  {n} (t : Tm (suc n)) (ρ : Env n)  Value

-- Examples

-- A non-terminating term.

ω : Tm 0
ω = ƛ (var fzero · var fzero)

Ω : Tm 0
Ω = ω · ω

-- A call-by-value fixpoint combinator.

Z : Tm 0
Z = ƛ (t · t)
  t = ƛ (var (fsuc fzero) ·
         ƛ (var (fsuc fzero) · var (fsuc fzero) · var fzero))