-- Forcing of parsers (can be used for inspection/debugging purposes)

{-# OPTIONS --termination-depth=2 #-}

module TotalParserCombinators.Force where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
import Data.List.Effectful as ListMonad
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Nat
open import Function.Base
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P

open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence
open import TotalParserCombinators.Laws
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- force n p returns p, but with the first n layers of delay
-- constructors removed.

force :  {Tok R xs}    Parser Tok R xs  Parser Tok R xs
force zero    p                = p
force n       (return x)       = return x
force n       fail             = fail
force n       token            = token
force n       (p₁  p₂)        = force n p₁  force n p₂
force n       (f <$> p)        = f <$> force n p
force n       (nonempty p)     = nonempty (force n p)
force n       (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) = cast xs₁≈xs₂ (force n p)
force (suc n) (p₁  p₂)        with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | just xs | nothing = force (suc n)   p₁   force      n ( p₂)
... | just xs | just fs = force (suc n)   p₁   force (suc n)   p₂
... | nothing | nothing = force      n ( p₁)  force      n ( p₂)
... | nothing | just fs =
  P.subst (Parser _ _) (ListMonad.Applicative.right-zero fs) $
                          force      n ( p₁)  force (suc n)   p₂
force (suc n) (p₁ >>= p₂)      with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
... | just f  | nothing = force (suc n)   p₁  >>= λ x  force      n ( (p₂ x))
... | just f  | just xs = force (suc n)   p₁  >>= λ x  force (suc n)   (p₂ x)
... | nothing | nothing = force      n ( p₁) >>= λ x  force      n ( (p₂ x))
... | nothing | just xs =
  P.subst (Parser _ _) (ListMonad.MonadProperties.right-zero xs) $
                          force n ( p₁) >>= λ x  force (suc n) (p₂ x)

-- force preserves the semantics of its argument.

correct :  {Tok R xs} (n : ) (p : Parser Tok R xs)  force n p ≅P p
correct zero    p                = p 
correct (suc n) (return x)       = return x 
correct (suc n) fail             = fail 
correct (suc n) token            = token 
correct (suc n) (p₁  p₂)        = correct (suc n) p₁  correct (suc n) p₂
correct (suc n) (f <$> p)        =  _  P.refl) <$> correct (suc n) p
correct (suc n) (nonempty p)     = nonempty (correct (suc n) p)
correct (suc n) (cast xs₁≈xs₂ p) = cast (correct (suc n) p)
correct (suc n) (p₁  p₂)        with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | just xs | nothing = [  -  -  -  ] correct (suc n)   p₁   correct      n ( p₂)
... | just xs | just fs = [  -  -  -  ] correct (suc n)   p₁   correct (suc n)   p₂
... | nothing | nothing = [  -  -  -  ] correct      n ( p₁)  correct      n ( p₂)
... | nothing | just fs =
  P.subst (Parser _ _) lemma forced  ≅⟨ Subst.correct lemma 
  forced                             ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] correct n ( p₁)  correct (suc n) p₂ 
  p₁  p₂                            
  lemma  = ListMonad.Applicative.right-zero fs
  forced = force n ( p₁)  force (suc n) p₂
correct (suc n) (p₁ >>= p₂)      with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
... | just f  | nothing = [  -  -  -  ] correct (suc n)   p₁  >>= λ x  correct      n ( (p₂ x))
... | just f  | just xs = [  -  -  -  ] correct (suc n)   p₁  >>= λ x  correct (suc n)   (p₂ x)
... | nothing | nothing = [  -  -  -  ] correct      n ( p₁) >>= λ x  correct      n ( (p₂ x))
... | nothing | just xs =
  P.subst (Parser _ _) lemma forced  ≅⟨ Subst.correct lemma 
  forced                             ≅⟨ [  -  -  -  ] correct n ( p₁) >>=  x  correct (suc n) (p₂ x)) 
  p₁ >>= p₂                          
  forced = force n ( p₁) >>= λ x  force (suc n) (p₂ x)
  lemma  = ListMonad.MonadProperties.right-zero xs