-- The Agda standard library
-- Directed acyclic multigraphs

-- A representation of DAGs, based on the idea underlying Martin
-- Erwig's FGL. Note that this representation does not aim to be
-- efficient.

module Data.Graph.Acyclic where

open import Data.Nat as Nat using (; zero; suc; _<′_)
import Data.Nat.Properties as Nat
open import Data.Fin as Fin
  using (Fin; Fin′; zero; suc; #_; toℕ) renaming (_ℕ-ℕ_ to _-_)
open import Data.Fin.Props as FP using (_≟_)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Function
open import Induction.Nat
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)

-- A lemma


  lemma :  n (i : Fin n)  n - suc i <′ n
  lemma zero    ()
  lemma (suc n) i  = Nat.≤⇒≤′ $ Nat.s≤s $ FP.nℕ-ℕi≤n n i

-- Node contexts

record Context (Node Edge : Set) (n : ) : Set where
  constructor context
    label      : Node
    successors : List (Edge × Fin n)

open Context public

-- Map for contexts.

cmap :  {N₁ N₂ E₁ E₂ n} 
       (N₁  N₂)  (List (E₁ × Fin n)  List (E₂ × Fin n)) 
       Context N₁ E₁ n  Context N₂ E₂ n
cmap f g c = context (f (label c)) (g (successors c))

-- Graphs

infixr 3 _&_

-- The DAGs are indexed on the number of nodes.

data Graph (Node Edge : Set) :   Set where
     : Graph Node Edge 0
  _&_ :  {n} (c : Context Node Edge n) (g : Graph Node Edge n) 
        Graph Node Edge (suc n)


  example : Graph   5
  example = context 0 [] &
            context 1 ((10 , # 1)  (11 , # 1)  []) &
            context 2 ((12 , # 0)  []) &
            context 3 [] &
            context 4 [] &

-- Higher-order functions

-- "Fold right".

foldr :  {N E m} (T :   Set) 
        (∀ {n}  Context N E n  T n  T (suc n)) 
        T 0 
        Graph N E m  T m
foldr T _∙_ x        = x
foldr T _∙_ x (c & g) = c  foldr T _∙_ x g

-- "Fold left".

foldl :  {N E n} (T :   Set) 
        ((i : Fin n)  T (toℕ i)  Context N E (n - suc i) 
         T (suc (toℕ i))) 
        T 0 
        Graph N E n  T n
foldl T f x        = x
foldl T f x (c & g) =
  foldl  n  T (suc n))  i  f (suc i)) (f zero x c) g

-- Maps over node contexts.

map :  {N₁ N₂ E₁ E₂ n} 
      (∀ {n}  Context N₁ E₁ n  Context N₂ E₂ n) 
      Graph N₁ E₁ n  Graph N₂ E₂ n
map f = foldr _  c g  f c & g) 

-- Maps over node labels.

nmap :  {N₁ N₂ E n}  (N₁  N₂)  Graph N₁ E n  Graph N₂ E n
nmap f = map (cmap f id)

-- Maps over edge labels.

emap :  {N E₁ E₂ n}  (E₁  E₂)  Graph N E₁ n  Graph N E₂ n
emap f = map (cmap id (List.map (Prod.map f id)))

-- Zips two graphs with the same number of nodes. Note that one of the
-- graphs has a type which restricts it to be completely disconnected.

zipWith :  {N₁ N₂ N E n}  (N₁  N₂  N) 
          Graph N₁  n  Graph N₂ E n  Graph N E n
zipWith _∙_                   = 
zipWith _∙_ (c₁ & g₁) (c₂ & g₂) =
  context (label c₁  label c₂) (successors c₂) & zipWith _∙_ g₁ g₂

-- Specific graphs

-- A completeley disconnected graph.

disconnected :  n  Graph   n
disconnected zero    = 
disconnected (suc n) = context tt [] & disconnected n

-- A complete graph.

complete :  n  Graph   n
complete zero    = 
complete (suc n) =
  context tt (List.map (_,_ tt) $ Vec.toList (Vec.allFin n)) &
  complete n

-- Queries

-- The top-most context.

head :  {N E n}  Graph N E (suc n)  Context N E n
head (c & g) = c

-- The remaining graph.

tail :  {N E n}  Graph N E (suc n)  Graph N E n
tail (c & g) = g

-- Finds the context and remaining graph corresponding to a given node
-- index.

_[_] :  {N E n} 
       Graph N E n  (i : Fin n)  Graph N E (suc (n - suc i))
       [ () ]
(c & g) [ zero ]  = c & g
(c & g) [ suc i ] = g [ i ]

-- The nodes of the graph (node number relative to "topmost" node ×
-- node label).

nodes :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Vec (Fin n × N) n
nodes {N} = Vec.zip (Vec.allFin _) 
            foldr (Vec N)  c ns  label c  ns) []


  test-nodes : nodes example  (# 0 , 0)  (# 1 , 1)  (# 2 , 2) 
                               (# 3 , 3)  (# 4 , 4)  []
  test-nodes = P.refl

-- Topological sort. Gives a vector where earlier nodes are never
-- successors of later nodes.

topSort :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Vec (Fin n × N) n
topSort = nodes

-- The edges of the graph (predecessor × edge label × successor).
-- The predecessor is a node number relative to the "topmost" node in
-- the graph, and the successor is a node number relative to the
-- predecessor.

edges :  {E N n}  Graph N E n  List ( λ i  E × Fin (n - suc i))
edges {E} {N} {n} =
  foldl  _  List ( λ i  E × Fin (n - suc i)))
         i es c  List._++_ es (List.map (_,_ i) (successors c)))


  test-edges : edges example  (# 1 , 10 , # 1)  (# 1 , 11 , # 1) 
                               (# 2 , 12 , # 0)  []
  test-edges = P.refl

-- The successors of a given node i (edge label × node number relative
-- to i).

sucs :  {E N n} 
       Graph N E n  (i : Fin n)  List (E × Fin (n - suc i))
sucs g i = successors $ head $ g [ i ]


  test-sucs : sucs example (# 1)  (10 , # 1)  (11 , # 1)  []
  test-sucs = P.refl

-- The predecessors of a given node i (node number relative to i ×
-- edge label).

preds :  {E N n}  Graph N E n  (i : Fin n)  List (Fin′ i × E)
preds g       zero    = []
preds (c & g) (suc i) =
  List._++_ (List.gfilter (p i) $ successors c)
            (List.map (Prod.map suc id) $ preds g i)
  p :  {E : Set} {n} (i : Fin n)  E × Fin n  Maybe (Fin′ (suc i) × E)
  p i (e , j)  with i  j
  p i (e , .i) | yes P.refl = just (zero , e)
  p i (e , j)  | no _       = nothing


  test-preds : preds example (# 3) 
               (# 1 , 10)  (# 1 , 11)  (# 2 , 12)  []
  test-preds = P.refl

-- Operations

-- Weakens a node label.

weaken :  {n} {i : Fin n}  Fin (n - suc i)  Fin n
weaken {n} {i} j = Fin.inject≤ j (FP.nℕ-ℕi≤n n (suc i))

-- Labels each node with its node number.

number :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Graph (Fin n × N) E n
number {N} {E} =
  foldr  n  Graph (Fin n × N) E n)
         c g  cmap (_,_ zero) id c & nmap (Prod.map suc id) g)


  test-number : number example 
                (context (# 0 , 0) [] &
                 context (# 1 , 1) ((10 , # 1)  (11 , # 1)  []) &
                 context (# 2 , 2) ((12 , # 0)  []) &
                 context (# 3 , 3) [] &
                 context (# 4 , 4) [] &
  test-number = P.refl

-- Reverses all the edges in the graph.

reverse :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Graph N E n
reverse {N} {E} g =
  foldl (Graph N E)
         i g' c 
           context (label c)
                   (List.map (Prod.swap  Prod.map FP.reverse id) $
                             preds g i)
           & g')


  test-reverse : reverse (reverse example)  example
  test-reverse = P.refl

-- Views

-- Expands the subgraph induced by a given node into a tree (thus
-- losing all sharing).

data Tree (N E : Set) : Set where
  node : (label : N) (successors : List (E × Tree N E))  Tree N E

toTree :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Fin n  Tree N E
toTree {N} {E} g i = <-rec Pred expand _ (g [ i ])
  Pred = λ n  Graph N E (suc n)  Tree N E

  expand : (n : )  <-Rec Pred n  Pred n
  expand n rec (c & g) =
    node (label c)
            (Prod.map id  i  rec (n - suc i) (lemma n i) (g [ i ])))
            (successors c))

-- Performs the toTree expansion once for each node.

toForest :  {N E n}  Graph N E n  Vec (Tree N E) n
toForest g = Vec.map (toTree g) (Vec.allFin _)


  test-toForest : toForest example 
                    let n3 = node 3 [] in
                    node 0 [] 
                    node 1 ((10 , n3)  (11 , n3)  []) 
                    node 2 ((12 , n3)  []) 
                    node 3 [] 
                    node 4 [] 
  test-toForest = P.refl