-- The partiality monad

module Category.Monad.Partiality where

open import Coinduction
open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Bool

-- The partiality monad.

data _⊥ (A : Set) : Set where
  now   : (x : A)  A 
  later : (x :  (A ))  A 

monad : RawMonad _⊥
monad = record
  { return = now
  ; _>>=_  = _>>=_
  _>>=_ :  {A B}  A   (A  B )  B 
  now x   >>= f = f x
  later x >>= f = later (  x >>= f)

-- run x for n steps peels off at most n "later" constructors from x.

run_for_steps :  {A}  A     A 
run now   x for n     steps = now x
run later x for zero  steps = later x
run later x for suc n steps = run  x for n steps

-- Is the computation done?

isNow :  {A}  A   Bool
isNow (now x)   = true
isNow (later x) = false

-- Productivity checker workaround

-- The monad can be awkward to use, due to the limitations of guarded
-- coinduction. The following code provides a (limited) workaround.

infixl 1 _>>=_

data _⊥-prog : Set  Set₁ where
  now   :  {A} (x : A)  A ⊥-prog
  later :  {A} (x :  (A ⊥-prog))  A ⊥-prog
  _>>=_ :  {A B} (x : A ⊥-prog) (f : A  B ⊥-prog)  B ⊥-prog

data _⊥-whnf : Set  Set₁ where
  now   :  {A} (x : A)  A ⊥-whnf
  later :  {A} (x : A ⊥-prog)  A ⊥-whnf

whnf :  {A}  A ⊥-prog  A ⊥-whnf
whnf (now   x) = now x
whnf (later x) = later ( x)
whnf (x >>= f) with whnf x
whnf (x >>= f) | now   x′ = whnf (f x′)
whnf (x >>= f) | later x′ = later (x′ >>= f)


  value :  {A}  A ⊥-whnf  A 
  value (now   x) = now x
  value (later x) = later ( run x)

  run :  {A}  A ⊥-prog  A 
  run x = value (whnf x)

-- Examples

module Examples where

  open import Relation.Nullary

  -- McCarthy's f91:

  f91′ :    ⊥-prog
  f91′ n with n ≤? 100
  ... | yes _ = later ( (f91′ (11 + n) >>= f91′))
  ... | no  _ = now (n  10)

  f91 :    
  f91 n = run (f91′ n)