-- Pointwise products of binary relations

module Relation.Binary.Product.Pointwise where

open import Data.Function
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary.Product
open import Relation.Binary

 module Dummy {a₁ a₂ : Set} where

  infixr 2 _×-Rel_

  _×-Rel_ : Rel a₁  Rel a₂  Rel (a₁ × a₂)
  ∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂ = (∼₁ on₁ proj₁) -×- (∼₂ on₁ proj₂)

  -- Some properties which are preserved by ×-Rel (under certain
  -- assumptions).

  _×-reflexive_ :  {≈₁ ∼₁ ≈₂ ∼₂} 
                  ≈₁  ∼₁  ≈₂  ∼₂  (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)  (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  refl₁ ×-reflexive refl₂ = λ x≈y 
    (refl₁ (proj₁ x≈y) , refl₂ (proj₂ x≈y))

  _×-refl_ :  {∼₁ ∼₂} 
             Reflexive ∼₁  Reflexive ∼₂  Reflexive (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  refl₁ ×-refl refl₂ = (refl₁ , refl₂)

  ×-irreflexive₁ :
     {≈₁ <₁ ≈₂ <₂} 
    Irreflexive ≈₁ <₁  Irreflexive (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (<₁ ×-Rel <₂)
  ×-irreflexive₁ ir = λ x≈y x<y  ir (proj₁ x≈y) (proj₁ x<y)

  ×-irreflexive₂ :
     {≈₁ <₁ ≈₂ <₂} 
    Irreflexive ≈₂ <₂  Irreflexive (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (<₁ ×-Rel <₂)
  ×-irreflexive₂ ir = λ x≈y x<y  ir (proj₂ x≈y) (proj₂ x<y)

  _×-symmetric_ :  {∼₁ ∼₂} 
                  Symmetric ∼₁  Symmetric ∼₂  Symmetric (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  sym₁ ×-symmetric sym₂ = λ x∼y  sym₁ (proj₁ x∼y) , sym₂ (proj₂ x∼y)

  _×-transitive_ :  {∼₁ ∼₂} 
                   Transitive ∼₁  Transitive ∼₂ 
                   Transitive (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  trans₁ ×-transitive trans₂ = λ x∼y y∼z 
    trans₁ (proj₁ x∼y) (proj₁ y∼z) ,
    trans₂ (proj₂ x∼y) (proj₂ y∼z)

  _×-antisymmetric_ :  {≈₁ ≤₁ ≈₂ ≤₂} 
                      Antisymmetric ≈₁ ≤₁  Antisymmetric ≈₂ ≤₂ 
                      Antisymmetric (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (≤₁ ×-Rel ≤₂)
  antisym₁ ×-antisymmetric antisym₂ = λ x≤y y≤x 
    ( antisym₁ (proj₁ x≤y) (proj₁ y≤x)
    , antisym₂ (proj₂ x≤y) (proj₂ y≤x) )

  ×-asymmetric₁ :  {<₁ ∼₂}  Asymmetric <₁  Asymmetric (<₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  ×-asymmetric₁ asym₁ = λ x<y y<x  asym₁ (proj₁ x<y) (proj₁ y<x)

  ×-asymmetric₂ :  {∼₁ <₂}  Asymmetric <₂  Asymmetric (∼₁ ×-Rel <₂)
  ×-asymmetric₂ asym₂ = λ x<y y<x  asym₂ (proj₂ x<y) (proj₂ y<x)

  _×-≈-respects₂_ :  {≈₁ ∼₁ ≈₂ ∼₂} 
                    ∼₁ Respects₂ ≈₁  ∼₂ Respects₂ ≈₂ 
                    (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂) Respects₂ (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)
  _×-≈-respects₂_ {≈₁ = ≈₁} {∼₁ = ∼₁} {≈₂ = ≈₂} {∼₂ = ∼₂}
                  resp₁ resp₂ =
     {x y z}  resp¹ {x} {y} {z}) ,
     {x y z}  resp² {x} {y} {z})
     = ∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂

    resp¹ :  {x}  ( x) Respects (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)
    resp¹ y≈y' x∼y = proj₁ resp₁ (proj₁ y≈y') (proj₁ x∼y) ,
                     proj₁ resp₂ (proj₂ y≈y') (proj₂ x∼y)

    resp² :  {y}  (flip₁  y) Respects (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)
    resp² x≈x' x∼y = proj₂ resp₁ (proj₁ x≈x') (proj₁ x∼y) ,
                     proj₂ resp₂ (proj₂ x≈x') (proj₂ x∼y)

  ×-total :  {∼₁ ∼₂} 
            Symmetric ∼₁  Total ∼₁  Total ∼₂  Total (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  ×-total {∼₁ = ∼₁} {∼₂ = ∼₂} sym₁ total₁ total₂ = total
    total : Total (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
    total x y with total₁ (proj₁ x) (proj₁ y)
                 | total₂ (proj₂ x) (proj₂ y)
    ... | inj₁ x₁∼y₁ | inj₁ x₂∼y₂ = inj₁ (     x₁∼y₁ , x₂∼y₂)
    ... | inj₁ x₁∼y₁ | inj₂ y₂∼x₂ = inj₂ (sym₁ x₁∼y₁ , y₂∼x₂)
    ... | inj₂ y₁∼x₁ | inj₂ y₂∼x₂ = inj₂ (     y₁∼x₁ , y₂∼x₂)
    ... | inj₂ y₁∼x₁ | inj₁ x₂∼y₂ = inj₁ (sym₁ y₁∼x₁ , x₂∼y₂)

  _×-decidable_ :  {∼₁ ∼₂} 
                  Decidable ∼₁  Decidable ∼₂  Decidable (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  dec₁ ×-decidable dec₂ = λ x y 
    dec₁ (proj₁ x) (proj₁ y)
    dec₂ (proj₂ x) (proj₂ y)

  -- Some collections of properties which are preserved by ×-Rel.

  _×-isEquivalence_ :  {≈₁ ≈₂} 
                      IsEquivalence ≈₁  IsEquivalence ≈₂ 
                      IsEquivalence (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)
  _×-isEquivalence_ {≈₁ = ≈₁} {≈₂ = ≈₂} eq₁ eq₂ = record
    { refl  = λ {x} 
              _×-refl_        {∼₁ = ≈₁} {∼₂ = ≈₂}
                              (refl  eq₁) (refl  eq₂) {x}
    ; sym   = λ {x y} 
              _×-symmetric_   {∼₁ = ≈₁} {∼₂ = ≈₂}
                              (sym   eq₁) (sym   eq₂) {x} {y}
    ; trans = λ {x y z} 
              _×-transitive_  {∼₁ = ≈₁} {∼₂ = ≈₂}
                              (trans eq₁) (trans eq₂) {x} {y} {z}
    where open IsEquivalence

  _×-isPreorder_ :  {≈₁ ∼₁ ≈₂ ∼₂} 
                   IsPreorder ≈₁ ∼₁  IsPreorder ≈₂ ∼₂ 
                   IsPreorder (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (∼₁ ×-Rel ∼₂)
  _×-isPreorder_ {∼₁ = ∼₁} {∼₂ = ∼₂} pre₁ pre₂ = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence pre₁ ×-isEquivalence
                      isEquivalence pre₂
    ; reflexive     = λ {x y} 
                      _×-reflexive_  {∼₁ = ∼₁} {∼₂ = ∼₂}
                                     (reflexive pre₁) (reflexive pre₂)
                                     {x} {y}
    ; trans         = λ {x y z} 
                      _×-transitive_ {∼₁ = ∼₁} {∼₂ = ∼₂}
                                     (trans pre₁) (trans pre₂)
                                     {x} {y} {z}
    ; ∼-resp-≈      = ∼-resp-≈ pre₁ ×-≈-respects₂ ∼-resp-≈ pre₂
    where open IsPreorder

  _×-isDecEquivalence_ :  {≈₁ ≈₂} 
                         IsDecEquivalence ≈₁  IsDecEquivalence ≈₂ 
                         IsDecEquivalence (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂)
  eq₁ ×-isDecEquivalence eq₂ = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence eq₁ ×-isEquivalence
                      isEquivalence eq₂
    ; _≟_           = _≟_ eq₁ ×-decidable _≟_ eq₂
    where open IsDecEquivalence

  _×-isPartialOrder_ :  {≈₁ ≤₁ ≈₂ ≤₂} 
                       IsPartialOrder ≈₁ ≤₁  IsPartialOrder ≈₂ ≤₂ 
                       IsPartialOrder (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (≤₁ ×-Rel ≤₂)
  _×-isPartialOrder_ {≤₁ = ≤₁} {≤₂ = ≤₂} po₁ po₂ = record
    { isPreorder = isPreorder po₁ ×-isPreorder isPreorder po₂
    ; antisym    = λ {x y} 
                   _×-antisymmetric_ {≤₁ = ≤₁} {≤₂ = ≤₂}
                                     (antisym po₁) (antisym po₂)
                                     {x} {y}
    where open IsPartialOrder

  _×-isStrictPartialOrder_ :
     {≈₁ <₁ ≈₂ <₂} 
    IsStrictPartialOrder ≈₁ <₁  IsStrictPartialOrder ≈₂ <₂ 
    IsStrictPartialOrder (≈₁ ×-Rel ≈₂) (<₁ ×-Rel <₂)
  _×-isStrictPartialOrder_ {<₁ = <₁} {≈₂ = ≈₂} {<₂ = <₂} spo₁ spo₂ =
      { isEquivalence = isEquivalence spo₁ ×-isEquivalence
                        isEquivalence spo₂
      ; irrefl        = λ {x y} 
                        ×-irreflexive₁ {<₁ = <₁} {≈₂ = ≈₂} {<₂ = <₂}
                                       (irrefl spo₁) {x} {y}
      ; trans         = λ {x y z} 
                        _×-transitive_ {∼₁ = <₁} {∼₂ = <₂}
                                       (trans spo₁) (trans spo₂)
                                       {x} {y} {z}
      ; <-resp-≈      = <-resp-≈ spo₁ ×-≈-respects₂ <-resp-≈ spo₂
    where open IsStrictPartialOrder

open Dummy public

-- "Packages" (e.g. setoids) can also be combined.

_×-preorder_ : Preorder  Preorder  Preorder
p₁ ×-preorder p₂ = record
  { isPreorder = isPreorder p₁ ×-isPreorder isPreorder p₂
  } where open Preorder

_×-setoid_ : Setoid  Setoid  Setoid
s₁ ×-setoid s₂ = record
  { isEquivalence = isEquivalence s₁ ×-isEquivalence isEquivalence s₂
  } where open Setoid

_×-decSetoid_ : DecSetoid  DecSetoid  DecSetoid
s₁ ×-decSetoid s₂ = record
  { isDecEquivalence = isDecEquivalence s₁ ×-isDecEquivalence
                       isDecEquivalence s₂
  } where open DecSetoid

_×-poset_ : Poset  Poset  Poset
s₁ ×-poset s₂ = record
  { isPartialOrder = isPartialOrder s₁ ×-isPartialOrder
                     isPartialOrder s₂
  } where open Poset

_×-strictPartialOrder_ :
  StrictPartialOrder  StrictPartialOrder  StrictPartialOrder
s₁ ×-strictPartialOrder s₂ = record
  { isStrictPartialOrder = isStrictPartialOrder s₁
                           isStrictPartialOrder s₂
  } where open StrictPartialOrder