-- All library modules, along with short descriptions

-- Note that this module is automatically generated by the
-- GenerateDocs program, and that core modules are not included.

module Everything where

-- Definitions of algebraic structures like monoids and rings
-- (packed in records together with setoids and operations)
import Algebra

-- Properties of functions, such as associativity and commutativity
import Algebra.FunctionProperties

-- Morphisms between algebraic structures
import Algebra.Morphism

-- Some defined operations (multiplication by natural number and
-- exponentiation)
import Algebra.Operations

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.AbelianGroup

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.BooleanAlgebra

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.DistributiveLattice

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.Group

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.Lattice

-- Some derivable properties
import Algebra.Props.Ring

-- Solver for commutative ring or semiring equalities
import Algebra.RingSolver
  hiding (module AlmostCommutativeRing)  -- To work around a bug in Agda 2.2.2.

-- Commutative semirings with some additional structure ("almost"
-- commutative rings), used by the ring solver
import Algebra.RingSolver.AlmostCommutativeRing

-- Some boring lemmas used by the ring solver
import Algebra.RingSolver.Lemmas

-- Instantiates the ring solver with two copies of the same ring
import Algebra.RingSolver.Simple

-- Some algebraic structures (not packed up with setoids and
-- operations)
import Algebra.Structures

-- Applicative functors
import Category.Applicative

-- Indexed applicative functors
import Category.Applicative.Indexed

-- Functors
import Category.Functor

-- Monads
import Category.Monad

-- A delimited continuation monad
import Category.Monad.Continuation

-- The identity monad
import Category.Monad.Identity

-- Indexed monads
import Category.Monad.Indexed

-- The partiality monad
import Category.Monad.Partiality

-- The state monad
import Category.Monad.State

-- Type used to make recursive arguments coinductive
import Coinduction

-- AVL trees
import Data.AVL

-- Finite maps with indexed keys and values, based on AVL trees
import Data.AVL.IndexedMap

-- Finite sets, based on AVL trees
import Data.AVL.Sets

-- A binary representation of natural numbers
import Data.Bin

-- Booleans
import Data.Bool

-- A bunch of properties
import Data.Bool.Properties

-- Showing booleans
import Data.Bool.Show

-- Bounded vectors
import Data.BoundedVec

-- Bounded vectors (inefficient, concrete implementation)
import Data.BoundedVec.Inefficient

-- Characters
import Data.Char

-- "Finite" sets indexed on coinductive "natural" numbers
import Data.Cofin

-- Coinductive lists
import Data.Colist

-- Coinductive "natural" numbers
import Data.Conat

-- Coinductive vectors
import Data.Covec

-- Lists with fast append
import Data.DifferenceList

-- Natural numbers with fast addition (for use together with
-- DifferenceVec)
import Data.DifferenceNat

-- Vectors with fast append
import Data.DifferenceVec

-- Digits and digit expansions
import Data.Digit

-- Empty type
import Data.Empty

-- Empty type (in Set1)
import Data.Empty1

-- Finite sets
import Data.Fin

-- Decision procedures for finite sets and subsets of finite sets
import Data.Fin.Dec

-- Properties related to Fin, and operations making use of these
-- properties (or other properties not available in Data.Fin)
import Data.Fin.Props

-- Subsets of finite sets
import Data.Fin.Subset

-- Some properties about subsets
import Data.Fin.Subset.Props

-- Simple combinators working solely on and with functions
import Data.Function

-- Directed acyclic multigraphs
import Data.Graph.Acyclic

-- Integers
import Data.Integer

-- Lists
import Data.List

-- List equality
import Data.List.Equality

-- Non-empty lists
import Data.List.NonEmpty

-- Properties of non-empty lists
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Properties

-- List-related properties
import Data.List.Properties

-- Lists parameterised on things in Set1
import Data.List1

-- Finite maps, i.e. lookup tables (currently only some type
-- signatures)
import Data.Map

-- The Maybe type
import Data.Maybe

-- Natural numbers
import Data.Nat

-- Coprimality
import Data.Nat.Coprimality

-- Integer division
import Data.Nat.DivMod

-- Divisibility
import Data.Nat.Divisibility

-- Greatest common divisor
import Data.Nat.GCD

-- A bunch of properties about natural number operations
import Data.Nat.Properties

-- Showing natural numbers
import Data.Nat.Show

-- Products
import Data.Product

-- Products implemented using records
import Data.Product.Record

-- Products (variants for Set1)
import Data.Product1

-- Finite sets (currently only some type signatures)
import Data.Sets

-- Signs
import Data.Sign

-- The reflexive transitive closures of McBride, Norell and Jansson
import Data.Star

-- Bounded vectors (inefficient implementation)
import Data.Star.BoundedVec

-- Decorated star-lists
import Data.Star.Decoration

-- Environments (heterogeneous collections)
import Data.Star.Environment

-- Finite sets defined in terms of Data.Star
import Data.Star.Fin

-- Lists defined in terms of Data.Star
import Data.Star.List

-- Natural numbers defined in terms of Data.Star
import Data.Star.Nat

-- Pointers into star-lists
import Data.Star.Pointer

-- Some properties related to Data.Star
import Data.Star.Properties

-- Vectors defined in terms of Data.Star
import Data.Star.Vec

-- Streams
import Data.Stream

-- Strings
import Data.String

-- Sums (disjoint unions)
import Data.Sum

-- The unit type
import Data.Unit

-- The unit type (in Set1)
import Data.Unit1

-- Vectors
import Data.Vec

-- Semi-heterogeneous vector equality
import Data.Vec.Equality

-- Code for converting Vec n A → B to and from n-ary functions
import Data.Vec.N-ary

-- Code for converting Vec₁ n A → B to and from n-ary functions
import Data.Vec.N-ary1

-- Some Vec-related properties
import Data.Vec.Properties

-- Vectors parameterised on types in Set1
import Data.Vec1

-- Types used (only) when calling out to Haskell via the FFI
import Foreign.Haskell

-- IO
import IO

-- Primitive IO: simple bindings to Haskell types and functions
import IO.Primitive

-- An abstraction of various forms of recursion/induction
import Induction

-- Lexicographic induction
import Induction.Lexicographic

-- Various forms of induction for natural numbers
import Induction.Nat

-- Well-founded induction
import Induction.WellFounded

-- A variant of Induction for Set1
import Induction1

-- One form of induction for natural numbers
import Induction1.Nat

-- Well-founded induction
import Induction1.WellFounded

-- Properties of homogeneous binary relations
import Relation.Binary

-- Some properties imply others
import Relation.Binary.Consequences

-- Convenient syntax for equational reasoning
import Relation.Binary.EqReasoning

-- Many properties which hold for _∼_ also hold for flip₁ _∼_
import Relation.Binary.Flip

-- (Some) function setoids
import Relation.Binary.FunctionLifting

-- Heterogeneous equality
import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality

-- Conversion of ≤ to <, along with a number of properties
import Relation.Binary.NonStrictToStrict

-- Many properties which hold for _∼_ also hold for _∼_ on₁ f
import Relation.Binary.On

-- Order morphisms
import Relation.Binary.OrderMorphism

-- Convenient syntax for "equational reasoning" using a partial order
import Relation.Binary.PartialOrderReasoning

-- Convenient syntax for "equational reasoning" using a preorder
import Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning

-- Lexicographic products of binary relations
import Relation.Binary.Product.NonStrictLex

-- Pointwise products of binary relations
import Relation.Binary.Product.Pointwise

-- Lexicographic products of binary relations
import Relation.Binary.Product.StrictLex

-- Propositional (intensional) equality
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Propositional equality
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality1

-- Properties satisfied by decidable total orders
import Relation.Binary.Props.DecTotalOrder

-- Properties satisfied by posets
import Relation.Binary.Props.Poset

-- Properties satisfied by strict partial orders
import Relation.Binary.Props.StrictPartialOrder

-- Properties satisfied by strict partial orders
import Relation.Binary.Props.StrictTotalOrder

-- Properties satisfied by total orders
import Relation.Binary.Props.TotalOrder

-- Helpers intended to ease the development of "tactics" which use
-- proof by reflection
import Relation.Binary.Reflection

-- Some simple binary relations
import Relation.Binary.Simple

-- Convenient syntax for "equational reasoning" using a strict partial
-- order
import Relation.Binary.StrictPartialOrderReasoning

-- Conversion of < to ≤, along with a number of properties
import Relation.Binary.StrictToNonStrict

-- Sums of binary relations
import Relation.Binary.Sum

-- Operations on nullary relations (like negation and decidability)
import Relation.Nullary

-- Operations on and properties of decidable relations
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

-- Properties related to negation
import Relation.Nullary.Negation

-- Products of nullary relations
import Relation.Nullary.Product

-- Sums of nullary relations
import Relation.Nullary.Sum

-- A universe of proposition functors, along with some properties
import Relation.Nullary.Universe

-- Unary relations
import Relation.Unary

-- Unary relations (variant for Set1)
import Relation.Unary1

-- Sizes for Agda's sized types
import Size