-- Finite sets, based on AVL trees

open import Relation.Binary

module Data.AVL.Sets (OrderedKeySet : StrictTotalOrder) where

import Data.AVL as AVL
open StrictTotalOrder OrderedKeySet renaming (carrier to Key)
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Function
import Data.Product as Prod; open Prod using (_×_; _,_; proj₁)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List
open import Category.Functor
open RawFunctor Maybe.functor

-- The set type. (Note that Set is a reserved word.)

private module S = AVL OrderedKeySet (const₁ )
open S public using () renaming (Tree to ⟨Set⟩)

-- Repackaged functions.

empty : ⟨Set⟩
empty = S.empty

singleton : Key  ⟨Set⟩
singleton k = S.singleton k _

insert : Key  ⟨Set⟩  ⟨Set⟩
insert k = S.insert k _

delete : Key  ⟨Set⟩  ⟨Set⟩
delete = S.delete

lookup : Key  ⟨Set⟩  Maybe Key
lookup k s = proj₁ <$> S.lookup k s

_∈?_ : Key  ⟨Set⟩  Bool
_∈?_ = S._∈?_

headTail : ⟨Set⟩  Maybe (Key × ⟨Set⟩)
headTail s = Prod.map proj₁ id <$> S.headTail s

initLast : ⟨Set⟩  Maybe (⟨Set⟩ × Key)
initLast s = Prod.map id proj₁ <$> S.initLast s

fromList : List Key  ⟨Set⟩
fromList = S.fromList  map  k  (k , _))

toList : ⟨Set⟩  List Key
toList = map proj₁  S.toList