-- Examples related to Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.More

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

-- Note that this module uses ordinary propositional equality, with a
-- computing J rule.

-- This module has been developed in collaboration with Thierry
-- Coquand.

module Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.More.Examples where

open import Equality.Propositional renaming (equality-with-J to eq)

open import Equivalence eq hiding (id)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id)
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Prelude hiding (id)
open import Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.More

-- Magmas

magma : Code
magma = ε  A-type  N-ary [0] 2

Magma : Type₁
Magma =  magma 


  -- An unfolding of Magma.

  Magma-unfolded :
    Magma  Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
    Type                   ) λ { (_ , A) 
     _ A   _ A   _ A }
  Magma-unfolded = refl

  -- An unfolding of Isomorphic magma.

  Isomorphic-magma-unfolded :
     {ass A₁ f₁ A₂ f₂} 
    Isomorphic ass magma ((_ , A₁) , f₁) ((_ , A₂) , f₂) 
    Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
       _ (A₁  A₂)                             ) λ { (_ , lift A₁≃A₂) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
         x y  to (f₁ x y)  f₂ (to x) (to y) }
  Isomorphic-magma-unfolded = refl

-- Semigroups

-- Note that one axiom states that the underlying type is a set. This
-- assumption is used to prove that the other axiom is propositional.

semigroup : Code
semigroup =


   Is-a-set [0]

   N-ary (1+ [0]) 2

       { (_ , _∙_) 
            x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) })

  assoc-prop = λ { ass ((_ , A-set) , _) 
    let open Assumptions ass in
    Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
    Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
    A-set }

Semigroup : Type₁
Semigroup =  semigroup 


  -- An unfolding of Semigroup.

  Semigroup-unfolded :
    Semigroup  Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Type                                     ) λ {  (_ , A) 
      Is-set ( _ A)                          }) λ { ((_ , A) , _) 
       _ A   _ A   _ A                   }) λ { (_ , _∙_) 
       x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) }
  Semigroup-unfolded = refl

  -- An unfolding of Isomorphic semigroup.

  Isomorphic-semigroup-unfolded :
     {ass A₁} {is₁ : Is-set ( _ A₁)} {_∙₁_ assoc₁}
          {A₂} {is₂ : Is-set ( _ A₂)} {_∙₂_ assoc₂} 
    Isomorphic ass semigroup ((((_ , A₁) , is₁) , _∙₁_) , assoc₁)
                             ((((_ , A₂) , is₂) , _∙₂_) , assoc₂) 
    Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
       _ (A₁  A₂)                           ) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ { ((_ , lift A₁≃A₂) , _) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
         x y  to (x ∙₁ y)  (to x ∙₂ to y) }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }
  Isomorphic-semigroup-unfolded = refl

-- Sets with fixed-point operators

set-with-fixed-point-operator : Code
set-with-fixed-point-operator =


   Is-a-set [0]

   Simple ((base (1+ [0])  base (1+ [0]))  base (1+ [0]))

       { (_ , fix) 
            f  fix f  f (fix f) })

  fix-point-prop = λ { ass ((_ , A-set) , _) 
    let open Assumptions ass in
    Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
    A-set }

Set-with-fixed-point-operator : Type₁
Set-with-fixed-point-operator =  set-with-fixed-point-operator 


  -- An unfolding of Set-with-fixed-point-operator.

  Set-with-fixed-point-operator-unfolded :
    Set-with-fixed-point-operator  Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Type                     ) λ {  (_ , A) 
      Is-set ( _ A)          }) λ { ((_ , A) , _) 
      ( _ A   _ A)   _ A }) λ { (_ , fix) 
       f  fix f  f (fix f) }
  Set-with-fixed-point-operator-unfolded = refl

  -- An unfolding of Isomorphic set-with-fixed-point-operator.

  Isomorphic-set-with-fixed-point-operator-unfolded :
     {ass A₁} {is₁ : Is-set ( _ A₁)} {fix₁ fixed-point₁}
          {A₂} {is₂ : Is-set ( _ A₂)} {fix₂ fixed-point₂} 
    Isomorphic ass set-with-fixed-point-operator
               ((((_ , A₁) , is₁) , fix₁) , fixed-point₁)
               ((((_ , A₂) , is₂) , fix₂) , fixed-point₂) 
    Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
       _ (A₁  A₂)                             ) λ { _ 
       _                                     }) λ { ((_ , lift A₁≃A₂) , _) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
         f g 
        (∀ x y  to x  y  to (f x)  g y) 
        to (fix₁ f)  fix₂ g                   }) λ { _ 
       _                                     }
  Isomorphic-set-with-fixed-point-operator-unfolded = refl

-- Abelian groups

abelian-group : Code
abelian-group =

  -- The underlying type.

  -- The underlying type is a set.
   Is-a-set [0]

  -- The binary group operation.
   N-ary (1+ [0]) 2

  -- Commutativity.

  -- Associativity.

  -- Identity.
   N-ary (1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ [0]) 0

  -- Left identity.

  -- Right identity.

  -- Inverse.
   N-ary (1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ [0]) 1

  -- Left inverse.

  -- Right inverse.

  Comm = Proposition
     { (_ , _∙_) 
        x y  (x  y)  (y  x) })

     { ass ((_ , A-set) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

  Assoc = Proposition
     { ((_ , _∙_) , _) 
          x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) })

     { ass (((_ , A-set) , _) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

  Left-identity = Proposition
     { ((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) 
          x  (e  x)  x })

     { ass (((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

  Right-identity = Proposition
     { (((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) 
          x  (x  e)  x })

     { ass ((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

  Left-inverse = Proposition
     { (((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) 
          x  ((x ⁻¹)  x)  e })

     { ass ((((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

  Right-inverse = Proposition
     { ((((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) , _) 
          x  (x  (x ⁻¹))  e })

     { ass (((((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
       let open Assumptions ass in
       Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 

Abelian-group : Type₁
Abelian-group =  abelian-group 


  -- An unfolding of Abelian-group. Note that the inner structure is
  -- left-nested.

  Abelian-group-unfolded :
    Abelian-group  Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Type                                     ) λ {        (_ , A) 
      Is-set ( _ A)                          }) λ {       ((_ , A) , _) 
       _ A   _ A   _ A                   }) λ {                  (_ , _∙_) 
       x y  (x  y)  (y  x)               }) λ {                 ((_ , _∙_) , _) 
       x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) }) λ {    (((((_ , A) , _) , _  ) , _) , _) 
       _ A                                   }) λ {               ((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) 
       x  (e  x)  x                       }) λ {              (((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) 
       x  (x  e)  x                       }) λ { ((((((((_ , A) , _) , _  ) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
       _ A   _ A                           }) λ {            (((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) 
       x  ((x ⁻¹)  x)  e                  }) λ {           ((((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) , _) 
       x  (x  (x ⁻¹))  e                  }
  Abelian-group-unfolded = refl

  -- An unfolding of Isomorphic abelian-group.

  Isomorphic-abelian-group-unfolded :
     {ass A₁} {is₁ : Is-set ( _ A₁)}
      {_∙₁_ comm₁ assoc₁ e₁ lid₁ rid₁ _⁻¹₁ linv₁ rinv₁}
      {A₂} {is₂ : Is-set ( _ A₂)}
      {_∙₂_ comm₂ assoc₂ e₂ lid₂ rid₂ _⁻¹₂ linv₂ rinv₂} 
    Isomorphic ass abelian-group
      (((((((((((_ , A₁) , is₁) , _∙₁_) , comm₁) ,
       assoc₁) , e₁) , lid₁) , rid₁) , _⁻¹₁) , linv₁) , rinv₁)
      (((((((((((_ , A₂) , is₂) , _∙₂_) , comm₂) ,
       assoc₂) , e₂) , lid₂) , rid₂) , _⁻¹₂) , linv₂) , rinv₂) 
    Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
       _ (A₁  A₂)                           ) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ {       ((_ , lift A₁≃A₂) , _) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
         x y  to (x ∙₁ y)  (to x ∙₂ to y) }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ {    (((((_ , lift A₁≃A₂) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
        to e₁  e₂                           }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ { ((((((((_ , lift A₁≃A₂) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      let open _≃_ (↑-cong A₁≃A₂) in
         x  to (x ⁻¹₁)  (to x ⁻¹₂)        }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }) λ { _ 
       _                                   }
  Isomorphic-abelian-group-unfolded = refl

-- Church-encoded natural numbers for which we can do induction

-- Church-encoded natural numbers.

Nat : Type₁
Nat = (A : Type)   (# 1) A  ( (# 1) A   (# 1) A)   (# 1) A

-- Zero and successor.

Zero : Nat
Zero = λ A z s  z

Suc : Nat  Nat
Suc = λ n A z s  s (n A z s)

-- The code.

inductive-natural-numbers : Code
inductive-natural-numbers =

   Dep (Π set (Π (base ⟨0⟩)
                  (Π (Π (base (1+ ⟨0⟩)) (base (1+ 1+ ⟨0⟩)))
                     (base (1+ 1+ ⟨0⟩)))))

       { (_ , n) 
           (P : Nat  Type) 
           Is-proposition (P n) 
           P Zero 
           (∀ m  P m  P (Suc m)) 
           P n })
       ass _ 
           let open Assumptions ass in
           Π-closure ext₁ 1 λ _ 
           Π-closure (lower-extensionality (# 1) (# 0) ext₁) 1 λ Pn-prop 
           Π-closure (lower-extensionality (# 1) (# 0) ext₁) 1 λ _ 
           Π-closure (lower-extensionality (# 0) (# 1) ext₁) 1 λ _ 

  where open Dependent


  -- The usual unfolding lemmas.

  ⟦inductive-natural-numbers⟧ :

    Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Nat                        ) λ { (_ , n) 
      (P : Nat  Type) 
      Is-proposition (P n) 
      P Zero 
      (∀ m  P m  P (Suc m)) 
      P n                       }
  ⟦inductive-natural-numbers⟧ = refl

  Isomorphic-inductive-natural-numbers :
     {ass : Assumptions}
      {n₁ n₂ : Nat}
      {prop₁ : (P : Nat  Type)  Is-proposition (P n₁) 
               P Zero  (∀ m  P m  P (Suc m))  P n₁}
      {prop₂ : (P : Nat  Type)  Is-proposition (P n₂) 
               P Zero  (∀ m  P m  P (Suc m))  P n₂} 

    Isomorphic ass inductive-natural-numbers
                   ((_ , n₁) , prop₁) ((_ , n₂) , prop₂)
    Σ (Σ ( (# 1) ) λ _ 
    ((A₁ A₂ : Type)  (A₁≃A₂ :  (# 1) (A₁  A₂)) 
     let cast = _≃_.from (↑-cong (lower A₁≃A₂)) in
     (z₁ :  (# 1) A₁) (z₂ :  (# 1) A₂) 
       z₁  cast z₂ 
     (s₁ :  (# 1) A₁   (# 1) A₁) (s₂ :  (# 1) A₂   (# 1) A₂) 
       (∀ n₁ n₂  n₁  cast n₂  s₁ n₁  cast (s₂ n₂)) 
     n₁ A₁ z₁ s₁  cast (n₂ A₂ z₂ s₂))) λ _ 
     (# 1) 

  Isomorphic-inductive-natural-numbers = refl