-- Isomorphism of monoids on sets coincides with equality (assuming
-- univalence)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

-- This module has been developed in collaboration with Thierry
-- Coquand.

open import Equality

module Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.Monoid
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_; Σ-≡,≡↔≡; ↑↔)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Prelude hiding (id)
open import Univalence-axiom eq

-- Monoid laws (including the assumption that the carrier type is a
-- set).

Is-monoid : (C : Type)  (C  C  C)  C  Type
Is-monoid C _∙_ id =

  -- C is a set.
  Is-set C ×

  -- Left and right identity laws.
  (∀ x  (id  x)  x) ×
  (∀ x  (x  id)  x) ×

  -- Associativity.
  (∀ x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z))

-- Monoids (on sets).

Monoid : Type₁
Monoid =
  -- Carrier.
  Σ Type λ C 

  -- Binary operation.
  Σ (C  C  C) λ _∙_ 

  -- Identity.
  Σ C λ id 

  -- Laws.
  Is-monoid C _∙_ id

-- The carrier type.

Carrier : Monoid  Type
Carrier M = proj₁ M

-- The binary operation.

op : (M : Monoid)  Carrier M  Carrier M  Carrier M
op M = proj₁ (proj₂ M)

-- The identity element.

id : (M : Monoid)  Carrier M
id M = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ M))

-- The monoid laws.

laws : (M : Monoid)  Is-monoid (Carrier M) (op M) (id M)
laws M = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ M))

-- Monoid morphisms.

Is-homomorphism :
  (M₁ M₂ : Monoid)  (Carrier M₁  Carrier M₂)  Type
Is-homomorphism M₁ M₂ f =
  (∀ x y  f (op M₁ x y)  op M₂ (f x) (f y)) ×
  (f (id M₁)  id M₂)

-- Monoid isomorphisms.

_≅_ : Monoid  Monoid  Type
M₁  M₂ =
  Σ (Carrier M₁  Carrier M₂) λ f 
  Is-homomorphism M₁ M₂ (_↔_.to f)

-- The monoid laws are propositional (assuming extensionality).

laws-propositional :
  Extensionality (# 0) (# 0) 
  (M : Monoid) 
  Is-proposition (Is-monoid (Carrier M) (op M) (id M))
laws-propositional ext M =
  ×-closure 1 (H-level-propositional ext 2)
  (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
               (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  where is-set = proj₁ (laws M)

-- Monoid equality is isomorphic to equality of the carrier sets,
-- binary operations and identity elements, suitably transported
-- (assuming extensionality).

equality-triple-lemma :
  Extensionality (# 0) (# 0) 
  (M₁ M₂ : Monoid) 
  M₁  M₂ 
  Σ (Carrier M₁  Carrier M₂) λ C-eq 
    subst  C  C  C  C) C-eq (op M₁)  op M₂ ×
    subst  C  C) C-eq (id M₁)  id M₂
  ext (C₁ , op₁ , id₁ , laws₁) (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂) =

  ((C₁ , op₁ , id₁ , laws₁)  (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂))               ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ bij 

  (((C₁ , op₁ , id₁) , laws₁)  ((C₂ , op₂ , id₂) , laws₂))           ↝⟨ inverse $ ignore-propositional-component $
                                                                           laws-propositional ext (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂) 

  ((C₁ , op₁ , id₁)  (C₂ , op₂ , id₂))                               ↝⟨ inverse Σ-≡,≡↔≡ 

  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq 
     subst  C  (C  C  C) × C) C-eq (op₁ , id₁)  (op₂ , id₂))    ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  x  x  _) $
                                                                             push-subst-,  C  C  C  C)  C  C)) 
  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq 
     (subst  C  C  C  C) C-eq op₁ , subst  C  C) C-eq id₁) 
     (op₂ , id₂))                                                     ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  inverse ≡×≡↔≡) ⟩□

  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq 
     subst  C  C  C  C) C-eq op₁  op₂ ×
     subst  C  C) C-eq id₁  id₂)                                  

  bij =

    (Σ Type λ C  Σ (C  C  C) λ op  Σ C λ id  Is-monoid C op id)  ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  Σ-assoc) 

    (Σ Type λ C  Σ ((C  C  C) × C) λ { (op , id) 
     Is-monoid C op id })                                             ↝⟨ Σ-assoc ⟩□

    (Σ (Σ Type λ C  (C  C  C) × C) λ { (C , op , id) 
     Is-monoid C op id })                                             

-- If two monoids are isomorphic, then they are equal (assuming
-- univalence).

isomorphic-equal :
  Univalence (# 0) 
  Univalence (# 1) 
  (M₁ M₂ : Monoid)  M₁  M₂  M₁  M₂
isomorphic-equal univ univ₁ M₁ M₂ (bij , bij-op , bij-id) = goal
  open _≃_

  -- Our goal:

  goal : M₁  M₂

  -- Extensionality follows from univalence.

  ext : Extensionality (# 0) (# 0)
  ext = dependent-extensionality univ₁ univ

  -- Hence the goal follows from monoids-equal-if, if we can prove
  -- three equalities.

  C-eq  : Carrier M₁  Carrier M₂
  op-eq : subst  A  A  A  A) C-eq (op M₁)  op M₂
  id-eq : subst  A  A) C-eq (id M₁)  id M₂

  goal = _↔_.from (equality-triple-lemma ext M₁ M₂)
                  (C-eq , op-eq , id-eq)

  -- Our bijection can be converted into an equivalence.

  equiv : Carrier M₁  Carrier M₂
  equiv = Eq.↔⇒≃ bij

  -- Hence the first equality follows directly from univalence.

  C-eq = ≃⇒≡ univ equiv

  -- For the second equality, let us first define a "cast" operator.

  cast₂ : {A B : Type}  A  B  (A  A  A)  (B  B  B)
  cast₂ eq f = λ x y  to eq (f (from eq x) (from eq y))

  -- The transport theorem implies that cast₂ equiv can be expressed
  -- using subst.

  cast₂-equiv-is-subst :
     f  cast₂ equiv f  subst  A  A  A  A) C-eq f
  cast₂-equiv-is-subst f =
    transport-theorem  A  A  A  A) cast₂ refl univ equiv f

  -- The second equality op-eq follows from extensionality,
  -- cast₂-equiv-is-subst, and the fact that the bijection is a
  -- monoid homomorphism.

  op-eq = apply-ext ext λ x  apply-ext ext λ y 
    subst  A  A  A  A) C-eq (op M₁) x y                   ≡⟨ cong  f  f x y) $ sym $ cast₂-equiv-is-subst (op M₁) 
    to equiv (op M₁ (from equiv x) (from equiv y))             ≡⟨ bij-op (from equiv x) (from equiv y) 
    op M₂ (to equiv (from equiv x)) (to equiv (from equiv y))  ≡⟨ cong₂ (op M₂) (right-inverse-of equiv x) (right-inverse-of equiv y) ⟩∎
    op M₂ x y                                                  

  -- The development above can be repeated for the identity
  -- elements.

  cast₀ : {A B : Type}  A  B  A  B
  cast₀ eq x = to eq x

  cast₀-equiv-is-subst :  x  cast₀ equiv x  subst  A  A) C-eq x
  cast₀-equiv-is-subst x =
    transport-theorem  A  A) cast₀ refl univ equiv x

  id-eq =
    subst  A  A) C-eq (id M₁)  ≡⟨ sym $ cast₀-equiv-is-subst (id M₁) 
    to equiv (id M₁)              ≡⟨ bij-id ⟩∎
    id M₂                         

-- Equality of monoids is in fact in bijective correspondence with
-- isomorphism of monoids (assuming univalence).

isomorphism-is-equality :
  Univalence (# 0) 
  Univalence (# 1) 
  (M₁ M₂ : Monoid)  (M₁  M₂)  (M₁  M₂)
isomorphism-is-equality univ univ₁
  (C₁ , op₁ , id₁ , laws₁) (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂) =

  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ f  Is-homomorphism M₁ M₂ (_↔_.to f))          ↝⟨ Σ-cong (Eq.↔↔≃ ext C₁-set)  _  _ ) 

  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq  Is-homomorphism M₁ M₂ (_≃_.to C-eq))    ↝⟨ ∃-cong  C-eq  op-lemma C-eq ×-cong id-lemma C-eq) 

  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq 
     subst  C  C  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) op₁  op₂ ×
     subst  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) id₁  id₂)                 ↝⟨ inverse $ Σ-cong (≡≃≃ univ)  C-eq  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                     cong  eq  subst  C  C  C  C) eq op₁  op₂ ×
                                                                                  subst  C  C) eq id₁  id₂) $ sym $
                                                                       _≃_.left-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) C-eq) 
  (Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C-eq 
     subst  C  C  C  C) C-eq op₁  op₂ ×
     subst  C  C) C-eq id₁  id₂)                            ↝⟨ inverse $ equality-triple-lemma ext M₁ M₂ 

  ((C₁ , op₁ , id₁ , laws₁)  (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂))         


  -- The two monoids.

  M₁ = (C₁ , op₁ , id₁ , laws₁)
  M₂ = (C₂ , op₂ , id₂ , laws₂)

  -- Extensionality follows from univalence.

  ext : Extensionality (# 0) (# 0)
  ext = dependent-extensionality univ₁ univ

  -- C₁ is a set.

  C₁-set : Is-set C₁
  C₁-set = proj₁ laws₁

  module _ (C-eq : C₁  C₂) where

    open _≃_ C-eq

    -- Two component lemmas.

    op-lemma :
      (∀ x y  to (op₁ x y)  op₂ (to x) (to y)) 
      subst  C  C  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) op₁  op₂
    op-lemma =
      (∀ x y  to (op₁ x y)  op₂ (to x) (to y))                  ↔⟨ ∀-cong ext  _  Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) 

      (∀ x   y  to (op₁ x y))   y  op₂ (to x) (to y)))    ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext  _  inverse $ ∘from≡↔≡∘to ext C-eq) 

      (∀ x   y  to (op₁ x (from y)))   y  op₂ (to x) y))  ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 

      ((λ x y  to (op₁ x (from y)))   x y  op₂ (to x) y))    ↝⟨ inverse $ ∘from≡↔≡∘to ext C-eq 

      ((λ x y  to (op₁ (from x) (from y)))   x y  op₂ x y))  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  o  o  op₂) $
                                                                          C  C  C  C)
                                                                          eq f x y  _≃_.to eq (f (_≃_.from eq x) (_≃_.from eq y)))
                                                                         refl univ C-eq op₁ 
      (subst  C  C  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) op₁  op₂)         

    id-lemma : (to id₁  id₂) 
               (subst  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) id₁  id₂)
    id-lemma =
      (to id₁  id₂)                               ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  i  i  id₂) $
                                                        transport-theorem  C  C) _≃_.to refl univ C-eq id₁ ⟩□
      (subst  C  C) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) id₁  id₂)  

-- Equality of monoids is thus equal to equality (assuming
-- univalence).

isomorphism-is-equal-to-equality :
  Univalence (# 0) 
  Univalence (# 1) 
  (M₁ M₂ : Monoid)   _ (M₁  M₂)  (M₁  M₂)
isomorphism-is-equal-to-equality univ univ₁ M₁ M₂ =
  ≃⇒≡ univ₁ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ (
     _ (M₁  M₂)  ↝⟨ ↑↔ 
    (M₁  M₂)      ↝⟨ isomorphism-is-equality univ univ₁ M₁ M₂ ⟩□
    (M₁  M₂)      )