-- The list container

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Container.List
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_; module _⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (List; []; _∷_; id; _∘_)

import Bag-equivalence eq as BE
open import Bijection eq using (_↔_; module _↔_; Σ-≡,≡↔≡)
open import Container eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
open import Fin eq
open import Function-universe eq
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
import List eq as L
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)

open BE.Kind

private variable
  a p              : Level
  A B              : Type a
  k lkup n x xs ys : A

-- The type

-- Lists.

List : Container lzero
List =   Fin

-- The length of a list.

length :  List  A  
length = proj₁

-- The definitions of lists and bag equivalence for lists given in
-- Container/Container.List and in Prelude/Bag-equivalence are closely
-- related

-- There is a split surjection from ⟦ List ⟧ A to P.List A.

List↠List :  List  A  P.List A
List↠List {A} = record
  { logical-equivalence = record
    { to   = uncurry to
    ; from = from
  ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  to : (n : )  (Fin n  A)  P.List A
  to zero    f = P.[]
  to (suc n) f = P._∷_ (f fzero) (to n (f  fsuc))

  from = λ xs  (L.length xs , L.index xs)

  to∘from :  xs  uncurry to (from xs)  xs
  to∘from P.[]         = refl _
  to∘from (P._∷_ x xs) = cong (P._∷_ x) (to∘from xs)

-- The surjection preserves lengths.

_ : length (_↠_.from List↠List xs)  L.length xs
_ = refl _

length-List↠List : L.length (_↠_.to List↠List xs)  length xs
length-List↠List {xs} =
  L.length (_↠_.to List↠List xs)                     ≡⟨⟩
  length (_↠_.from List↠List (_↠_.to List↠List xs))  ≡⟨ uncurry lemma xs ⟩∎
  length xs                                          
  lemma :
     n f  proj₁ (_↠_.from List↠List (_↠_.to List↠List (n , f)))  n
  lemma zero    _ = refl _
  lemma (suc n) _ = cong suc $ lemma n _

-- If we assume that equality of functions is extensional, then we can
-- also prove that the two definitions are isomorphic.

List↔List :
  Extensionality lzero a 
  {A : Type a}   List  A  P.List A
List↔List ext {A} = record
  { surjection      = List↠List
  ; left-inverse-of = uncurry from∘to
  open _↠_ List↠List

  from∘to :  n f  from (to (n , f))  (n , f)
  from∘to zero    f = cong (_,_ _) (apply-ext ext λ ())
  from∘to (suc n) f =
    let x  = f (inj₁ tt)
        xs = (n , f  inj₂)
    (suc (L.length (to xs)) , L.index (P._∷_ x (to xs)))  ≡⟨ elim¹  {ys} _  _≡_ {A =  List  A}
                                                                                   (suc (L.length (to xs)) , L.index (P._∷_ x (to xs)))
                                                                                   (suc (proj₁ ys) , [  _  x) , proj₂ ys ]))
                                                                   (cong (suc (L.length (to xs)) ,_) $ apply-ext ext
                                                                      [  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ])
                                                                   (from∘to n (f  inj₂)) 
    (suc n                  , [  _  x) , f  inj₂ ])   ≡⟨ cong (_,_ _) (apply-ext ext [  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]) ⟩∎
    (suc n                  , f)                          

-- The two definitions of Any are isomorphic (both via "to" and
-- "from").

Any↔Any-to :
  (P : A  Type p) (xs :  List  A) 
  Any P xs  BE.Any P (_↠_.to List↠List xs)
Any↔Any-to {A} P = uncurry Any↔Any-to′
  Any↔Any-to′ : (n : ) (lkup : Fin n  A) 
                Any {C = List} P (n , lkup) 
                BE.Any P (_↠_.to List↠List (n , lkup))
  Any↔Any-to′ zero lkup =
    ( λ (p : Fin zero)  P (lkup p))  ↔⟨ ∃-Fin-zero _ 
  Any↔Any-to′ (suc n) lkup =
    ( λ (p : Fin (suc n))  P (lkup p))                            ↔⟨ ∃-Fin-suc _ 
    P (lkup fzero)  Any {C = List} P (n , lkup  fsuc)             ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any↔Any-to′ n (lkup  fsuc) 
    P (lkup fzero)  BE.Any P (_↠_.to List↠List (n , lkup  fsuc))  

Any-from↔Any :
  (P : A  Type p) (xs : P.List A) 
  Any P (_↠_.from List↠List xs)  BE.Any P xs
Any-from↔Any P P.[] =
  ( λ (p : Fin zero)  P (L.index P.[] p))  ↔⟨ ∃-Fin-zero _ 
Any-from↔Any P (P._∷_ x xs) =
  ( λ (p : Fin (suc (L.length xs)))  P (L.index (P._∷_ x xs) p))  ↔⟨ ∃-Fin-suc _ 
  P x  Any {C = List} P (_↠_.from List↠List xs)                    ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong Any-from↔Any P xs 
  P x  BE.Any P xs                                                 

-- Some lemmas relating different definitions of bag equivalence for
-- different definitions of lists.

≈-⇔-to-≈-to :
  xs ∼[  k ⌋-iso ] ys 
  _↠_.to List↠List xs BE.∼[  k ⌋-iso ] _↠_.to List↠List ys
≈-⇔-to-≈-to {xs} {ys} = record
  { to   = λ xs≈ys z 
             z BE.∈ (_↠_.to List↠List xs)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Any↔Any-to _ xs 
             z  xs                        ↔⟨ xs≈ys z 
             z  ys                        ↔⟨ Any↔Any-to _ ys 
             z BE.∈ (_↠_.to List↠List ys)  
  ; from = λ xs≈ys z 
             z  xs                        ↔⟨ Any↔Any-to _ xs 
             z BE.∈ (_↠_.to List↠List xs)  ↔⟨ xs≈ys z 
             z BE.∈ (_↠_.to List↠List ys)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Any↔Any-to _ ys 
             z  ys                        

≈-⇔-from-≈-from :
  xs BE.∼[  k ⌋-iso ] ys 
  _↠_.from List↠List xs ∼[  k ⌋-iso ] _↠_.from List↠List ys
≈-⇔-from-≈-from {xs} {ys} = record
  { to   = λ xs≈ys z 
             z  (_↠_.from List↠List xs)  ↔⟨ Any-from↔Any _ xs 
             z BE.∈ xs                    ↔⟨ xs≈ys z 
             z BE.∈ ys                    ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-from↔Any _ ys 
             z  (_↠_.from List↠List ys)  
  ; from = λ xs≈ys z 
             z BE.∈ xs                    ↔⟨ inverse $ Any-from↔Any _ xs 
             z  (_↠_.from List↠List xs)  ↔⟨ xs≈ys z 
             z  (_↠_.from List↠List ys)  ↔⟨ Any-from↔Any _ ys 
             z BE.∈ ys                    

≈-≃-from-≈-from :
  {A : Type a} {xs ys : P.List A} 
  xs BE.≈-bag ys ↝[ a  a ]
  _↠_.from List↠List xs ≈-bag _↠_.from List↠List ys
≈-≃-from-≈-from {xs} {ys} =
  generalise-ext? ≈-⇔-from-≈-from λ ext 
       xs≈ys  apply-ext ext λ z 
         Eq.lift-equality ext $ apply-ext ext λ z∈xs 
         _↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys)
           (_↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys)
              (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z)
                 (_↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs)
                    (_↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) z∈xs))))  ≡⟨ _↔_.left-inverse-of (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys) _ 

          _≃_.to (xs≈ys z)
            (_↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs)
               (_↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) z∈xs))         ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z)) $
                                                                  _↔_.left-inverse-of (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) _ ⟩∎
          _≃_.to (xs≈ys z) z∈xs                                )
    ,  xs≈ys  apply-ext ext λ z 
         Eq.lift-equality ext $ apply-ext ext λ z∈xs 
         _↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys)
           (_↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys)
              (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z)
                 (_↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs)
                    (_↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) z∈xs))))  ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) ys) _ 

          _≃_.to (xs≈ys z)
            (_↔_.to (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs)
               (_↔_.from (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) z∈xs))         ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to (xs≈ys z)) $
                                                                    _↔_.right-inverse-of (Any-from↔Any (z ≡_) xs) _ ⟩∎
          _≃_.to (xs≈ys z) z∈xs                                  )

-- Constructors

[] :  List  A
[] = (zero , λ ())

infixr 5 _∷_

_∷_ : A   List  A   List  A
x  (n , lkup) = (suc n , [  _  x) , lkup ])

-- Even if we don't assume extensionality we can prove that
-- intensionally distinct implementations of the constructors are bag
-- equivalent.

[]≈ : _≈-bag_ {C₂ = List} [] (zero , lkup)
[]≈ _ = Eq.↔→≃
   { (() , _) })
   { (() , _) })
   { (() , _) })
   { (() , _) })

∷≈ :
  _≈-bag_ {C₂ = List}
          (lkup (inj₁ tt)  (n , lkup  inj₂))
          (suc n , lkup)
∷≈ _ = Eq.↔→≃
   { (inj₁ tt , eq)  (inj₁ tt , eq)
     ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  (inj₂ s  , eq)
   { (inj₁ tt , eq)  (inj₁ tt , eq)
     ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  (inj₂ s  , eq)
   { (inj₁ tt , eq)  refl _
     ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  refl _
   { (inj₁ tt , eq)  refl _
     ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  refl _

-- Any lemmas for the constructors.

Any-[] : (P : A  Type p)  Any P []  ⊥₀
Any-[] _ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { (() , _) }
      ; from = λ ()
    ; right-inverse-of = λ ()
  ; left-inverse-of = λ { (() , _) }

Any-∷ : (P : A  Type p)  Any P (x  xs)  P x  Any P xs
Any-∷ _ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = λ { (inj₁ tt , eq)  inj₁ eq
                 ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  inj₂ (s , eq)
      ; from = λ { (inj₁ eq)        (inj₁ tt , eq)
                 ; (inj₂ (s , eq))  (inj₂ s  , eq)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ { (inj₁ eq)        refl _
                           ; (inj₂ (s , eq))  refl _
  ; left-inverse-of = λ { (inj₁ tt , eq)  refl _
                        ; (inj₂ s  , eq)  refl _

-- More functions

-- A fold for lists. (Well, this is not a catamorphism, it is a
-- paramorphism.)

fold : B  (A   List  A  B  B)   List  A  B
fold {B} {A} nl cns = uncurry fold′
  fold′ : (n : )  (Fin n  A)  B
  fold′ zero    lkup = nl
  fold′ (suc n) lkup =
    cns (lkup fzero) (n , lkup  fsuc) (fold′ n (lkup  fsuc))

-- A lemma which can be used to prove properties about fold.
-- The "respects bag equivalence" argument could be omitted if
-- equality of functions were extensional.

fold-lemma :
  {nl : B} {cns : A   List  A  B  B}
  (P :  List  A  B  Type p) 
  (∀ xs ys  xs ≈-bag ys   b  P xs b  P ys b) 
  P [] nl 
  (∀ x xs b  P xs b  P (x  xs) (cns x xs b)) 
   xs  P xs (fold nl cns xs)
fold-lemma {A} {nl} {cns} P resp P-nl P-cns =
  uncurry fold′-lemma
  fold′-lemma :  n (lkup : Fin n  A) 
                P (n , lkup) (fold nl cns (n , lkup))
  fold′-lemma zero    lkup = resp _ _ []≈ _ P-nl
  fold′-lemma (suc n) lkup = resp _ _ ∷≈ _ $
    P-cns _ _ _ $ fold′-lemma n (lkup  fsuc)

-- Why have I included both fold and fold-lemma rather than simply a
-- dependent eliminator? I tried this, and could easily define the
-- functions I wanted to define. However, the functions were defined
-- together with (partial) correctness proofs, and were unnecessarily
-- hard to read. I wanted to be able to define functions which were
-- easy to read, like the _++_ function below, and then have the
-- option to prove properties about them, like Any-++.
-- Unfortunately this turned out to be harder than expected. When
-- proving the Any-++ lemma it seemed as if I had to prove that _++_
-- preserves bag equivalence in its first argument in order to
-- instantiate the "respects bag equivalence" argument. However, my
-- preferred proof of this property uses Any-++…
-- An alternative could be to assume that equality of functions is
-- extensional, in which case the "respects bag equivalence" argument
-- could be removed. Another option would be to listen to Conor
-- McBride and avoid higher-order representations of first-order data.

-- Append.

infixr 5 _++_

_++_ :  List  A   List  A   List  A
xs ++ ys = fold ys  z _ zs  z  zs) xs

-- An Any lemma for append.

Any-++ :
   (P : A  Type p) xs ys 
  Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P xs  Any P ys
Any-++ P xs ys = fold-lemma
   xs xs++ys  Any P xs++ys  Any P xs  Any P ys)

   us vs us≈vs us++ys hyp 
     Any P us++ys         ↔⟨ hyp 
     Any P us  Any P ys  ↔⟨ Any-cong P P us vs  _  id) us≈vs ⊎-cong id ⟩□
     Any P vs  Any P ys  )

  (Any P ys             ↔⟨ inverse ⊎-left-identity 
     Any P ys         ↔⟨ inverse (Any-[] P) ⊎-cong id ⟩□
   Any P []  Any P ys  )

   x xs xs++ys ih 
     Any P (x  xs++ys)           ↔⟨ Any-∷ P 
     P x  Any P xs++ys           ↔⟨ id ⊎-cong ih 
     P x  Any P xs  Any P ys    ↔⟨ ⊎-assoc 
     (P x  Any P xs)  Any P ys  ↔⟨ inverse (Any-∷ P) ⊎-cong id ⟩□
     Any P (x  xs)  Any P ys    )


-- More results related to bag equivalence

-- Two notions of bag equivalence are pointwise equivalent (assuming
-- function extensionality).

≈≃≈′ :
  {A : Type a} {xs ys : P.List A} 
  xs BE.≈-bag ys ↝[ a  a ] xs BE.≈-bag′ ys
≈≃≈′ {xs} {ys} {k} ext =
  xs BE.≈-bag ys                                         ↝⟨ ≈-≃-from-≈-from ext 

  _↠_.from List↠List xs ≈-bag _↠_.from List↠List ys      ↝⟨ ≈↔≈′ (_↠_.from List↠List xs) (_↠_.from List↠List ys) ext 

  _↠_.from List↠List xs ≈[ bag ]′ _↠_.from List↠List ys  ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ (eq : Fin (L.length xs)  Fin (L.length ys)) 
    i  L.index xs i  L.index ys (_≃_.to eq i))        ↔⟨ Eq.↔→≃
                                                               (eq , r)  record { equivalence = eq; related = r })
                                                              refl ⟩□
  xs BE.≈-bag′ ys                                        

-- The type of lists that are bag equivalent to a list xs is
-- equivalent to Fin (length xs !), if a certain variant of bag
-- equivalence is used (and assuming function extensionality).

∃≈≃Fin! :
  {A : Type a} {xs :  List  A} 
  Extensionality a a 
  ( λ (ys :  List  A)  xs ≈-bag ys)  Fin (length xs !)
∃≈≃Fin! {A} {xs = xs@(m , f)} ext =
  ( λ ys  xs ≈-bag ys)                      ↝⟨ ∃≈≃∃≃ ext List 

  ( λ (n : )  Fin m  Fin n)               ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse $ drop-⊤-right λ hyp 
                                                  _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                  propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible ℕ-set
                                                    (_⇔_.to isomorphic-same-size (from-equivalence hyp))) 

  ( λ (n : )  Fin m  Fin n × m  n)       ↝⟨ inverse $ other-∃-intro _ _ 

  Fin m  Fin m                               ↔⟨ [Fin↔Fin]↔Fin! ext₀ m 
                                                 inverse (Eq.↔↔≃ ext₀ (Fin-set m)) ⟩□
  Fin (m !)                                   
  ext₀ = lower-extensionality _ _ ext

-- The type of lists that are bag equivalent to a list xs is
-- equivalent to Fin (L.length xs !), if a certain variant of bag
-- equivalence is used (and assuming function extensionality).

∃-List-≈≃Fin! :
  {A : Type a} {xs : P.List A} 
  Extensionality a a 
  ( λ (ys : P.List A)  xs BE.≈-bag ys)  Fin (L.length xs !)
∃-List-≈≃Fin! {A} {xs} ext =
  ( λ (ys : P.List A)  xs BE.≈-bag ys)                    ↝⟨ Σ-cong (inverse $ List↔List ext′)  _  ≈-≃-from-≈-from ext) 
  ( λ (ys :  List  A)  _↠_.from List↠List xs ≈-bag ys)  ↝⟨ ∃≈≃Fin! ext ⟩□
  Fin (L.length xs !)                                       
  ext′ = lower-extensionality _ lzero ext