-- The unit type

module Data.Unit where

open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq
open PropEq using (_≡_; refl)

-- Types

-- Note that the name of this type is "\top", not T.

record  : Set where

tt : 
tt = record {}

record _≤_ (x y : ) : Set where

-- Operations

_≟_ : Decidable {} _≡_
_  _ = yes refl

_≤?_ : Decidable _≤_
_ ≤? _ = yes _

total : Total _≤_
total _ _ = inj₁ _

-- Properties

preorder : Preorder
preorder = PropEq.preorder 

setoid : Setoid
setoid = PropEq.setoid 

decTotalOrder : DecTotalOrder
decTotalOrder = record
  { carrier         = 
  ; _≈_             = _≡_
  ; _≤_             = _≤_
  ; isDecTotalOrder = record
      { isTotalOrder = record
          { isPartialOrder = record
              { isPreorder = record
                  { isEquivalence = PropEq.isEquivalence
                  ; reflexive     = λ _  _
                  ; trans         = λ _ _  _
                  ; ≈-resp-∼      = PropEq.resp _≤_
              ; antisym  = antisym
          ; total = total
      ; _≟_  = _≟_
      ; _≤?_ = _≤?_
  antisym : Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤_
  antisym _ _ = refl

decSetoid : DecSetoid
decSetoid = DecTotalOrder.Eq.decSetoid decTotalOrder

poset : Poset
poset = DecTotalOrder.poset decTotalOrder