-- Small coinductive higher lenses with erased "proofs"

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive.Small.Erased
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

open import Bijection equality-with-J as B using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decidable-UIP equality-with-J using (Constant)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms.Univalence eq
  using () renaming (opaque-univ to univ)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Cubical eq as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages.Cubical eq as ECP
  using (_⁻¹ᴱ_)
open import Erased.Cubical eq
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq using (∥_∥)
open import Preimage equality-with-J using (_⁻¹_)
open import Tactic.Sigma-cong equality-with-J
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Lens.Non-dependent eq
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Capriotti.Variant.Erased.Variant eq
  as V
open import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coherently.Coinductive eq
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive eq as C
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive.Erased eq as CE
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Coinductive.Small eq as S
import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Erased eq as E

    a b c d       : Level
    A B           : Type a
    b₁ b₂ l g p s : A
    P             : A  Type p
    f             : (x : A)  P x

-- Weakly constant functions

-- Weakly constant type-valued functions.
-- Note that the definition does not use _≃ᴱ_: the right-to-left
-- directions of the equivalences are erased.

Constantᴱ :
  {A : Type a} 
  (A  Type p)  Type (a  p)
Constantᴱ P =  x y   λ (f : P x  P y)  Erased (Is-equivalence f)

-- In erased contexts Constantᴱ is pointwise equivalent to Constant.

@0 Constantᴱ≃Constant : Constantᴱ P  Constant P
Constantᴱ≃Constant {P = P} =
  Constantᴱ P                                                ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ x y   λ (f : P x  P y)  Erased (Is-equivalence f))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 
  (∀ x y   λ (f : P x  P y)  Is-equivalence f)           ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse Eq.≃-as-Σ) 
  (∀ x y  P x  P y)                                        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $ ≡≃≃ univ) 
  (∀ x y  P x  P y)                                        ↔⟨⟩
  Constant P                                                 

-- In erased contexts Constantᴱ is pointwise equivalent to
-- S.Constant-≃.

@0 Constantᴱ≃Constant-≃ : Constantᴱ P  S.Constant-≃ P
Constantᴱ≃Constant-≃ {P = P} =
  Constantᴱ P                                                ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ x y   λ (f : P x  P y)  Erased (Is-equivalence f))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 
  (∀ x y   λ (f : P x  P y)  Is-equivalence f)           ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  inverse Eq.≃-as-Σ) 
  (∀ x y  P x  P y)                                        ↔⟨⟩
  S.Constant-≃ P                                             


  -- In erased contexts Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_) is pointwise equivalent to
  -- S.Constant-≃ (f ⁻¹_).

  @0 Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ :
    Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)  S.Constant-≃ (f ⁻¹_)
  Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ {f = f} =
    Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)               ↝⟨ Constantᴱ≃Constant-≃ 
    S.Constant-≃ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)            ↔⟨⟩
    (∀ b₁ b₂  f ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  f ⁻¹ᴱ b₂)  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                         Eq.≃-preserves ext (inverse ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ) (inverse ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ)) 
    (∀ b₁ b₂  f ⁻¹ b₁  f ⁻¹ b₂)    ↔⟨⟩
    S.Constant-≃ (f ⁻¹_)             


  -- In erased contexts Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_) is pointwise equivalent to
  -- Constant (f ⁻¹_).

  @0 Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ :
    Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)  Constant (f ⁻¹_)
  Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ {f = f} =
    Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)    ↝⟨ Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ 
    S.Constant-≃ (f ⁻¹_)  ↝⟨ inverse S.Constant≃Constant-≃ ⟩□
    Constant (f ⁻¹_)      

  unfolding Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹

  -- A "computation" rule for Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹.

  @0 proj₁-from-Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ :
    {c : Constant (f ⁻¹_)} 
    proj₁ (_≃_.from Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ c b₁ b₂) 
    ECP.⁻¹→⁻¹ᴱ  subst P.id (c b₁ b₂)  ECP.⁻¹ᴱ→⁻¹
  proj₁-from-Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ {b₁ = b₁} {b₂ = b₂} {c = c} =
    ⟨ext⟩ λ (a , [ eq ]) 

    ECP.⁻¹→⁻¹ᴱ (≡⇒→ (c b₁ b₂) (a , eq))         ≡⟨ cong ECP.⁻¹→⁻¹ᴱ $ sym $
                                                   subst-id-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence ⟩∎
    ECP.⁻¹→⁻¹ᴱ (subst P.id (c b₁ b₂) (a , eq))  


  -- Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_) can be expressed (up to _≃ᴱ_) in terms of a
  -- "setter" and an erased "get-set" law that, in a certain way, form
  -- an erased family of equivalences.
  -- This lemma is based on a lemma suggested by Andrea Vezzosi, see
  -- S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃.

  Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ :
    {get : A  B} 
    Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_) ≃ᴱ
    ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     Erased ( λ (get-set :  a b  get (set a b)  b) 
              b₁ b₂ 
             let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
             Is-equivalence f))
  Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ {A = A} {B = B} {get = get} =
    Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)                                                 ↔⟨⟩

    (∀ b₁ b₂ 
      λ (f : get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (Is-equivalence f))                                          ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ f  Erased-cong (
                                                                               (_≃_.is-equivalence $ from-bijection $
                                                                                ∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔)
                                                                               {k = equivalence} ext)) 
    (∀ b₁ b₂ 
      λ (f : get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id erased  f)))                    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ f  Erased-cong (
                                                                               (_≃_.is-equivalence $ from-bijection $
                                                                                ∃-cong λ _  inverse $ erased Erased↔)
                                                                               {k = equivalence} ext)) 
    (∀ b₁ b₂ 
      λ (f : get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id erased  f  Σ-map P.id [_]→)))  ↔⟨ Π-comm 

    (∀ b₂ b₁ 
      λ (f : get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id erased  f  Σ-map P.id [_]→)))  ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ΠΣ-comm) 

    (∀ b₂ 
      λ (f :  b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
       (Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id erased  f b₁  Σ-map P.id [_]→)))    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-Π↔Π) 

    (∀ b₂ 
      λ (f :  b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
       (∀ b₁ 
        Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id erased  f b₁  Σ-map P.id [_]→)))    ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                             Σ-cong {k₂ = equivalence}
                                                                               (inverse (∀-cong ext λ _  currying) F.∘
                                                                                Π-comm F.∘
                                                                                (∀-cong ext λ _  currying))
                                                                                _  Eq.id)) 
    (∀ b₂ 
      λ (f :  a  ( λ b₁  Erased (get a  b₁))  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , eq)  Σ-map P.id erased (f a (b₁ , [ eq ]))
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↝⟨ (∀-cong [ ext ] λ _ 
                                                                               (∀-cong [ ext ] λ _ 
                                                                                EEq.drop-⊤-left-Π-≃ᴱ ext
                                                                                   _ _  F.id)) λ f 
                                                                             Erased-cong (
                                                                             ∀-cong [ ext ] λ b₁ 
                                                                             Is-equivalence-cong [ ext ] λ (a , eq) 
        Σ-map P.id erased (f a (b₁ , [ eq ]))                                  ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map P.id erased  f a) $ sym $
                                                                                  erased (proj₂ Contractibleᴱ-Erased-other-singleton) _ 

        Σ-map P.id erased (f a (get a , [ refl _ ]))                           ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map P.id erased) $ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

        Σ-map P.id erased
          (subst (const _) (refl _) (f a (get a , [ refl _ ])))                )) 

    (∀ b₂ 
      λ (f : A  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _)  Σ-map P.id erased (f a)
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm 

    ( λ (f :  b  A  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _)  Σ-map P.id erased (f b₂ a)
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-Π↔Π) 

    ( λ (f :  b  A  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) 
     Erased (∀ b₂ b₁ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _)  Σ-map P.id erased (f b₂ a)
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ Σ-cong Π-comm  _  Erased-cong Π-comm) 

    ( λ (f : A   b  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _)  Σ-map P.id erased (f a b₂)
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ Σ-cong (∀-cong ext λ _  ΠΣ-comm)  _  Eq.id) 

    ( λ (f : A   λ (set : B  A) 
                   b  Erased (get (set b)  b)) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _) 
                       proj₁ (f a) b₂ , erased (proj₂ (f a) b₂)
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ Σ-cong
                                                                              (∀-cong ext λ _  ∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-Π↔Π)
                                                                               _  Eq.id) 
    ( λ (f : A   λ (set : B  A) 
                  Erased (∀ b  get (set b)  b)) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             let g : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 g = λ (a , _) 
                       proj₁ (f a) b₂ , erased (proj₂ (f a)) b₂
             Is-equivalence g))                                          ↔⟨ Σ-cong-id {k₂ = equivalence} ΠΣ-comm 

    ( λ ((set , get-set) :
           λ (set : A  B  A) 
           a  Erased (∀ b  get (set a b)  b)) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , erased (get-set a) b₂
             Is-equivalence f))                                          ↔⟨ Σ-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse Erased-Π↔Π)  _  Eq.id) 

    ( λ ((set , [ get-set ]) :
           λ (set : A  B  A) 
          Erased (∀ a b  get (set a b)  b)) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                 f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
             Is-equivalence f))                                          ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

    ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
      λ (([ get-set ]) : Erased (∀ a b  get (set a b)  b)) 
     Erased (∀ b₁ b₂ 
             Is-equivalence λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂))        ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  inverse
                                                                             Erased-Σ↔Σ) ⟩□
    ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     Erased ( λ (get-set :  a b  get (set a b)  b) 
              b₁ b₂ 
             Is-equivalence λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂))        

-- A lemma relating S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃,
-- Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ and Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ.

@0 to-Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃-to-Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹-≡ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {get : A  B} 
  (c : Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
  _≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃
    (_≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c) 
  Σ-map P.id erased
    (_≃ᴱ_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ c)
  {get = get} c =
  _≃_.from (Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ inverse Σ-assoc) $
    ((Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Is-equivalence-propositional ext)
       _ _)

    lemma :
      (proj₁ $ _↔_.to Σ-assoc $
       _≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃
         (_≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c)) 
      (proj₁ $ _↔_.to Σ-assoc $
       Σ-map P.id erased (_≃ᴱ_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ c))
    lemma =
        (⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 

         proj₁ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))      ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎
         proj₁ (subst  _  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) (refl _)
                  (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ])))  )
        (⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 

         subst  set   a b  get (set a b)  b)
           (⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
            cong {x = proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ])} proj₁ $
            sym $ subst-refl _ _)
            a b 
              erased (proj₂ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))))
           a b                                                          ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                           trans (push-subst-application _ _) $
                                                                           cong (_$ b) $ push-subst-application _ _ 
         subst  set  get (set a b)  b)
           (⟨ext⟩ λ _  ⟨ext⟩ λ _  cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
           (erased (proj₂ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))))      ≡⟨ trans (subst-ext ext) $
                                                                           subst-ext ext 
         subst  s  get s  b)
           (cong proj₁ $ sym $ subst-refl _ _)
           (erased (proj₂ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))))      ≡⟨ sym $ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

         subst  (s , _)  get s  b)
           (sym $ subst-refl _ _)
           (erased (proj₂ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))))      ≡⟨ elim¹
                                                                              {p} eq 
                                                                                subst  (s , _)  get s  b) eq
                                                                                  (erased (proj₂ (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ])))) 
                                                                                erased (proj₂ p))
                                                                             (subst-refl _ _)
                                                                             _ ⟩∎
           (proj₂ (subst  _  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) (refl _)
                     (proj₁ (c (get a) b) (a , [ refl _ ]))))           )

-- Coherently constant families of fibres

-- Coherently constant families of fibres (with erased proofs).

Coherently-constant-fibres :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  Type (a  b)
Coherently-constant-fibres {A = A} {B = B} get =
   λ (set : A  B  A) 
      ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
       S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))

-- Coherently-constant-fibres get is equivalent (with erased proofs)
-- to CE.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_).

Coherently-constant-fibres≃ᴱCoherently-constant-⁻¹ᴱ :
  {get : A  B} 
  Coherently-constant-fibres get ≃ᴱ
  CE.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)
  {A = A} {B = B} {get = get} =
  Coherently-constant-fibres get                                          ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c })))             ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ c 
                                                                              ≡⇒≃ $ cong (_ ≡_) $
                                                                              S.Lens.set≡ (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))) 
  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      set  proj₁ (_≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property))))          ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                              ≡-comm F.∘
                                                                              drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                              _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                              other-singleton-contractible _)) 
  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
       λ (p : proj₁ (_≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property)) 
       λ (q :  λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
                b₁ b₂ 
               let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                   f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
               in Is-equivalence f) 
            λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
            b₁ b₂ 
           let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
               f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
           Is-equivalence f)
        (proj₂ (_≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property))) 
        q))                                                               ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) F.∘
                                                                              ∃-comm F.∘
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _  inverse Σ-assoc))) 
  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
       λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
       λ (eq :  b₁ b₂ 
                let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                    f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
                in Is-equivalence f) 
       λ (p : proj₁ (_≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property)) 
            λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
            b₁ b₂ 
           let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
               f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
           Is-equivalence f)
        (proj₂ (_≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property))) 
        (get-set , eq)))                                                  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _ 
  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
       λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
       λ (eq :  b₁ b₂ 
                let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                    f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
                in Is-equivalence f) 
      _≃_.to S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (c .property) 
      (set , get-set , eq)))                                              ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Erased-cong (∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ _  ∃-cong λ eq 
                                                                              ≡⇒≃ (cong (_≡ _≃_.from S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ (_ , _ , eq)) $
                                                                                   _≃_.left-inverse-of S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ _) F.∘
                                                                              inverse (Eq.≃-≡ $ inverse S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃))) 
  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
       λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
       λ (eq :  b₁ b₂ 
                let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
                    f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
                in Is-equivalence f) 
      c .property  S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃⁻¹ (set , get-set , eq)))        ↔⟨ (Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                              (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                               Erased-Σ↔Σ F.∘
                                                                                 (Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                                  (∃-cong λ _  ∃-comm) F.∘
  ( λ ((set , [ get-set , eq ]) :
         λ (set : A  B  A) 
          ( λ (get-set : (a : A) (b : B)  get (set a b)  b) 
            b₁ b₂ 
           let f : get ⁻¹ b₁  get ⁻¹ b₂
               f = λ (a , _)  set a b₂ , get-set a b₂
           Is-equivalence f)) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      c .property  S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃⁻¹ (set , get-set , eq)))        ↝⟨ (inverse $
                                                                              EEq.Σ-cong-≃ᴱ-Erased Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ λ c 
                                                                              Erased-cong (∃-cong λ c′ 
                                                                              ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (c′ .property ≡_) (
       _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c                                   ≡⟨ sym $ _≃_.to-from S.Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃ $
                                                                                   to-Constant-≃-get-⁻¹-≃-to-Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹-≡ c ⟩∎
         (Σ-map P.id erased $ _≃ᴱ_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ c)                       )))) 

  ( λ (c : Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
     ( λ (c′ : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      c′ .property  _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c))             ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ c  Erased-cong (inverse $
                                                                              Σ-cong S.Coinductive-coherently-constant≃Coherently-constant λ c′ 
                                                                              lemma₁ c (c′ .property))) 
  ( λ (c : Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
     ( λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      c′ .property  _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ c))               ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ c  Erased-cong (lemma₃ c)) 

  ( λ (c : Constantᴱ (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
   Erased (
    λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
    b₁ b₂  proj₁ (c b₁ b₂)  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂)))          ↔⟨ inverse Σ-assoc F.∘
                                                                             (Σ-cong (ΠΣ-comm F.∘ ∀-cong ext λ _  ΠΣ-comm) λ _  F.id) 
  ( λ (get⁻¹ᴱ-const :  b₁ b₂  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
   (∀ b₁ b₂  Erased (Is-equivalence (get⁻¹ᴱ-const b₁ b₂))) ×
   Erased (
    λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
    b₁ b₂  get⁻¹ᴱ-const b₁ b₂  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂)))       ↔⟨ (∃-cong {k = bijection} λ _ 
                                                                              drop-⊤-left-× λ ([ _ , eq ]) 
                                                                              _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                                (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                 Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                                                                                 H-level-Erased 1 (Is-equivalence-propositional ext))
                                                                                 x y 
                                                                                   [ Eq.respects-extensional-equality
                                                                                       (ext⁻¹ (sym (eq x y)))
                                                                                       (_≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.subst-as-equivalence _ _)
  ( λ (get⁻¹ᴱ-const :  b₁ b₂  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₁  get ⁻¹ᴱ b₂) 
   Erased (
    λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
    b₁ b₂  get⁻¹ᴱ-const b₁ b₂  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂)))       ↔⟨⟩

  CE.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)                                       
    unfolding Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹

    @0 lemma₁ :
       (c : Constantᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ_)) c′ 
      (c′  _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ c) 
      (_≃_.to S.Constant≃Constant-≃ c′ 
       _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c)
    lemma₁ c c′ =
      c′  _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ c       ↔⟨⟩

      _≃_.from S.Constant≃Constant-≃
        (_≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c)      ↝⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ S.Constant≃Constant-≃ 

      _≃_.to S.Constant≃Constant-≃ c′ 
      _≃_.to S.Constant≃Constant-≃
        (_≃_.from S.Constant≃Constant-≃
           (_≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c))  ↝⟨ ≡⇒≃ $
                                                         cong (_≃_.to S.Constant≃Constant-≃ c′ ≡_) $
                                                         _≃_.right-inverse-of S.Constant≃Constant-≃ _ ⟩□
      _≃_.to S.Constant≃Constant-≃ c′ 
      _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-≃-⁻¹ c          

  @0 lemma₂ :  _ _ _  _
  lemma₂ c′ b₁ b₂ =
    proj₁ (_≃_.from Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ (c′ .property) b₁ b₂)   ≡⟨ proj₁-from-Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ 

    ECP.⁻¹→⁻¹ᴱ  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂)  ECP.⁻¹ᴱ→⁻¹           ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                           cong₂  f g  f  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂)  g)
                                                                             (trans (⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                                     subst-id-in-terms-of-≡⇒↝ equivalence) $
                                                                              cong _≃_.to $ _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _)
                                                                             (trans (⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                                     subst-id-in-terms-of-inverse∘≡⇒↝ equivalence) $
                                                                              cong _≃_.from $ _≃_.right-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) _) 
    subst P.id (≃⇒≡ univ ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ) 
    subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂) 
    subst P.id (sym (≃⇒≡ univ ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ))                              ≡⟨ (⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                            trans (subst-subst _ _ _ _) $
                                                                            subst-subst _ _ _ _) 
    subst P.id
      (trans (sym (≃⇒≡ univ (ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ {y = b₁})))
         (trans (c′ .property b₁ b₂)
           (≃⇒≡ univ (ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ {y = b₂}))))                           ≡⟨ sym $
                                                                           cong  f  subst P.id
                                                                                         (trans (sym (f b₁))
                                                                                            (trans (c′ .property b₁ b₂) (f b₂)))) $
                                                                           _≃_.left-inverse-of (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) _ 
    subst P.id
      (trans (sym (cong (_$ b₁) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _  ≃⇒≡ univ ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ))
         (trans (c′ .property b₁ b₂)
           (cong (_$ b₂) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ b₂ 
            ≃⇒≡ univ (ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ {y = b₂}))))                           ≡⟨ cong (subst P.id) $
                                                                                trans (sym (cong (_$ b₁) eq))
                                                                                  (trans (c′ .property b₁ b₂) (cong (_$ b₂) eq)) 
                                                                                ≡⇒→ (cong C.Coherently-constant eq) c′ .property b₁ b₂)
        trans (sym (cong (_$ b₁) (refl _)))
          (trans (c′ .property b₁ b₂) (cong (_$ b₂) (refl (get ⁻¹_))))        ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                        trans (cong sym $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                        sym-refl) $
                                                                                 trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                                 trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                                 trans-reflʳ _ 

        c′ .property b₁ b₂                                                    ≡⟨ cong  eq  _≃_.to eq c′ .property b₁ b₂) $ sym $
                                                                                 trans (cong ≡⇒≃ $ cong-refl C.Coherently-constant)
                                                                                 ≡⇒↝-refl ⟩∎
        ≡⇒→ (cong C.Coherently-constant (refl _)) c′ .property b₁ b₂          )
                                                                             _ ⟩∎
    subst P.id (≡⇒→ (cong C.Coherently-constant $
                     ⟨ext⟩ λ _  ≃⇒≡ univ ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ)
                c′ .property b₁ b₂)                                     

  @0 lemma₃ :  _  _  _
  lemma₃ c =
    ( λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
     c′ .property  _≃_.to Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ c)                ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                             (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  from-bijection $ inverse $
                                                                              ≡-comm F.∘
                                                                                (H-level-Erased 1 (Is-equivalence-propositional ext))) F.∘
                                                                               (Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext F.∘
                                                                                (∀-cong ext λ _  Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext)) F.∘
                                                                             (≡⇒≃ $ cong (_ ≡_) $
                                                                              _≃_.left-inverse-of Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ _) F.∘
                                                                             (inverse $
                                                                              Eq.≃-≡ $ inverse Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹)) 
    ( λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      b₁ b₂ 
     proj₁ (c b₁ b₂) 
     proj₁ (_≃_.from Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃-Constant-⁻¹ (c′ .property) b₁ b₂))  ↝⟨ (Σ-cong (≡⇒≃ $ cong C.Coherently-constant $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                                     ≃⇒≡ univ ECP.⁻¹≃⁻¹ᴱ) λ c′ 
                                                                             ∀-cong ext λ b₁  ∀-cong ext λ b₂ 
                                                                             ≡⇒≃ $ cong (proj₁ (c b₁ b₂) ≡_) (lemma₂ c′ b₁ b₂)) ⟩□
    ( λ (c′ : C.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_)) 
      b₁ b₂  proj₁ (c b₁ b₂)  subst P.id (c′ .property b₁ b₂))        

-- In erased contexts Coherently-constant-fibres get is equivalent to
-- S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_).

@0 Coherently-constant-fibres≃Coherently-constant-⁻¹ :
  {get : A  B} 
  Coherently-constant-fibres get 
  S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)
  {A = A} {B = B} {get = get} =
  Coherently-constant-fibres get                               ↔⟨⟩

  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
     ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
      S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c })))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  erased Erased↔) 

  ( λ (set : A  B  A) 
    λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
   S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))      ↔⟨ ∃-comm 

  ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
    λ (set : A  B  A) 
   S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))      ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                   _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                   singleton-contractible _) ⟩□
  S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)                              

-- The lens type family

-- Small coinductive lenses.
-- Note that everything is erased, except for the getter and the
-- setter.

record Lens (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where

    -- A getter.

    get : A  B

    -- A setter.

    set : A  B  A

    -- The family get ⁻¹_ is coherently constant (in erased contexts).

    @0 get⁻¹-coherently-constant : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)

  -- Using get and get⁻¹-coherently-constant we can construct an
  -- erased lens.

  @0 erased-lens : S.Lens A B
  erased-lens = record
    { get                       = get
    ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant = get⁻¹-coherently-constant


    -- The setter that we get from this lens is equal to set.

    @0 set≡set : set  S.Lens.set erased-lens

  -- The family of fibres of the getter is coherently constant.

  coherently-constant-fibres-get : Coherently-constant-fibres get
  coherently-constant-fibres-get =
    set , [ (get⁻¹-coherently-constant , set≡set) ]


  -- The lenses defined above have getters and setters.

  has-getter-and-setter : Has-getter-and-setter (Lens {a = a} {b = b})
  has-getter-and-setter = record
    { get = Lens.get
    ; set = Lens.set

-- Lens can be expressed as a Σ-type.

Lens-as-Σ :
  Lens A B 
   λ (get : A  B)  Coherently-constant-fibres get
Lens-as-Σ =
     l  Lens.get l , Lens.coherently-constant-fibres-get l)
    _ refl refl


  -- Lens A B is equivalent to CE.Lens A B (with erased proofs).

  Lens≃ᴱLens : Lens A B ≃ᴱ CE.Lens A B
  Lens≃ᴱLens {A = A} {B = B} =
    Lens A B                                                 ↔⟨ Lens-as-Σ 
    ( λ (get : A  B)  Coherently-constant-fibres get)     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Coherently-constant-fibres≃ᴱCoherently-constant-⁻¹ᴱ) ⟩□
    ( λ (get : A  B)  CE.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹ᴱ_))  

  unfolding Constantᴱ-⁻¹ᴱ-≃ᴱ Lens≃ᴱLens

  -- The equivalence preserves getters and setters.

  Lens≃ᴱLens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
    Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
      (_≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence Lens≃ᴱLens)
  Lens≃ᴱLens-preserves-getters-and-setters =
       _  refl _ , refl _)
    ,  l 
         let open CE.Lens l in
           refl _
         , ⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ b 
             (subst  _  get ⁻¹ᴱ b) (refl tt)
                (get⁻¹ᴱ-const (get a) b (a , [ refl (get a) ])))  ≡⟨ cong proj₁ $ subst-refl _ _ ⟩∎

           proj₁ (get⁻¹ᴱ-const (get a) b (a , [ refl (get a) ]))  )

-- Lens A B is equivalent to E.Lens A B (with erased proofs).

Lens≃ᴱLensᴱ : Lens A B ≃ᴱ E.Lens A B
Lens≃ᴱLensᴱ {A = A} {B = B} =
  Lens A B     ↝⟨ Lens≃ᴱLens 
  CE.Lens A B  ↝⟨ CE.Lens≃ᴱLens 
  V.Lens A B   ↝⟨ V.Lens≃ᴱHigher-lens ⟩□
  E.Lens A B   

-- The equivalence preserves getters and setters (in erased contexts).

@0 Lens≃ᴱLensᴱ-preserves-getters-and-setters :
  Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
    (_≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence Lens≃ᴱLensᴱ)
Lens≃ᴱLensᴱ-preserves-getters-and-setters =
    {f = _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence V.Lens≃ᴱHigher-lens F.∘
         _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence CE.Lens≃ᴱLens}
    {g = _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence Lens≃ᴱLens}
       {f = _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence V.Lens≃ᴱHigher-lens}
       {g = _≃ᴱ_.logical-equivalence CE.Lens≃ᴱLens}

-- In erased contexts Lens A B is equivalent to S.Lens A B.

@0 Lens≃Lens : Lens A B  S.Lens A B
Lens≃Lens {A = A} {B = B} =
  Lens A B                                               ↝⟨ Lens-as-Σ 
  ( λ (get : A  B)  Coherently-constant-fibres get)   ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  Coherently-constant-fibres≃Coherently-constant-⁻¹) 
  ( λ (get : A  B)  S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_))  ↝⟨ inverse S.Lens-as-Σ ⟩□
  S.Lens A B                                             


  -- Lens≃Lens preserves getters and setters.

  @0 Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters :
    Preserves-getters-and-setters-⇔ A B
      (_≃_.logical-equivalence Lens≃Lens)
  Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters =
         let open Lens l in
           refl _
         , (S.Lens.set erased-lens  ≡⟨ sym set≡set ⟩∎
            set                     ))
    ,  _  refl _ , refl _)

-- Lenses with stable view types are equal if their setters are equal
-- (in erased contexts).

@0 lenses-equal-if-setters-equal :
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A B) 
  ( B   B) 
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂ 
  l₁  l₂
lenses-equal-if-setters-equal l₁ l₂ stable =
  Lens.set l₁  Lens.set l₂                  ↔⟨ ≡⇒≃ $ sym $ cong₂ _≡_
                                                  (proj₂ $ proj₁ Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters l₁)
                                                  (proj₂ $ proj₁ Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters l₂) 
  S.Lens.set (_≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₁) 
  S.Lens.set (_≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₂)           ↝⟨ S.lenses-equal-if-setters-equal _ _ stable 

  _≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₁  _≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₂  ↔⟨ Eq.≃-≡ Lens≃Lens ⟩□

  l₁  l₂                                    

-- Changing the implementation of the getter and the setter

-- One can change the getter of a lens, provided that the new
-- implementation is extensionally equal to the old one.

with-other-getter :
  (l : Lens A B)
  (get : A  B) 
  @0 get  Lens.get l 
  Lens A B
with-other-getter {A = A} {B = B} l get p = record l
  { get                       = get
  ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant =
      subst (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_)
        (sym p) L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant
  ; set≡set =
      L.set          ≡⟨ L.set≡set 
      S.Lens.set l₁  ≡⟨ cong S.Lens.set $ sym l₂≡l₁ ⟩∎
      S.Lens.set l₂  
  module L = Lens l

  @0 l₁ l₂ : S.Lens A B

  l₁ = record
    { get                       = L.get
    ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant = L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant

  l₂ = record
    { get                       = get
    ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant =
        subst (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_) (sym p)

  @0 l₂≡l₁ : l₂  l₁
  l₂≡l₁ =
    _≃_.to (Eq.≃-≡ S.Lens-as-Σ) $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
      (subst (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_) p
         (subst (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_) (sym p)
            L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant)                ≡⟨ subst-subst-sym _ _ _ ⟩∎

       L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant                      )

_ : Lens.get (with-other-getter l g p)  g
_ = refl _

_ : Lens.set (with-other-getter l g p)  Lens.set l
_ = refl _

-- The resulting lens is equal to the old one (if the equality proof
-- is not erased).

with-other-getter≡ :
  (l : Lens A B)
  (get : A  B)
  (p : get  Lens.get l) 
  with-other-getter l get p  l
with-other-getter≡ {A = A} {B = B} l get p =
  _≃_.to (Eq.≃-≡ Lens-as-Σ) $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
    (subst Coherently-constant-fibres p
       L′.coherently-constant-fibres-get                              ≡⟨ push-subst-pair-× _ _ 

     L.set ,
            ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
             S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c })))
       [ (L′.get⁻¹-coherently-constant , L′.set≡set) ]                ≡⟨ cong (L.set ,_) push-subst-[] 

     L.set ,
     [ subst
             λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
            S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))
         (L′.get⁻¹-coherently-constant , L′.set≡set)
     ]                                                                ≡⟨ cong (L.set ,_) $ []-cong [ push-subst-pair′ _ _ _ ] 

     L.set ,
     [ ( L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant
       , subst
            ((get , c) :  (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_)) 
              S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))
           (Σ-≡,≡→≡ p (subst-subst-sym _ _ _))
     ]                                                                ≡⟨⟩

     L.set ,
     [ ( L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant
       , let q = Σ-≡,≡→≡ {p₂ = _ , L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant}
                   (subst-subst-sym _ _ _)
            ((get , c) :  (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_)) 
              S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))
           (trans L.set≡set
              (cong S.Lens.set $ sym $
               _≃_.to (Eq.≃-≡ S.Lens-as-Σ) q))
     ]                                                                ≡⟨ cong (L.set ,_) $ []-cong
                                                                         [ cong (L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant ,_) $
                                                                                   ((get , c) :  (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_)) 
                                                                                     S.Lens.set (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))
                                                                                  (trans L.set≡set
                                                                                     (cong S.Lens.set $ sym $
                                                                                      _≃_.to (Eq.≃-≡ S.Lens-as-Σ) q)) 
                                                                             (trans (subst-refl _ _) $
                                                                              trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                                     trans (cong (cong _) $
                                                                                            trans (cong sym (Eq.to-≃-≡-refl S.Lens-as-Σ))
                                                                                            sym-refl) $
                                                                                     cong-refl _) $
                                                                              trans-reflʳ _)
     L.set , [ (L.get⁻¹-coherently-constant , L.set≡set) ]            ≡⟨⟩

     L.coherently-constant-fibres-get                                 )
  module L = Lens l

  l′ : Lens A B
  l′ = record
    { get                       = get
    ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant =
        subst (S.Coherently-constant  _⁻¹_) (sym p)

  module L′ = Lens l′

-- One can change the setter of a lens, provided that the new
-- implementation is extensionally equal to the old one.

with-other-setter :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (l : Lens A B)
  (set : A  B  A) 
  @0 set  Lens.set l 
  Lens A B
with-other-setter l set p = record l
  { set     = set
  ; set≡set = trans p (Lens.set≡set l)

_ : Lens.get (with-other-setter l s p)  Lens.get l
_ = refl _

_ : Lens.set (with-other-setter l s p)  s
_ = refl _

-- The resulting lens is equal to the old one (if the equality proof
-- is not erased).

with-other-setter≡ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (l : Lens A B)
  (set : A  B  A)
  (p : set  Lens.set l) 
  with-other-setter l set p  l
with-other-setter≡ l set p =
  _≃_.to (Eq.≃-≡ Lens-as-Σ) $ cong (get ,_) $ Σ-≡,≡→≡ p
        set  Erased
                  ( λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
                     (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c })))
       [ (get⁻¹-coherently-constant , trans p set≡set) ]             ≡⟨ push-subst-[] 

     [ subst
          set   λ (c : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)) 
                    (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant = c }))
         (get⁻¹-coherently-constant , trans p set≡set)
     ]                                                               ≡⟨ []-cong [ push-subst-pair-× _ _ ] 

     [ ( get⁻¹-coherently-constant
       , subst (_≡ S.Lens.set
                     (record { get⁻¹-coherently-constant =
                                 get⁻¹-coherently-constant }))
           (trans p set≡set)
     ]                                                               ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong (_ ,_) subst-trans-sym ] 

     [ ( get⁻¹-coherently-constant
       , trans (sym p) (trans p set≡set)
     ]                                                               ≡⟨ []-cong [ cong (_ ,_) $ trans-sym-[trans] _ _ ] ⟩∎

     [ (get⁻¹-coherently-constant , set≡set) ]                       )
  open Lens l

-- Code for converting from S.Lens to Lens

-- Data corresponding to the erased proofs of a lens.

record Erased-proofs
         {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
         (get : A  B) (set : A  B  A) : Type (a  b) where
    @0 get⁻¹-coherently-constant : S.Coherently-constant (get ⁻¹_)

  @0 erased-lens : S.Lens A B
  erased-lens = record
    { get                       = get
    ; get⁻¹-coherently-constant = get⁻¹-coherently-constant

    @0 set≡set : set  S.Lens.set erased-lens

-- Extracts "erased proofs" from a lens (in erased contexts).

@0 Lens→Erased-proofs :
  (l : S.Lens A B) 
  Erased-proofs (S.Lens.get l) (S.Lens.set l)
Lens→Erased-proofs l = proofs
  open Erased-proofs

  l′ = _≃_.from Lens≃Lens l

  proofs : Erased-proofs (Lens.get l′) (Lens.set l′)
  proofs .get⁻¹-coherently-constant =
    Lens.get⁻¹-coherently-constant l′
  proofs .set≡set = Lens.set≡set l′

-- Converts two functions and some erased proofs to a lens.
-- Note that Agda can in many cases infer "get" and "set" from the
-- first explicit argument, see (for instance) id below.

Erased-proofs→Lens :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {get : A  B} {set : A  B  A} 
  @0 Erased-proofs get set 
  Lens A B
Erased-proofs→Lens {get = get} {set = set} ep = λ where
  .Lens.get                        get
  .Lens.set                        set
    Erased-proofs.get⁻¹-coherently-constant ep
  .Lens.set≡set  Erased-proofs.set≡set ep

-- Identity and composition

-- An identity lens.

id : {A : Type a}  Lens A A
id = Erased-proofs→Lens (Lens→Erased-proofs S.id)

-- Composition.

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} 
  Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
l₁  l₂ =
    (subst (Erased-proofs _)
       (⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ c 
        S.Lens.set l₂′ a (S.Lens.set l₁′ (get l₂ a) c)  ≡⟨ cong  s  s a (S.Lens.set l₁′ (get l₂ a) c)) $
                                                           proj₂ $ proj₁ Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters l₂ 
        set l₂ a (S.Lens.set l₁′ (get l₂ a) c)          ≡⟨ cong  s  set l₂ a (s (get l₂ a) c)) $
                                                           proj₂ $ proj₁ Lens≃Lens-preserves-getters-and-setters l₁ ⟩∎
        set l₂ a (set l₁ (get l₂ a) c)                  ) $
     Lens→Erased-proofs (l₁′ S.∘ l₂′))
  open Lens

  @0 l₁′ : _
  l₁′ = _≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₁

  @0 l₂′ : _
  l₂′ = _≃_.to Lens≃Lens l₂

-- The setter of a lens formed using composition is defined in the
-- "right" way.

set-∘ :
   {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c}
  (l₁ : Lens B C) (l₂ : Lens A B) {a c} 
  Lens.set (l₁  l₂) a c 
  Lens.set l₂ a (Lens.set l₁ (Lens.get l₂ a) c)
set-∘ _ _ = refl _

-- Composition is associative if the view type of the resulting lens
-- is stable (in erased contexts).

@0 associativity :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d} 
  ( D   D) 
  (l₁ : Lens C D) (l₂ : Lens B C) (l₃ : Lens A B) 
  l₁  (l₂  l₃)  (l₁  l₂)  l₃
associativity stable l₁ l₂ l₃ =
  lenses-equal-if-setters-equal _ _ stable (refl _)

-- The identity lens is a left identity of composition if the view
-- type of the resulting lens is stable.

@0 left-identity :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  ( B   B) 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  id  l  l
left-identity stable l =
  lenses-equal-if-setters-equal _ _ stable (refl _)

-- The identity lens is a right identity of composition if the view
-- type of the resulting lens is stable.

@0 right-identity :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
  ( B   B) 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  l  id  l
right-identity stable l =
  lenses-equal-if-setters-equal _ _ stable (refl _)