-- Linearisation of mixfix operators

open import Mixfix.Expr
open import Mixfix.Acyclic.PrecedenceGraph
  using (acyclic; precedence)

module Mixfix.Acyclic.Show
         (g : PrecedenceGraphInterface.PrecedenceGraph acyclic)

open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.List using (List)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
import Data.DifferenceList as DiffList
open DiffList using (DiffList; _++_)
              renaming (_∷_ to cons; [_] to singleton)
open import Data.Product using (; _,_; -,_)
open import Function using (_∘_; flip)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
import Data.String as String
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  using (_≡_; refl)

open PrecedenceCorrect acyclic g
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Simplified
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Simplified.Semantics
  as Semantics
open import Mixfix.Fixity
open import Mixfix.Operator
open import Mixfix.Acyclic.Lib as Lib
open Lib.Semantics-⊕
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Grammar
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Lemma
  module Grammar = Mixfix.Acyclic.Grammar g
  module Lemma   = Mixfix.Acyclic.Lemma   g

-- Linearisation

-- Note: The code assumes that the grammar is unambiguous.

module Show where


    expr :  {ps}  Expr ps  DiffList NamePart
    expr (_  e) = exprIn e

    exprIn :  {p assoc}  ExprIn p assoc  DiffList NamePart
    exprIn     op      =            inner op
    exprIn (l  op    ) = outer l ++ inner op
    exprIn (   op   r) =            inner op ++ outer r
    exprIn (l  op   r) = expr  l ++ inner op ++ expr  r
    exprIn (l  op ⟩ˡ r) = outer l ++ inner op ++ expr  r
    exprIn (l  op ⟩ʳ r) = expr  l ++ inner op ++ outer r

    outer :  {p assoc}  Outer p assoc  DiffList NamePart
    outer (similar e) = exprIn e
    outer (tighter e) = expr   e

    inner :  {fix} {ops : List ( (Operator fix))} 
            Inner ops  DiffList NamePart
    inner (_∙_ {op = op} _ args) = inner′ (nameParts op) args

    inner′ :  {arity}  Vec NamePart (1 + arity)  Vec (Expr g) arity 
             DiffList NamePart
    inner′ (n  []) []           = singleton n
    inner′ (n  ns) (arg  args) = cons n (expr arg ++ inner′ ns args)

show :  {ps}  Expr ps  List NamePart
show = DiffList.toList  Show.expr

-- Correctness

module Correctness where


    expr :  {ps s} (e : Expr ps) 
           e  s ∈⟦ Grammar.precs ps ⟧· Show.expr e s
    expr (here refl   e) = ∣ˡ (<$> exprIn e)
    expr (there x∈xs  e) = ∣ʳ (<$> expr (x∈xs  e))

    exprIn :  {p assoc s} (e : ExprIn p assoc) 
             (-, e)  s ∈⟦ Grammar.prec p ⟧· Show.exprIn e s
    exprIn {precedence ops sucs} e = exprIn′ _ e
      p        = precedence ops sucs
      module N = Grammar.Prec ops sucs

      lemmaʳ :  {f : Outer p right  ExprIn p right} {s e} {g : DiffList NamePart} 
               (∀ {s}  f  s ∈⟦ N.preRight ⟧· g s) 
                          e   s ∈⟦ N.appʳ <$> N.preRight +  N.p↑ ⟧·    Show.exprIn e s 
               f (similar e)  s ∈⟦ N.appʳ <$> N.preRight +  N.p↑ ⟧· g (Show.exprIn e s)
      lemmaʳ f∈ (<$> fs∈  e∈) = <$> +-∷ f∈ fs∈  e∈

      preRight :  {s} (e : ExprIn p right) 
                 e  s ∈⟦ N.appʳ <$> N.preRight +  N.p↑ ⟧· Show.exprIn e s
      preRight (   op   tighter e) = <$> +-[] (∣ˡ (<$> inner op))  expr e
      preRight (   op   similar e) = lemmaʳ   (∣ˡ (<$> inner op)) (preRight e)
      preRight (l  op ⟩ʳ tighter e) = <$> +-[] (∣ʳ (<$> expr l  inner op))  expr e
      preRight (l  op ⟩ʳ similar e) = lemmaʳ   (∣ʳ (<$> expr l  inner op)) (preRight e)

      lemmaˡ :  {f : Outer p left  ExprIn p left} {s e} {g : DiffList NamePart} 
               (∀ {s}  f  s ∈⟦ N.postLeft ⟧· g s) 
                          e   g s ∈⟦ N.appˡ <$> N.p↑  N.postLeft + ⟧· Show.exprIn e (g s) 
               f (similar e)    s ∈⟦ N.appˡ <$> N.p↑  N.postLeft + ⟧· Show.exprIn e (g s)
      lemmaˡ {f} f∈ (_⊛_ {x = fs} (<$>_ {x = e} e∈) fs∈) =
        Lib.Semantics-⊕.cast∈ (Lemma.appˡ-∷ʳ (tighter e) fs f) (<$> e∈  +-∷ʳ fs∈ f∈)

      postLeft :  {s} (e : ExprIn p left) 
                 e  s ∈⟦ N.appˡ <$> N.p↑  N.postLeft + ⟧· Show.exprIn e s
      postLeft (tighter e  op    ) = <$> expr e  +-[] (∣ˡ (<$> inner op))
      postLeft (similar e  op    ) = lemmaˡ            (∣ˡ (<$> inner op)) (postLeft e)
      postLeft (tighter e  op ⟩ˡ r) = <$> expr e 
                                         +-[] (∣ʳ (<$> inner op  expr r))
      postLeft (similar e  op ⟩ˡ r) = lemmaˡ (∣ʳ (<$> inner op  expr r)) (postLeft e)

      exprIn′ :  assoc {s} (e : ExprIn p assoc) 
                (-, e)  s ∈⟦ Grammar.prec p ⟧· Show.exprIn e s
      exprIn′ non       op     = ∥ˡ (<$> inner op)
      exprIn′ non   (l  op  r) = ∥ʳ (∥ˡ (<$> expr l  inner op  expr r))
      exprIn′ right e            = ∥ʳ (∥ʳ (∥ˡ (preRight e)))
      exprIn′ left  e            = ∥ʳ (∥ʳ (∥ʳ (∥ˡ (postLeft e))))

    inner :  {fix s ops} (i : Inner {fix} ops) 
            i  s ∈⟦ Grammar.inner ops ⟧· Show.inner i s
    inner {fix} {s} (_∙_ {arity} {op} op∈ops args) =
      helper op∈ops args
      helper : {ops : List ( (Operator fix))}
               (op∈ : (arity , op)  ops) (args : Vec (Expr g) arity) 
               let i = op∈  args in
               i  s ∈⟦ Grammar.inner ops ⟧· Show.inner i s
      helper (here refl) args = ∣ˡ (<$> inner′ (nameParts op) args)
      helper (there {x = _ , _} op∈) args =
        ∣ʳ (<$> helper op∈ args)

    inner′ :  {arity s} (ns : Vec NamePart (1 + arity)) args 
             args  s ∈⟦ Grammar.expr between ns ⟧· Show.inner′ ns args s
    inner′ (n  [])      []           = between-[]
    inner′ (n  n′  ns) (arg  args) =
      between-∷ (expr arg) (inner′ (n′  ns) args)

-- All generated strings are syntactically correct (but possibly
-- ambiguous). Note that this result implies that all
-- precedence-correct expressions are generated by the grammar.

correct : (e : Expr g)  e  Grammar.expression · show e
correct e =
  Semantics.⊕-sound (Lib.Semantics-⊕.sound (Correctness.expr e))