-- Some results related to pointwise equality

module Pointwise-equality where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (const; not; Decidable)
open import Tactic.By.Propositional

open import Bag-equivalence equality-with-J
import Bool equality-with-J as Bool
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

-- To simplify the development, let's work with actual natural numbers
-- as variables and constants (see
-- Atom.one-can-restrict-attention-to-χ-ℕ-atoms).

open import Atom

open import Chi                 χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Coding              χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Compatibility       χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Computability       χ-ℕ-atoms hiding (_∘_)
open import Computable-function χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Constants           χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Free-variables      χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Not-the-code-of     χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Reasoning           χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Termination         χ-ℕ-atoms
open import Values              χ-ℕ-atoms

open Computable-function
open χ-atoms χ-ℕ-atoms

import Coding.Instances.Nat
open import Combinators hiding (id; if_then_else_)
open import Decidable
open import Free-variables.Remove-substs
open import Halting-problem
open import Internal-coding
open import Self-interpreter

-- Pointwise equality of computable (Agda) functions to Bool.

Pointwise-equal :
   {a} (A : Type a)  rA : Rep A Consts  
  let F = Computable-function A Bool Bool-set in
  (F × F) →Bool
Pointwise-equal _ =
     { (f , g)   x  function f x  function g x })

-- Pointwise equality of computable Agda functions from Bool to Bool
-- is decidable.

pointwise-equal-Bool : Decidable (Pointwise-equal Bool)
pointwise-equal-Bool =
    (proj₁ (Pointwise-equal Bool))
    ( pointwise-equal
    , closed
    , correct
  F = Computable-function Bool Bool Bool-set

  pointwise-equal′ : F × F  Bool
  pointwise-equal′ (f , g) =
    (if function f true  Bool.≟ function g true  then true else false)
    (if function f false Bool.≟ function g false then true else false)

  total : Total id (proj₁ (Pointwise-equal Bool))
  total p@(f , g) = result , true-lemma , false-lemma
    result = pointwise-equal′ p

    true-lemma : (∀ b  function f b  function g b)  result  true
    true-lemma hyp
      with function f true Bool.≟ function g true | hyp true
    ... | no  f≢g | f≡g = ⊥-elim (f≢g f≡g)
    ... | yes _   | _
      with function f false Bool.≟ function g false | hyp false
    ... | no  f≢g | f≡g = ⊥-elim (f≢g f≡g)
    ... | yes _   | _   = refl

    false-lemma : ¬ (∀ b  function f b  function g b)  result  false
    false-lemma hyp
      with function f true  Bool.≟ function g true
         | function f false Bool.≟ function g false
    ... | yes ft≡gt | yes ff≡gf = ⊥-elim $ hyp P.[  _  ft≡gt)
                                                 ,  _  ff≡gf)
    ... | yes _     | no  _     = refl
    ... | no  _     | yes _     = refl
    ... | no  _     | no  _     = refl

  infix 10 _at_

  _at_ : Exp  Bool  Exp
  f at b =
      (apply eval (const c-apply (f    b   Exp   [])))

  test : Bool  Exp
  test b = equal-Bool (var v-f at b) (var v-g at b)

  pointwise-equal : Exp
  pointwise-equal =
    lambda v-p (case (var v-p) (
      branch c-pair (v-f  v-g  [])
        (and (test true) (test false))  []))

  -- This proof could have been simplified if eval had been a concrete
  -- implementation, rather than a variable.

  closed : Closed pointwise-equal
  closed =
    Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
      (Closed′-closed-under-var (inj₁ refl))
         _ (inj₁ refl) 
           and-closed (test-closed true) (test-closed false))
    variables = v-f  v-g  v-p  []

    at-closed :  f b  f  variables  Closed′ variables (var f at b)
    at-closed f b f∈ =
      decode-Bool-closed $
        (Closed→Closed′ eval-closed)
        (Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
           _ (inj₁ refl)         Closed′-closed-under-var f∈
           _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))  Closed→Closed′ $
                                  rep-closed ( b   Exp)
           _ (inj₂ (inj₂ ())))

    test-closed :  b  Closed′ variables (test b)
    test-closed b =
        (at-closed v-f b (from-⊎ (V.member v-f variables)))
        (at-closed v-g b (from-⊎ (V.member v-g variables)))

  at-correct :
     (f : F) b   f  at b   function f b 
  at-correct f b = decode-Bool-correct (function f b) (
    apply eval  apply (proj₁ (computable f))  b   Exp   ⇓⟨ eval-correct₁
                                                                  (proj₁ (proj₂ $ proj₂ $ computable f)
                                                                     (function f b)
                                                                     (lift refl)) ⟩■
      function f b   Exp )

  test-correct :
     b (f g : F) 
    test b [ v-g   g  ] [ v-f   f  ] 
     if function f b Bool.≟ function g b then true else false 
  test-correct b f g =
    equal-Bool-correct (function f b) (function g b)

      (var v-f at b [ v-g   g  ] [ v-f   f  ]  ≡⟨ lemma  f  ⟩⟶
        f  at b                                    ⇓⟨ at-correct f b ⟩■
        function f b )

      (var v-g at b [ v-g   g  ] [ v-f   f  ]  ≡⟨ lemma ( g  [ v-f   f  ]) ⟩⟶
       ( g  [ v-f   f  ]) at b                  ≡⟨ cong (_at b) (subst-rep g) ⟩⟶
        g  at b                                    ⇓⟨ at-correct g b ⟩■
        function g b )
    ss = (v-f ,  f )  (v-g ,  g )  []

    lemma :  _  _
    lemma = λ e 
      cong₂  e₁ e₂  decode-Bool (apply e₁ (const _ (e  e₂  []))))
        (substs-closed eval eval-closed ss)
        (substs-rep ( b   Exp) ss)

  correct :
     p b 
    proj₁ (Pointwise-equal Bool) [ p ]= b 
    apply pointwise-equal  p    b 
  correct p@(f , g) b [p]=b =
    apply pointwise-equal  p                                ⟶⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep p) 

    case  p  (
      branch c-pair (v-f  v-g  [])
        (and (test true) (test false) [ v-p   p  ])  [])  ≡⟨ cong₂  e₁ e₂  case  p  (branch c-pair (v-f  v-g  []) (and e₁ e₂)  []))
                                                                   (test-lemma true)
                                                                   (test-lemma false) ⟩⟶
    case  p  (
      branch c-pair (v-f  v-g  [])
        (and (test true) (test false))  [])                  ⟶⟨ case (rep⇓rep p) here (  []) 

    and (test true  [ v-g   g  ] [ v-f   f  ])
        (test false [ v-g   g  ] [ v-f   f  ])          ⇓⟨ and-correct (if function f true  Bool.≟ function g true  then true else false)
                                                                             (if function f false Bool.≟ function g false then true else false)
                                                                             (test-correct true f g) (test-correct false f g) 

     pointwise-equal′ p                                     ≡⟨ cong ⌜_⌝ (_⇀_.deterministic (proj₁ (Pointwise-equal Bool)) {a = p}
                                                                                             (proj₂ (total p)) [p]=b) ⟩⟶
     b                                                      ■⟨ rep-value b 


    at-lemma :
       b f  v-p  f  var f at b [ v-p   p  ]  var f at b
    at-lemma b f p≢f =
      var f at b [ v-p   p  ]                                          ≡⟨⟩

      decode-Bool (apply (eval [ v-p   p  ]) (const c-apply
        (var f [ v-p   p  ]    b   Exp  [ v-p   p  ]  [])))  ≡⟨ remove-substs ((eval , eval-closed)  []) 

      decode-Bool (apply eval (const c-apply
        (var f [ v-p   p  ]    b   Exp   [])))                  ≡⟨ cong  e  decode-Bool (apply _ (const _ (e  _))))
                                                                               (subst-∉ v-p (var f) λ { (var p≡f)  p≢f p≡f }) 
      decode-Bool (apply eval (const c-apply
        (var f    b   Exp   [])))                                  ≡⟨⟩

      var f at b                                                          

    test-lemma :  b  test b [ v-p   p  ]  test b
    test-lemma b =
      cong₂ equal-Bool (at-lemma b v-f  ())) (at-lemma b v-g  ()))

-- Pointwise equality of computable functions from ℕ to Bool is
-- not decidable, assuming that terminates-in-Bool is computable.

not-pointwise-equal-ℕ :
  Computable (as-partial Bool-set terminates-in-Bool) 
  ¬ Decidable (Pointwise-equal )
  (term-in , term-in-closed , term-in-ok , _)
  (pointwise-equal , pointwise-equal-closed , peq-ok , _) =
    ( halts
    , halts-closed
    , λ p _  true-lemma p , false-lemma p
  halts = Exp.lambda v-p (not (
    apply pointwise-equal (const c-pair (
       lambda v-n (apply  term-in  (const c-pair (
           apply internal-code (var v-p)  
          var v-n 
          []))) ⌝E 
       lambda v-underscore  false   

  halts-closed : Closed halts
  halts-closed =
    Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
    not-closed $
      (Closed→Closed′ pointwise-equal-closed) $
      Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
        _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
          Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed (lambda v-underscore  false )
        _ (inj₁ refl)  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
          _ (inj₁ refl)         Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed v-n
          _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
            _ (inj₁ refl)                         $⟨ rep-closed term-in 
              Closed  term-in                    →⟨ subst Closed $ sym $ ⌜⌜⌝⌝E≡⌜⌝ _ 
              Closed   term-in  ⌝E              →⟨ Closed→Closed′ ⟩□
              Closed′ (v-p  [])   term-in  ⌝E  
            _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
              _ (inj₁ refl)  Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed c-pair
              _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
                _ (inj₁ refl)  Closed′-closed-under-apply
                  (Closed→Closed′ internal-code-closed)
                  (Closed′-closed-under-var (inj₁ refl))
                _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
                  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
                    _ (inj₁ refl)  Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
                      _ (inj₁ refl)  Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed v-n
                    _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl)) 
                      Closed′-closed-under-const λ _ ()

  f : Exp  Computable-function  Bool Bool-set
  f p = computable-function
     n  terminates-in-Bool (p , n))
    (Closed′-closed-under-lambda $
       (Closed→Closed′ term-in-closed)
       (Closed′-closed-under-const λ where
          _ (inj₁ refl)         Closed→Closed′ $ rep-closed p
          _ (inj₂ (inj₁ refl))  Closed′-closed-under-var (inj₁ refl)))
         (lambda v-n (
            apply term-in (const c-pair ( p   var v-n  []))))
          n                                                      ⟶⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep n) 

       apply (term-in [ v-n   n  ])
         (const c-pair ( p  [ v-n   n  ]   n   []))       ≡⟨ remove-substs ((term-in , term-in-closed)  []) ⟩⟶

       apply term-in  p , n                                      ⇓⟨ term-in-ok (p , n) (terminates-in-Bool (p , n)) (lift refl) ⟩■

        terminates-in-Bool (p , n) )
    f′ =
      lambda v-n (apply term-in (const c-pair ( p   var v-n  [])))

  g : Computable-function  Bool Bool-set
  g = computable-function
     _  false)
    (from-⊎ $ closed? g′)
       apply g′  n   ⇓⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep n) (const []) ⟩■
        false )
    g′ = lambda v-underscore  false 

  lemma :
     b p 
    ((∀ n  terminates-in-Bool (p , n)  false)  P.not b  true) 
    (¬ (∀ n  terminates-in-Bool (p , n)  false)  P.not b  false) 
    apply halts  p    b 
  lemma b p hyp₁ hyp₂ =
    apply halts  p                                                 ⟶⟨ apply lambda (rep⇓rep p) 

    not (apply (pointwise-equal [ v-p   p  ]) (const c-pair (
       lambda v-n (apply  term-in  (const c-pair (
           apply internal-code (var v-p)  
          var v-n 
          []))) ⌝E [ v-p   p  ] 
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ≡⟨⟩⟶

    not (apply (pointwise-equal [ v-p   p  ]) (const c-pair (
      (const c-lambda (
         const c-apply (
              term-in  ⌝E  [ v-p   p  ] 
            const c-pair (
                apply (internal-code [ v-p   p  ])  p   
               var v-n 
               []) ⌝E 
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (⌜⌜⌝⌝E≡⌜⌝ term-in) ⟩⟶

    not (apply (pointwise-equal [ v-p   p  ]) (const c-pair (
      (const c-lambda (
         const c-apply (
            term-in  [ v-p   p  ] 
            const c-pair (
                apply (internal-code [ v-p   p  ])  p   
               var v-n 
               []) ⌝E 
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ≡⟨⟩⟶

    not (apply (pointwise-equal [ v-p   p  ]) (const c-pair (
      (const c-lambda (
         const c-apply (
            term-in  [ v-p   p  ] 
           const c-const (
             const c-cons (
               apply (internal-code [ v-p   p  ])  p  
                var v-n  []  
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ≡⟨ remove-substs
                                                                          ((pointwise-equal , pointwise-equal-closed) 
                                                                           (internal-code , internal-code-closed) 
                                                                           []) ⟩⟶
    not (apply pointwise-equal (const c-pair (
      (const c-lambda (
         const c-apply (
           const c-const (
             const c-cons (
               apply internal-code  p  
                var v-n  []  
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ⟶⟨ []⇓
                                                                          (case (apply→ const (here (const (there (here (const (there (here
                                                                             (const (there (here (const (here ))))))))))))))
                                                                          (internal-code-correct p) 
    not (apply pointwise-equal (const c-pair (
      (const c-lambda (
         const c-apply (
           const c-const (
             const c-cons (
                 p   Exp  
                var v-n  []  
       lambda v-underscore  false   
      [])))                                                          ≡⟨⟩⟶

    not (apply pointwise-equal
       lambda v-n (
          apply term-in (
            const c-pair ( p   var v-n  [])))
      , lambda v-underscore  false 
      )                                                             ≡⟨⟩⟶

    not (apply pointwise-equal  f p , g )                          ⟶⟨ []⇓ (case ) (peq-ok (f p , g) (P.not b) (hyp₁ , hyp₂)) 

    not  P.not b                                                   ⇓⟨ not-correct _ (rep⇓rep (P.not b)) 

      P.not (P.not b)                                            ≡⟨ ⟨by⟩ (Bool.not-involutive b) ⟩⟶

     b                                                             ■⟨ rep-value b 

  true-lemma :
     p  Terminates p  apply halts  p    true 
  true-lemma p p⇓ = lemma true p
    ((∀ n  terminates-in-Bool (p , n)  false)  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  terminates-in-Bool-false) 
     (∀ n  ¬ p ⇓≤ n)                            →⟨ _⇔_.from ¬⇓⇔¬⇓≤ 
     ¬ Terminates p                              →⟨ _$ p⇓ 
                                                →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
     false  true                                )
     _  refl)

  false-lemma :
     p  ¬ Terminates p  apply halts  p    false 
  false-lemma p p⇑ = lemma false p
     _  refl)
    (¬ (∀ n  terminates-in-Bool (p , n)  false)   →⟨ →-cong-→ (∀-cong _ λ n  sym  Bool.≢⇒not≡ _ _  (_∘ sym)) id 
     ¬ (∀ n  ¬ terminates-in-Bool (p , n)  true)  →⟨ →-cong-→ (∀-cong _ λ _  →-cong-→ terminates-in-Bool-true id) id 
     ¬ (∀ n  ¬ p ⇓≤ n)                             →⟨ _⇔_.from $ ¬-cong _ ¬⇓⇔¬⇓≤ 
     ¬ ¬ Terminates p                               →⟨ _$ p⇑ 
                                                   →⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
     true  false                                   )