-- The "bar theorem"

module Semantics.BigStep.CompilerCorrectness.BarTheorem where

open import Syntax
open import Semantics.BigStep
open import VirtualMachine
import CompilerCorrectness as CC; open CC BigStep
import Bar; open Bar _⟶_

open import Data.List hiding (_∈_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Function using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Unary hiding (U)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- A generalisation of CompilerCorrectness.Matches.

data Matches⁺ (ops : Code) (s : Stack) {t : _} (e : Expr t) (i : Status)
       : Pred State where
  returns :  {n} ( : e ⇓[ i ] nat n)  Matches⁺ ops s e i  ops , i , nat n  s 
  throws  :       ( : e ⇓[ i ] throw)  Matches⁺ ops s e i  i , s 

-- Matches⁺ is actually a generalisation.

Matches⁺⇒Matches :  {t} {e : Expr t} {i} 
                   Matches⁺ [] [] e i  λ s  e ⇓[ i ]Matches s
Matches⁺⇒Matches ._ (returns ) = returns 
Matches⁺⇒Matches ._ (throws )  = throws 

-- Some abbreviations, used in the proof of the bar theorem.

_∋◁∞_ : Pred State  Pred State  Set1
P ∋◁∞ Q =  {y}  y  P  y ◁∞″ Q

_⟶◁∞_ : State  Pred State  Set1
_⟶◁∞_ x = _∋◁∞_ (_⟶_ x)

-- The bar theorem.

bar-thm :  {t} (e : Expr t) {ops i s} 
           comp e ops , i , s  ◁∞″ Matches⁺ ops s e i

bar-thm {t = t}  nat n  =  later (, push) helper₁
  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             push n  ops , i , s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s {t}  nat n  i
  helper₁ push      =  now (returns Val)
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-thm {t = t}  throw  =  later (, throw) helper₁
  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             throw  ops , i , s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s {t}  throw  i
  helper₁ throw     =  now (throws Val)
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-thm (x  y) = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₁
  helper₆ :  {ops m s} 
             U , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) U
  helper₆ nat =  now (throws Int)

  helper₅ :  {ops m n s} 
             U , nat n  nat m  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) U
  helper₅ nat =  later (, nat) helper₆

  helper₄ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m  y ↯[ i ] 
             i , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) i
  helper₄ x↡ y↯ nat =  now (throws (Add₃ x↡ y↯))

  helper₃ :  {ops i n m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m  y ⇓[ i ] nat n 
             add  ops , i , nat n  nat m  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) i
  helper₃ x↡ y↡ add       =  now (returns (Add₁ x↡ y↡))
  helper₃ _  _  interrupt =  later (, nat) helper₅

  helper₂ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m 
            Matches⁺ (add  ops) (nat m  s) y i ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) i
  helper₂ x↡ (returns y↡) =  later (, add) (helper₃ x↡ y↡)
  helper₂ x↡ (throws y↯)  =  later (, nat) (helper₄ x↡ y↯)

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (comp y (add  ops)) s x i ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x  y) i
  helper₁ (throws  x↯) =  now (throws (Add₂ x↯))
  helper₁ (returns x↡) = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm y) (helper₂ x↡)

bar-thm (x >> y) = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₁
  helper₄ :  {ops m s} 
             U , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x >> y) U
  helper₄ nat =  now (throws Int)

  helper₃ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m 
            Matches⁺ ops s y i ∋◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x >> y) i
  helper₃ x↡ (returns y↡) =  now (returns (Seqn₁ x↡ y↡))
  helper₃ x↡ (throws  y↯) =  now (throws  (Seqn₁ x↡ y↯))

  helper₂ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m 
             pop  comp y ops , i , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x >> y) i
  helper₂ x↡ pop       = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm y) (helper₃ x↡)
  helper₂ _  interrupt =  later (, nat) helper₄

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (pop  comp y ops) s x i ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x >> y) i
  helper₁ (throws  x↯) =  now (throws (Seqn₂ x↯))
  helper₁ (returns x↡) =  later (, pop) (helper₂ x↡)

bar-thm (x catch y) =  later (, mark) helper₁
  helper₉ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ i ]  y ↯[ B ] 
             B , int i  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₉ x↯ y↯ int =  now (throws (Catch₂ x↯ y↯))

  helper₈ :  {ops i n s} 
            x ↯[ i ]  y ⇓[ B ] nat n 
             reset  ops , B , nat n  int i  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₈ x↯ y↡ reset =  now (returns (Catch₂ x↯ y↡))

  helper₇ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ i ] 
            Matches⁺ (reset  ops) (int i  s) y B ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₇ x↯ (returns y↡) =  later (, reset) (helper₈ x↯ y↡)
  helper₇ x↯ (throws  y↯) =  later (, int)   (helper₉ x↯ y↯)

  helper₆ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ i ] 
             i , han (comp y (reset  ops))  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₆ x↯ han = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm y) (helper₇ x↯)

  helper₅ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ i ] 
             i , han (comp y (reset  ops))  s  ◁∞″
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₅ x↯ =  later (, han) (helper₆ x↯)

  helper₄ :  {ops m s} 
             U , nat m  han (comp y (reset  ops))  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) U
  helper₄ nat = helper₅ Int

  helper₃ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m 
             unmark  ops , i ,
              nat m  han (comp y (reset  ops))  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₃ x↡ unmark    =  now (returns (Catch₁ x↡))
  helper₃ _  interrupt =  later (, nat) helper₄

  helper₂ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (unmark  ops)
                     (han (comp y (reset  ops))  s) x i ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₂ (returns x↡) =  later (, unmark) (helper₃ x↡)
  helper₂ (throws  x↯) = helper₅ x↯

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             mark (comp y (reset  ops)) 
                comp x (unmark  ops) , i , s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (x catch y) i
  helper₁ mark      = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₂
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-thm (block x) =  later (, set) helper₁
  helper₄ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ B ] 
             B , int i  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (block x) i
  helper₄ x↯ int =  now (throws (Block x↯))

  helper₃ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ B ] nat m 
             reset  ops , B , nat m  int i  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (block x) i
  helper₃ x↡ reset =  now (returns (Block x↡))

  helper₂ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (reset  ops) (int i  s) x B ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (block x) i
  helper₂ (returns x↡) =  later (, reset) (helper₃ x↡)
  helper₂ (throws  x↯) =  later (, int)   (helper₄ x↯)

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             set B  comp x (reset  ops) , i , s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (block x) i
  helper₁ set       = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₂
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-thm (unblock x) =  later (, set) helper₁
  helper₆ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ U ] 
             U , int i  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i
  helper₆ x↯ int =  now (throws (Unblock x↯))

  helper₅ :  {ops i s} 
            x ↯[ U ] 
             U , int i  s  ◁∞″ (Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i)
  helper₅ x↯ =  later (, int) (helper₆ x↯)

  helper₄ :  {ops i m s} 
             U , nat m  int i  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i
  helper₄ nat = helper₅ Int

  helper₃ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ U ] nat m 
             reset  ops , U , nat m  int i  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i
  helper₃ x↡ reset     =  now (returns (Unblock x↡))
  helper₃ _  interrupt =  later (, nat) helper₄

  helper₂ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (reset  ops) (int i  s) x U ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i
  helper₂ (returns x↡) =  later (, reset) (helper₃ x↡)
  helper₂ (throws  x↯) = helper₅ x↯

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             set U  comp x (reset  ops) , i , s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (unblock x) i
  helper₁ set       = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₂
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-thm (loop x) =  later (, loop) helper₁
  helper₄ :  {ops m s} 
             U , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (loop x) U
  helper₄ nat =  now (throws Int)

  helper₃ :  {ops i m s} 
            x ⇓[ i ] nat m 
             pop  loop x  ops , i , nat m  s  ⟶◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (loop x) i
  helper₃ x↡ pop       ~ bar-thm (loop x)
  helper₃ _  interrupt =  later (, nat) helper₄

  helper₂ :  {ops i s} 
            Matches⁺ (pop  loop x  ops) s x i ∋◁∞
            Matches⁺ ops s (loop x) i
  helper₂ (throws  x↯) =  now (throws (Loop (Seqn₂ x↯)))
  helper₂ (returns x↡) =  later (, pop) (helper₃ x↡)

  helper₁ :  {ops i s} 
             loop x  ops , i , s  ⟶◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s (loop x) i
  helper₁ loop      = ◁∞′-trans (bar-thm x) helper₂
  helper₁ interrupt =  now (throws Int)

bar-theorem :  {t} (e : Expr t) {ops i s} 
               comp e ops , i , s  ◁∞ Matches⁺ ops s e i
bar-theorem e = ∞″→∞ (bar-thm e)