-- The barred-by relation

open import Relation.Binary

module Bar {S : Set} (_⟶_ : Rel S) where

open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Star
open import Data.Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Unary

open import Infinite hiding (∞′→∞; ∞″→∞; ∞″→∞′; ∞→∞′)

-- Types

-- x ⟶ means that x is not stuck.

_⟶ : S  Set
x  =  λ y  x  y

-- x ↛ means that x is stuck.

_↛ : S  Set
x  = ¬ (x )

-- x ◁ P ("x is barred by P") means that at least one state in P will
-- be reached.

-- Note that the definition used in the paper is incorrect. If, for
-- instance, _⟶_ contains a transition to some stuck state s from all
-- other states, then s ◁ P (as defined in the paper, i.e. without
-- "x ⟶") is trivially satisfied for any s and P.

data _◁_ (x : S) (P : Pred S) : Set where
  -- P will be reached because we are already there.
  now : (x∈P : x  P)  x  P
  -- P will be reached because
  --   ⑴ we can take a step, and
  --   ⑵ no matter which step we take we will reach P.
  later : (x⟶ : x ) (x⟶y◁P :  {y}  x  y  y  P)  x  P

-- x ◁∞ P means that every finite reduction path (which is not part of
-- an infinite path) contains a state in P.

codata _◁∞_ (x : S) (P : Pred S) : Set where
  now   : (x∈P : x  P)  x ◁∞ P
  later : (x⟶ : x ) (x⟶y◁∞P :  {y}  x  y  y ◁∞ P)  x ◁∞ P

-- Conversions

◁⇒◁∞ :  {x P}  x  P  x ◁∞ P
◁⇒◁∞ (now x∈P)        = now x∈P
◁⇒◁∞ (later x⟶ x⟶y◁P) = later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁⇒◁∞ (x⟶y◁P x⟶y))

bounded-is-finite :  {x}  x  _↛  ¬ Infinite _⟶_ x
bounded-is-finite (now x∈P)       (x⟶y ◅∞ y⟶∞) = x∈P (, x⟶y)
bounded-is-finite (later _ x⟶y◁P) (x⟶y ◅∞ y⟶∞) =
  bounded-is-finite (x⟶y◁P x⟶y) y⟶∞

-- Some lemmas

-- Sanity check.

can-be-reached :  {P x}  x  P   λ y  Star _⟶_ x y × y  P
can-be-reached {x = x} (now x∈P) = (x , ε , x∈P)
can-be-reached (later (y , x⟶y) x⟶◁P)
  with can-be-reached (x⟶◁P x⟶y)
... | (z , y⟶⋆z , z∈P) = (z , x⟶y  y⟶⋆z , z∈P)

◁-trans :  {x P Q}  x  P  (∀ {y}  y  P  y  Q)  x  Q
◁-trans (now x∈P)        P◁Q = P◁Q x∈P
◁-trans (later x⟶ x⟶y◁P) P◁Q = later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁-trans (x⟶y◁P x⟶y) P◁Q)

◁∞-trans :  {x P Q}  x ◁∞ P  (∀ {y}  y  P  y ◁∞ Q)  x ◁∞ Q
◁∞-trans (now x∈P)        P◁Q = P◁Q x∈P
◁∞-trans (later x⟶ x⟶y◁P) P◁Q ~ later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁∞-trans (x⟶y◁P x⟶y) P◁Q)

◁-map :  {x P Q}  P  Q  x  P  x  Q
◁-map P⊆Q (now x∈P)       = now (P⊆Q _ x∈P)
◁-map P⊆Q (later x⟶ x⟶◁P) = later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁-map P⊆Q (x⟶◁P x⟶y))

◁∞-map :  {x P Q}  P  Q  x ◁∞ P  x ◁∞ Q
◁∞-map P⊆Q (now x∈P)        = now (P⊆Q _ x∈P)
◁∞-map P⊆Q (later x⟶ x⟶◁∞P) ~ later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁∞-map P⊆Q (x⟶◁∞P x⟶y))

bar∞-lemma :  {x P y} 
             (∀ {z}  z  P  z ) 
             x ◁∞ P 
             x  Star _⟶_ ⟩₁ y  y   y  P
bar∞-lemma P↛ (now x∈P)       ε            x↛ = x∈P
bar∞-lemma P↛ (later x⟶ _)    ε            x↛ = ⊥-elim (x↛ x⟶)
bar∞-lemma P↛ (now x∈P)       (x⟶z  z⟶⋆y) y↛ = ⊥-elim (P↛ x∈P (, x⟶z))
bar∞-lemma P↛ (later _ x⟶y◁P) (x⟶z  z⟶⋆y) y↛ =
  bar∞-lemma P↛ (x⟶y◁P x⟶z) z⟶⋆y y↛

bar-lemma :  {x P y} 
            (∀ {z}  z  P  z ) 
            x  P 
            x  Star _⟶_ ⟩₁ y  y   y  P
bar-lemma P↛ x◁P = bar∞-lemma P↛ (◁⇒◁∞ x◁P)

bounded-or-infinite : (∀ x  Dec (x ))   x  x ◁∞ _↛
bounded-or-infinite dec x with dec x
bounded-or-infinite dec x | no  x↛ = now x↛
bounded-or-infinite dec x | yes x⟶ ~
  later x⟶  {y} _  bounded-or-infinite dec y)

-- The code below can be used to handle some not obviously productive
-- definitions


  codata _◁∞′_ (x : S) (P : Pred S) : Set1 where
    now   : (x∈P : x  P)  x ◁∞′ P
    later : (x⟶ : x ) (x⟶y◁∞P :  {y}  x  y  y ◁∞″ P)  x ◁∞′ P

  data _◁∞″_ (x : S) (P : Pred S) : Set1 where
    ↓_        : (x◁∞P : x ◁∞′ P)  x ◁∞″ P
    ◁∞′-trans :  {Q} (x◁∞Q : x ◁∞″ Q)
                (Q◁∞P :  {y}  y  Q  y ◁∞″ P) 
                x ◁∞″ P

-- The first constructor can be accessed in finite time.

∞″→∞′ :  {x P}  x ◁∞″ P  x ◁∞′ P
∞″→∞′ ( x◁∞P)              = x◁∞P
∞″→∞′ (◁∞′-trans x◁∞Q Q◁∞P) with ∞″→∞′ x◁∞Q
∞″→∞′ (◁∞′-trans x◁∞Q Q◁∞P) | now x∈P         = ∞″→∞′ (Q◁∞P x∈P)
∞″→∞′ (◁∞′-trans x◁∞Q Q◁∞P) | later x⟶ x⟶y◁∞P =
  later x⟶  x⟶y  ◁∞′-trans (x⟶y◁∞P x⟶y) Q◁∞P)

-- _◁∞_ and _◁∞′_ are equivalent.


  ∞′→∞ :  {x P}  x ◁∞′ P  x ◁∞ P
  ∞′→∞ (now x∈P)         = now x∈P
  ∞′→∞ (later x⟶ x⟶y◁∞P) ~ later x⟶  x⟶y  ∞″→∞ (x⟶y◁∞P x⟶y))

  ∞″→∞ :  {x P}  x ◁∞″ P  x ◁∞ P
  ∞″→∞ x◁∞P = ∞′→∞ (∞″→∞′ x◁∞P)

∞→∞′ :  {x P}  x ◁∞ P  x ◁∞′ P
∞→∞′ (now x∈P)         = now x∈P
∞→∞′ (later x⟶ x⟶y◁∞P) ~ later x⟶  x⟶y   ∞→∞′ (x⟶y◁∞P x⟶y))