-- A derivation of a compiler for a simple language with exceptions

module CompositionBased.Exceptions where

open import Category.Monad
open import Data.List using (List; []; [_]; _∷_)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Function
import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H

  open module M = RawMonadPlus (Maybe.monadPlus {f = Level.zero})
    using (; _<$>_; _⊛_; _∣_)

import Derivation
open import ReverseComposition as RC
  hiding (_↑_⇨_; module Derivation; push; pop; module Stack)

-- Language

-- A simple expression language.

data Expr : Set where
  val     : (n : )  Expr
  _⊖_     : (e₁ e₂ : Expr)  Expr
  throw   : Expr
  _catch_ : (e₁ e₂ : Expr)  Expr

-- The semantics of the language.

⟦_⟧ : Expr  Maybe 
 val n        = M.return n
 e₁  e₂      = _∸_ <$>  e₁    e₂ 
 throw        = 
 e₁ catch e₂  =  e₁    e₂ 

-- Rewrite the evaluator in "compositional" style

-- An abbreviation.

infixl 5 _↑_

_↑_ : Set    Set
A  n = RC._↑_⇨_ A n (Maybe A)

module Compositional where

  open RC.Derivation
  open LawsM
  open MonoidLawsM

  ⟦_⟧↑ : Expr    0
   e ⟧↑ = return  e 

  sub :   2
  sub = Λ λ m  Λ λ n  returnM (m  n)


    lemma :  m₁ m₂ 
            return (_∸_ <$> m₁  m₂)  return m₂ ⊙M return m₁ ⊙M sub
    lemma (just n₁) (just n₂) = P.refl
    lemma (just n₁) nothing   = P.refl
    lemma nothing   (just n₂) = P.refl
    lemma nothing   nothing   = P.refl


    ⟦_⟧C : Expr    0
     e ⟧C = witness (eval e)

    eval : (e : Expr)  EqualTo  e ⟧↑
    eval (val n) = 
      return (just n)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
      returnM n        

    eval (e₁  e₂) = 
      return (_∸_ <$>  e₁    e₂ )  ≡⟨ lemma  e₁   e₂  
       e₂ ⟧↑ ⊙M  e₁ ⟧↑ ⊙M sub         ≈⟨ proof (eval e₂) ⊙M-cong proof (eval e₁) ⊙M-cong refl sub 
       e₂ ⟧C ⊙M  e₁ ⟧C ⊙M sub         

    eval throw = 
      return nothing  ≡⟨ P.refl 

    eval (e₁ catch e₂) = 
      return ( e₁    e₂ )  ≡⟨ P.refl 
       e₁ ⟧↑   e₂ ⟧↑         ≈⟨ proof (eval e₁) ⊕-cong proof (eval e₂) 
       e₁ ⟧C   e₂ ⟧C         

-- Rewrite the evaluator in accumulator style, using two accumulators
-- (one for success and one for failure)

module Accumulator where

  open RC.Derivation
  open LawsM
  open MonoidLawsM
    open module C = Compositional using (⟦_⟧↑; ⟦_⟧C)

  push :  {i}    (    i)    i
  push n s = s n

  sub :  {i}  (    i)      1 + i
  sub s = λ y  Λ λ x  s (y  x)

  pop :  {i}    i    1 + i
  pop f = const⋆ [  ] f


    ⟦_⟧A : Expr   {i}  (    i)    i    i
     e ⟧A s f = witness (eval e s f)

    eval :  (e : Expr) {i} (s :     i) (f :   i) 
           EqualTo ( e ⟧C then s else f)

    eval (val n) s f = 
      s n       ≡⟨ P.refl 
      push n s  

    eval (e₁  e₂) s f = 
      ( e₂ ⟧C ⊙M  e₁ ⟧C ⊙M C.sub) then s else f                       ≈⟨ distrib  e₂ ⟧C (_·_ ( e₁ ⟧C ⊙M C.sub)) (maybe s f) 

       e₂ ⟧C then  x  ( e₁ ⟧C ⊙M C.sub) · x then s else f)
              else f                                                    ≈⟨ refl  e₂ ⟧C
                                                                           then  x  complete (then-else-·₀  e₁ ⟧C (_·_ C.sub))
                                                                                         then  _  refl _)
                                                                                         else-cong refl f)
                                                                           else-cong refl f 
       e₂ ⟧C then  x  ( e₁ ⟧C ⊙M (Λ λ y  C.sub · y · x))
                            then s else f)
              else f                                                    ≈⟨ refl  e₂ ⟧C
                                                                           then  x  distrib  e₁ ⟧C  y  C.sub · y · x) (maybe s f))
                                                                           else-cong refl f 
       e₂ ⟧C then  x   e₁ ⟧C then  y  C.sub · y · x ⊙M Λ s)
                                  else f)
              else f                                                    ≡⟨ P.refl 

       e₂ ⟧C then  x   e₁ ⟧C then  y  (Λ λ x  s (y  x)) · x)
                                  else const⋆ [  ] f · x)
              else f                                                    ≈⟨ refl  e₂ ⟧C
                                                                           then  _  complete $ P.sym $
                                                                                         then-else-·₀  e₁ ⟧C  y  Λ λ x  s (y  x)))
                                                                           else-cong refl f 
       e₂ ⟧C then _·_ ( e₁ ⟧C then  y  Λ λ x  s (y  x))
                                else const⋆ [  ] f)
              else f                                                    ≡⟨ P.refl 

       e₂ ⟧C then _·_ ( e₁ ⟧C then sub s else pop f) else f           ≈⟨ refl  e₂ ⟧C
                                                                           then  _  proof (eval e₁ (sub s) (pop f)) ·-cong H.refl)
                                                                           else-cong refl f 

       e₂ ⟧C then _·_ ( e₁ ⟧A (sub s) (pop f)) else f                 ≈⟨ proof (eval e₂ _ _) 

       e₂ ⟧A (_·_ ( e₁ ⟧A (sub s) (pop f))) f                         

    eval throw s f =  f 

    eval (e₁ catch e₂) s f = 
       e₁ ⟧C   e₂ ⟧C then s else f                    ≈⟨ ⊕₀  e₁ ⟧C _ then  _  refl _) else-cong refl _ 

      ( e₁ ⟧C then returnM else  e₂ ⟧C) then s else f  ≈⟨ distrib  e₁ ⟧C returnM (maybe s f) 

       e₁ ⟧C then  x  returnM x then s else f)
              else ( e₂ ⟧C then s else f)               ≡⟨ P.refl 

       e₁ ⟧C then s else ( e₂ ⟧C then s else f)        ≈⟨ refl  e₁ ⟧C then  _  refl _) else-cong proof (eval e₂ s f) 

       e₁ ⟧C then s else ( e₂ ⟧A s f)                  ≈⟨ proof (eval e₁ s ( e₂ ⟧A s f)) 

       e₁ ⟧A s ( e₂ ⟧A s f)                            

  halt :     0
  halt = _·_ identityM

  crash :   0
  crash = zeroM

  correct :  e  ∃₂ λ f s   e ⟧↑   e ⟧A f s
  correct e = halt , crash , (
     e ⟧↑                       ≈⟨ proof $ Compositional.eval e 
     e ⟧C                       ≈⟨ sym $ right-identities  e ⟧C 
     e ⟧C then halt else crash  ≈⟨ proof $ eval e halt crash 
     e ⟧A halt crash            )

  -- ⟦_⟧A preserves equality of the accumulators.

  push-cong :  {i} (n : ) {s₁ s₂ :     i} 
              (∀ x  s₁ x  s₂ x)  push n s₁  push n s₂
  push-cong n s₁≈s₂ = s₁≈s₂ n

  sub-cong :  {i} {s₁ s₂ :     i} 
             (∀ x  s₁ x  s₂ x)   x  sub s₁ x  sub s₂ x
  sub-cong s₁≈s₂ = λ x  Λ-cong λ y  s₁≈s₂ (x  y)

  pop-cong :  {i} {f₁ f₂ :   i}  f₁  f₂  pop f₁  pop f₂
  pop-cong f₁≈f₂ = Λ-cong λ _  f₁≈f₂

  ⟦_⟧A-cong : (e : Expr)   {i} {s₁ s₂ :     i} {f₁ f₂ :   i} 
              (∀ x  s₁ x  s₂ x)  f₁  f₂ 
               e ⟧A s₁ f₁   e ⟧A s₂ f₂
   val n       ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ = push-cong n s₁≈s₂
   e₁  e₂     ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ =  e₂ ⟧A-cong  _   e₁ ⟧A-cong (sub-cong s₁≈s₂) (pop-cong f₁≈f₂) ·-cong H.refl) f₁≈f₂
   throw       ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ = f₁≈f₂
   e₁ catch e₂ ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ =  e₁ ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ ( e₂ ⟧A-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂)

-- Defunctionalise

module Defunctionalised where

  open RC.Derivation
  open Compositional using (⟦_⟧↑)
  open Accumulator using (⟦_⟧A; ⟦_⟧A-cong)

  data Term :   Set where
    push  :  {i} (n : ) (t : Term (1 + i))  Term i
    pop   :  {i} (t : Term i)  Term (1 + i)
    sub   :  {i} (t : Term (1 + i))  Term (2 + i)
    halt  : Term 1
    crash : Term 0

  -- The semantics of Term.

  apply :  {i}  Term i    i
  apply (push n t) = Accumulator.push n (_·_ (apply t))
  apply (pop t)    = Accumulator.pop (apply t)
  apply (sub t)    = Λ (Accumulator.sub (_·_ (apply t)))
  apply halt       = Λ Accumulator.halt
  apply crash      = Accumulator.crash

  -- The right-hand sides evaluate, so the code above is equivalent to
  -- the following one.

  exec :  {i}  Term i    i
  exec (push n t) = exec t · n
  exec (pop t)    = Λ λ _  exec t
  exec (sub t)    = Λ λ x  Λ λ y  exec t · (x  y)
  exec halt       = Λ λ x  return (just x)
  exec crash      = return nothing

  -- Compiler.


    comp :  {i}  Expr  Term (suc i)  Term i  Term i
    comp e s f = proj₁ (comp′ e s f)

    comp′ :  (e : Expr) {i} (s : Term (suc i)) (f : Term i) 
             λ (t : Term i)   e ⟧A (_·_ (exec s)) (exec f)  exec t
    comp′ (val n) s f = push n s , (
      exec s · n       ≡⟨ P.refl 
      exec (push n s)  )

    comp′ (e₁  e₂) s f = comp e₂ (comp e₁ (sub s) (pop f)) f , (
       e₂ ⟧A (_·_ ( e₁ ⟧A (Accumulator.sub (_·_ (exec s)))
                            (Accumulator.pop (exec f))))
              (exec f)                                         ≡⟨ P.refl 

       e₂ ⟧A (_·_ ( e₁ ⟧A (_·_ (exec (sub s))) (exec (pop f))))
              (exec f)                                         ≈⟨  e₂ ⟧A-cong  _  proj₂ (comp′ e₁ (sub s) (pop f)) ·-cong H.refl) (refl _) 

       e₂ ⟧A (_·_ (exec (comp e₁ (sub s) (pop f)))) (exec f)  ≈⟨ proj₂ $ comp′ e₂ (comp e₁ (sub s) (pop f)) f 

      exec (comp e₂ (comp e₁ (sub s) (pop f)) f)               )

    comp′ throw s f = f , (
      exec f  )

    comp′ (e₁ catch e₂) s f = comp e₁ s (comp e₂ s f) , (
       e₁ ⟧A (_·_ (exec s)) ( e₂ ⟧A (_·_ (exec s)) (exec f))  ≈⟨  e₁ ⟧A-cong  _  refl _) (proj₂ $ comp′ e₂ s f) 
       e₁ ⟧A (_·_ (exec s)) (exec (comp e₂ s f))               ≈⟨ proj₂ $ comp′ e₁ s (comp e₂ s f) 
      exec (comp e₁ s (comp e₂ s f))                            )

  correct :  e   e ⟧↑  exec (comp e halt crash)
  correct e =
     e ⟧↑                                     ≈⟨ proj₂ $ proj₂ $ Accumulator.correct e 
     e ⟧A Accumulator.halt Accumulator.crash  ≡⟨ P.refl 
     e ⟧A (_·_ (exec halt)) (exec crash)      ≈⟨ proj₂ (comp′ e halt crash) 
    exec (comp e halt crash)                   

-- Switch to an explicit stack

module Stack where

  open Derivation
  open Compositional using (⟦_⟧↑)
  open Defunctionalised using (Term; comp)
  open Defunctionalised.Term
  open P.≡-Reasoning

  _^_ : Set    Set
  A ^ n = Vec A n  Maybe A


    exec :  {i}  Term i   ^ i
    exec t = witness  exec′ t

    exec′ :  {i} (t : Term i) (xs : Vec  i) 
            EqualTo (app (Defunctionalised.exec t) xs)

    exec′ (push n t) xs =  begin
      app (Defunctionalised.exec t · n) xs  ≡⟨ proj₂ (exec′ t (n  xs)) 
      exec t (n  xs)                       

    exec′ (pop t) (x  xs) =  begin
      app (Defunctionalised.exec t) xs  ≡⟨ proj₂ (exec′ t xs) 
      exec t xs                         

    exec′ (sub t) (x  y  xs) =  begin
      app (Defunctionalised.exec t · (x  y)) xs  ≡⟨ proj₂ (exec′ t (x  y  xs)) 
      exec t (x  y  xs)                         

    exec′ halt (x  []) =  begin just x 

    exec′ crash [] =  begin nothing 

  correct :  e   e   exec (comp e halt crash) []
  correct e = begin
     e                                                        ≡⟨ P.refl 
    run  e ⟧↑                                                  ≡⟨ run-cong (Defunctionalised.correct e) 
    run (Defunctionalised.exec (comp e halt crash))             ≡⟨ P.refl 
    app {A = } (Defunctionalised.exec (comp e halt crash)) []  ≡⟨ proj₂ $ exec′ (comp e halt crash) [] 
    exec (comp e halt crash) []                                 

-- Wrapping up

module Finally where

  Code : Set
  Code = Defunctionalised.Term 0

  comp : Expr  Code
  comp e = Defunctionalised.comp e
             Defunctionalised.halt Defunctionalised.crash

  exec : Code  Maybe 
  exec = flip Stack.exec []

  correct :  e   e   exec (comp e)
  correct = Stack.correct