-- Functional semantics for an untyped λ-calculus with constants

{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}

module Lambda.Closure.Functional.No-workarounds where

open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Monad.Partiality as Partiality
  using (_⊥; never; OtherKind; other; steps)
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_; lookup)
open import Function
import Level
open import Relation.Binary using (module Preorder)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation

open Partiality._⊥
  open module E {A : Set} = Partiality.Equality (_≡_ {A = A})
  open module R {A : Set} =
    Partiality.Reasoning (P.isEquivalence {A = A})

open import Lambda.Syntax
open Closure Tm
open import Lambda.VirtualMachine
open Functional
  module VM = Closure Code

-- A monad with partiality and failure

PF : RawMonad {f = Level.zero} (_⊥  Maybe)
PF = Maybe.monadT Partiality.monad

module PF where
  open RawMonad PF public

  fail : {A : Set}  Maybe A 
  fail = now nothing

  _>>=-cong_ :
     {k} {A B : Set} {x₁ x₂ : Maybe A } {f₁ f₂ : A  Maybe B } 
    Rel k x₁ x₂  (∀ x  Rel k (f₁ x) (f₂ x)) 
    Rel k (x₁ >>= f₁) (x₂ >>= f₂)
  _>>=-cong_ {k} {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} x₁≈x₂ f₁≈f₂ =
    Partiality._>>=-cong_ x₁≈x₂ helper
    helper :  {x y}  x  y 
             Rel k (maybe f₁ fail x) (maybe f₂ fail y)
    helper {x = nothing} P.refl = fail 
    helper {x = just x}  P.refl = f₁≈f₂ x

  associative :
    {A B C : Set}
    (x : Maybe A ) (f : A  Maybe B ) (g : B  Maybe C ) 
    (x >>= f >>= g)  (x >>= λ y  f y >>= g)
  associative x f g =
    (x >>= f >>= g)                      ≅⟨ Partiality.associative P.refl x _ _ 
    (x >>=′ λ y  maybe f fail y >>= g)  ≅⟨ Partiality._>>=-cong_ (x ) helper 
    (x >>= λ y  f y >>= g)              
    open RawMonad Partiality.monad renaming (_>>=_ to _>>=′_)

    helper :  {y₁ y₂}  y₁  y₂ 
             (maybe f fail y₁ >>= g)  maybe  z  f z >>= g) fail y₂
    helper {y₁ = nothing} P.refl = fail 
    helper {y₁ = just y}  P.refl = (f y >>= g) 

  >>=-inversion-⇓ :
     {k} {A B : Set} x {f : A  Maybe B } {y} 
    (x>>=f⇓ : (x >>= f) ⇓[ k ] just y) 
     λ z  ∃₂ λ (x⇓ : x ⇓[ k ] just z)
                 (fz⇓ : f z ⇓[ k ] just y) 
                 steps x⇓ + steps fz⇓  steps x>>=f⇓
  >>=-inversion-⇓ x {f} x>>=f⇓
    with Partiality.>>=-inversion-⇓ {_∼A_ = _≡_} P.refl x x>>=f⇓
  ... | (nothing , x↯ , now ()  , _)
  ... | (just z  , x⇓ , fz⇓     , eq) = (z , x⇓ , fz⇓ , eq)

  >>=-inversion-⇑ :
     {k} {A B : Set} x {f : A  Maybe B } 
    (x >>= f) ⇑[ other k ] 
    ¬ ¬ (x ⇑[ other k ] 
          λ y  x ⇓[ other k ] just y × f y ⇑[ other k ])
  >>=-inversion-⇑ {k} x {f} x>>=f⇑ =
    helper ⟨$⟩ Partiality.>>=-inversion-⇑ P.isEquivalence x x>>=f⇑
    open RawMonad ¬¬-Monad renaming (_<$>_ to _⟨$⟩_)

    helper : (_   λ (y : Maybe _)  _)  _
    helper (inj₁ x⇑                      ) = inj₁ x⇑
    helper (inj₂ (just y  , x⇓,fy⇑)      ) = inj₂ (y , x⇓,fy⇑)
    helper (inj₂ (nothing , x↯,now∼never)) =
      ⊥-elim (Partiality.now≉never (proj₂ x↯,now∼never))

open PF

-- Semantics

infix 5 _∙_

-- Note that this definition gives us determinism "for free".


  ⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  Maybe Value 
   con i    ρ = return (con i)
   var x    ρ = return (lookup x ρ)
   ƛ t      ρ = return (ƛ t ρ)
   t₁ · t₂  ρ =  t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁ 
                   t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂ 
                  v₁  v₂

  _∙_ : Value  Value  Maybe Value 
  con i   v₂ = fail
  ƛ t₁ ρ  v₂ = later ( ( t₁  (v₂  ρ)))

-- Example

Ω-loops :  Ω  []  never
Ω-loops = later ( Ω-loops)

-- Some lemmas

-- An abbreviation.

infix 5 _⟦·⟧_

_⟦·⟧_ : Maybe Value   Maybe Value   Maybe Value 
v₁ ⟦·⟧ v₂ = v₁ >>= λ v₁  v₂ >>= λ v₂  v₁  v₂

-- _⟦·⟧_ preserves equality.

_⟦·⟧-cong_ :  {k v₁₁ v₁₂ v₂₁ v₂₂} 
             Rel k v₁₁ v₂₁  Rel k v₁₂ v₂₂ 
             Rel k (v₁₁ ⟦·⟧ v₁₂) (v₂₁ ⟦·⟧ v₂₂)
v₁₁≈v₂₁ ⟦·⟧-cong v₁₂≈v₂₂ =
  v₁₁≈v₂₁ >>=-cong λ v₁ 
  v₁₂≈v₂₂ >>=-cong λ v₂ 
  v₁  v₂ 

-- The semantics of application is compositional (with respect to the
-- syntactic equality which is used).

·-comp :  {n} (t₁ t₂ : Tm n) {ρ} 
          t₁ · t₂  ρ   t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ
·-comp t₁ t₂ = _ 

-- Compiler correctness

module Correctness where

  -- The relation _≈_ does not admit unrestricted use of transitivity
  -- in corecursive proofs, so I have formulated the correctness proof
  -- using a continuation. Note that the proof would perhaps be easier
  -- if the semantics was also formulated in continuation-passing
  -- style.


    correct :
       {n} t {ρ : Env n} {c s} {k : Value  Maybe VM.Value } 
      (∀ v  exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ   k v) 
      exec  comp t c , s , comp-env ρ   ( t  ρ >>= k)
    correct (con i) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (Lambda.Syntax.Closure.con i)  s , comp-env ρ   ≈⟨ hyp (con i) 
      k (con i)                                                    )
    correct (var x) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (lookup x (comp-env ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≡⟨ P.cong  v  exec  c , val v  s , comp-env ρ ) (lookup-hom x ρ) 
      exec  c , val (comp-val (lookup x ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈⟨ hyp (lookup x ρ) 
      k (lookup x ρ)                                             )
    correct (ƛ t) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (comp-val (ƛ t ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈⟨ hyp (ƛ t ρ) 
      k (ƛ t ρ)                                             )
    correct (t₁ · t₂) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
      exec  comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app  c)) , s , comp-env ρ       ≈⟨ correct t₁  v₁  correct t₂  v₂  ∙-correct v₁ v₂ hyp)) 
      ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁    t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂  v₁  v₂  >>= k)  ≅⟨ (( t₁  ρ ) >>=-cong λ _  sym $ associative ( t₂  ρ) _ _) 
      ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁  ( t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂  v₁  v₂) >>= k)  ≅⟨ sym $ associative ( t₁  ρ) _ _ 
      ( t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ >>= k)                              ≅⟨ _  
      ( t₁ · t₂  ρ >>= k)                                      

    ∙-correct :
       {n} v₁ v₂ {ρ : Env n} {c s} {k : Value  Maybe VM.Value } 
      (∀ v  exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ   k v) 
      exec  app  c , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val v₁)  s , comp-env ρ  
      (v₁  v₂ >>= k)
    ∙-correct (con i)   v₂                 _   = fail 
    ∙-correct (ƛ t₁ ρ₁) v₂ {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
      exec  app  c , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val (ƛ t₁ ρ₁))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈⟨ later ( (

        exec  comp t₁ [ ret ] , ret c (comp-env ρ)  s , comp-env (v₂  ρ₁)                ≈⟨ correct t₁  v  laterˡ (hyp v)) 
        ( t₁  (v₂  ρ₁) >>= k)                                                             )) 

      (ƛ t₁ ρ₁  v₂ >>= k)                                                              

-- Note that the equality that is used here is syntactic.

correct :  t 
          exec  comp t [] , [] , []  
          ( t  [] >>= λ v  PF.return (comp-val v))
correct t = Correctness.correct t  v  return (comp-val v) )