-- Some examples

module Contractive.Examples where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Stream
import Data.Vec as Vec
open Vec using (_∷_; [])
open import Function
open import Contractive
import Contractive.Stream as S
open import StreamProg using (Ord; lt; eq; gt; merge)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

open COFE (S.cofe 0)

fibF : ContractiveFun (S.cofe 0)
fibF = record
  { F             = F
  ; isContractive = isCon _ _ _
  F = λ xs  0   (1   zipWith _+_ xs (tail xs))

  lemma₁ :  _∙_ (xs ys : Stream ) n 
           take n (zipWith _∙_ xs ys) 
           Vec.zipWith _∙_ (take n xs) (take n ys)
  lemma₁ _∙_ _        _        zero    = refl
  lemma₁ _∙_ (x  xs) (y  ys) (suc n) =
    cong (_∷_ (x  y)) (lemma₁ _∙_ ( xs) ( ys) n)

  lemma₂ :  (xs ys : Stream ) n 
           Eq n xs ys  take n xs  take n ys
  lemma₂ _        _         zero    _   = refl
  lemma₂ (x  xs) ( y  ys) (suc n) hyp
    with cong Vec.head hyp | take n ( xs) | lemma₂ ( xs) ( ys) n (cong Vec.tail hyp)
  lemma₂ (x  xs) (.x  ys) (suc n) hyp | refl | .(take n ( ys)) | refl = refl

  isCon :  (xs ys : Stream ) n 
          (∀ {m}  m <′ n  Eq m xs ys) 
          Eq n (F xs) (F ys)
  isCon _        _        zero    _   = refl
  isCon (x  xs) (y  ys) (suc n) hyp = cong  zs  0  1  zs) (begin
    take n (zipWith _+_ (x  xs) ( xs))               ≡⟨ lemma₁ _+_ (x  xs) ( xs) n 
    Vec.zipWith _+_ (take n (x  xs)) (take n ( xs))  ≡⟨ cong₂ (Vec.zipWith _+_)
                                                                (lemma₂ _ _ n (hyp ≤′-refl))
                                                                (cong Vec.tail (hyp ≤′-refl)) 
    Vec.zipWith _+_ (take n (y  ys)) (take n ( ys))  ≡⟨ sym $ lemma₁ _+_ (y  ys) ( ys) n 
    take n (zipWith _+_ (y  ys) ( ys))               )

fib : Stream 
fib = ContractiveFun.fixpoint fibF

-- Note that I could not be bothered to finish the following
-- definition.

hammingF : ContractiveFun (S.cofe 0)
hammingF = record
  { F             = F
  ; isContractive = isCon _ _ _
  toOrd :  {m n}  Ordering m n  Ord
  toOrd (less _ _)    = lt
  toOrd (equal _)     = eq
  toOrd (greater _ _) = gt

  cmp :     Ord
  cmp m n = toOrd (compare m n)

  F = λ (xs : _)  0   merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) xs) (map (_*_ 3) xs)

    lemma :  n  cmp (2 * suc n) (3 * suc n)  lt

  isCon :  (xs ys : Stream ) n 
          (∀ {m}  m <′ n  Eq m xs ys) 
          Eq n (F xs) (F ys)
  isCon _        _         zero    _   = refl
  isCon (x  xs) (y   ys) (suc n) hyp with cong Vec.head (hyp (s≤′s z≤′n))
  isCon (0  xs) (.0  ys) (suc n) hyp | refl =
    cong  zs  0  0  zs) (begin
      take n (merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) ( xs)) (map (_*_ 3) ( xs)))  ≡⟨ iCantBeBothered 
      take n (merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) ( ys)) (map (_*_ 3) ( ys)))  )
    where postulate iCantBeBothered : _
  isCon (suc x  xs) (.(suc x)  ys) (suc n) hyp | refl
    with cmp (2 * suc x) (3 * suc x) | lemma x
  isCon (suc x  xs) (.(suc x)  ys) (suc n) hyp | refl | .lt | refl =
    cong  zs  0  2 * suc x  zs) (begin
      take n (merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) ( xs))
                        (map (_*_ 3) (suc x  xs)))  ≡⟨ iCantBeBothered 
      take n (merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) ( ys))
                        (map (_*_ 3) (suc x  ys)))  )
    where postulate iCantBeBothered : _

hamming : Stream 
hamming = ContractiveFun.fixpoint hammingF