-- Breadth-first labelling of trees

module BreadthFirst where

open import Coinduction
open import Function
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (_⁺++⁺_)
open import Data.Colist using ([]; _∷_; concat)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq
  using () renaming (refl to ≡-refl)

open import BreadthFirst.Universe
open import BreadthFirst.Programs
open import BreadthFirst.Lemmas
open import Tree using (Tree; leaf; node; map)
open import Stream using (Stream; _≺_)

-- Breadth-first labelling

label′ :  {A B}  Tree A  Stream B 
         ElP (tree  B   stream  Stream B )
label′ t ls = lab t ( ( ls    snd (label′ t ls)))

label :  {A B}  Tree A  Stream B  Tree B
label t ls =  fst (label′ t ls) 

-- Breadth-first labelling preserves the shape of the tree

shape-preserved′ :  {A B} (t : Tree A)
                   (lss : ElP (stream  Stream B )) 
                   Eq (tree   ) (map (const tt)  fst (lab t lss) )
                                   (map (const tt) t)
shape-preserved′ leaf         lss = leaf
shape-preserved′ (node l _ r) lss with whnf lss
... |  x  ls   lss′ =
  node ( shape-preserved′ ( l) ( lss′))  ≡-refl 
       ( shape-preserved′ ( r) (snd (lab ( l) ( lss′))))

shape-preserved :  {A B} (t : Tree A) (ls : Stream B) 
                  Eq (tree   ) (map (const tt) (label t ls))
                                  (map (const tt) t)
shape-preserved t ls = shape-preserved′ t ( ( ls   _))

-- Breadth-first labelling uses the right labels

invariant :  {A B} (t : Tree A) lss 
            EqP (stream (stream  B ))
                (zipWith _⁺++∞_  flatten  fst (lab t lss)  
                                 snd (lab t lss) )
invariant leaf         lss =  lss  
invariant (node l _ r) lss with whnf lss
... |  x  ls   lss′ =
  ( ≡-refl    refl ( ls))   (
      lss′                                      ≊⟨ invariant ( l) ( lss′) 
    zipWith _⁺++∞_  flatten  fst l′  
                    snd l′                       ≊⟨ zipWith-cong ⁺++∞-cong
                                                        ( flatten  fst l′   )
                                                        (invariant ( r) (snd l′)) 
    zipWith _⁺++∞_
       flatten  fst l′  
      (zipWith _⁺++∞_  flatten  fst r′  
                       snd r′ )                  ≈⟨ zip-++-assoc (flatten  fst l′ )
                                                                   (flatten  fst r′ )
                                                                    snd r′  
    zipWith _⁺++∞_
       longZipWith _⁺++⁺_ (flatten  fst l′ )
                           (flatten  fst r′ ) 
       snd r′                                    )
  l′ = lab ( l) ( lss′)
  r′ = lab ( r) (snd l′)

prefix-lemma :  {a} xs xss yss 
               Eq (stream (stream a))
                  (xs   xss) (zipWith _⁺++∞_ yss xss) 
               PrefixOfP a (concat yss) xs
prefix-lemma xs xss         []         _            = []
prefix-lemma xs (xs′  xss) (ys  yss) (xs≈  xss≈) =
  concat (ys  yss)      ≋⟨ concat-lemma ys yss 
  ys ⁺++ concat ( yss)  ⊑⟨ ⁺++-mono ys ( prefix-lemma xs′ ( xss) ( yss)  lemma ⟧≈) 
  ys ⁺++∞ xs′            ≈⟨ sym xs≈ 
  lemma =
    xs′  _ {- ♯ ♭ xss -}           ≈⟨ refl xs′   refl ( xss) 
    xs′  xss                       ≈⟨  xss≈ 
    zipWith _⁺++∞_ ( yss) ( xss)  

is-prefix :  {A B} (t : Tree A) (ls : Stream B) 
            PrefixOf  B  (concat  flatten (label t ls) ) ls
is-prefix {B = B} t ls =
   prefix-lemma ls  snd l   flatten  fst l  
       ls  _ {- ♯ ⟦ snd l ⟧ -}                        ≈⟨ refl ls   refl  snd l  
          ( ls   _)                               ≊⟨ invariant t (  ls   _) 
        zipWith _⁺++∞_  flatten  fst l    snd l    ⟧≈ ⟧⊑
  where l = label′ t ls