-- Recognisers built on top of the parsers

-- Note that these recognisers are different from the ones in
-- TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion: these allow the use of fewer sharps.
-- (Compare the examples in TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.Expression
-- and TotalParserCombinators.Recogniser.Expression.)

module TotalParserCombinators.Recogniser where

open import Category.Monad
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Unit

open RawMonadPlus List.monadPlus using () renaming (_⊛_ to _⊛′_)

open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser as Parser
  using (Parser; flatten); open Parser.Parser
import TotalParserCombinators.Lib as Lib

-- Helper function

infixl 4 _·′_

_·′_ : (mb₁ mb₂ : Maybe (List ))  List 
mb₁ ·′ nothing = []
mb₁ ·′ just b₂ = List.map _ (flatten mb₁) ⊛′ b₂

-- Recognisers

infixl 50 _·_
infixl  5 _∣_

-- Recognisers.


  -- The index is non-empty if the corresponding language contains the
  -- empty string (is nullable).

  data P (Tok : Set) : List   Set₁ where
    -- Parsers can be turned into recognisers.
    lift  :  {R n} (p : Parser Tok R n)  P Tok (List.map _ n)

    -- Symmetric choice.
    _∣_   :  {n₁ n₂}
            (p₁ : P Tok n₁) (p₂ : P Tok n₂)  P Tok (n₁ ++ n₂)

    -- Sequencing.
    _·_   :  {n₁ n₂}
            (p₁ : ∞⟨ n₂ ⟩P Tok (flatten n₁))
            (p₂ : ∞⟨ n₁ ⟩P Tok (flatten n₂)) 
            P Tok (n₁ ·′ n₂)

  -- Delayed if the index is /nothing/.

  ∞⟨_⟩P : Maybe (List )  Set  List   Set₁
  ∞⟨ nothing ⟩P Tok n =  (P Tok n)
  ∞⟨ just _  ⟩P Tok n =    P Tok n

-- Helper function related to ∞⟨_⟩P

-- Is the argument parser forced? If the result is just something,
-- then it is.

forced? :  {Tok m n}  ∞⟨ m ⟩P Tok n  Maybe (List )
forced? {m = m} _ = m

-- The semantics of the recognisers is defined by translation

⟦_⟧ :  {Tok n} (p : P Tok n)  Parser Tok  n
 lift p   = _ <$> p
 p₁  p₂  =  p₁    p₂ 
 p₁ · p₂  with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | just xs | nothing =    _ <$>    p₁       p₂ 
... | just xs | just ys =    _ <$>    p₁         p₂ 
... | nothing | nothing =  (_ <$>   p₁ )     p₂ 
... | nothing | just ys =  (_ <$>   p₁ )       p₂