-- Do the parser combinators form a Kleene algebra?

module TotalParserCombinators.Laws.KleeneAlgebra where

open import Algebra
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Product using (_,_; proj₂)
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalent; module Equivalent)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
open import Relation.Nullary

open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics
  hiding (_>>=_) renaming (return to return′; _⊛_ to _⊛′_)

-- A variant of _≲_

infix 4 _≲′_

-- The AdditiveMonoid module shows that _∣_ can be viewed as the join
-- operation of a join-semilattice (if language equivalence is used).
-- This means that the following definition of order is natural.

_≲′_ :  {Tok R xs₁ xs₂}  Parser Tok R xs₁  Parser Tok R xs₂  Set₁
p₁ ≲′ p₂ = p₁  p₂  p₂

-- This order coincides with _≲_.

≲⇔≲′ :  {Tok R xs₁ xs₂}
       (p₁ : Parser Tok R xs₁) (p₂ : Parser Tok R xs₂) 
       p₁  p₂  p₁ ≲′ p₂
≲⇔≲′ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂ =
     (p₁≲p₂ : p₁  p₂) {_}  equivalent (helper p₁≲p₂) (∣-right xs₁))
     (p₁≲′p₂ : p₁ ≲′ p₂) s∈p₁  Equivalent.to p₁≲′p₂ ⟨$⟩ ∣-left s∈p₁)
  helper : p₁  p₂  p₁  p₂  p₂
  helper p₁≲p₂ (∣-left       s∈p₁) = p₁≲p₂ s∈p₁
  helper p₁≲p₂ (∣-right .xs₁ s∈p₂) = s∈p₂

-- A limited notion of *-continuity

-- Least upper bounds.

record _LeastUpperBoundOf_
         {Tok R xs} {f :   List R}
         (lub : Parser Tok R xs)
         (p : (n : )  Parser Tok R (f n)) : Set₁ where
    upper-bound :  n  p n  lub
    least       :  {ys} {ub : Parser Tok R ys} 
                  (∀ n  p n  ub)  lub  ub

-- For argument parsers which are not nullable we can prove that the
-- Kleene star operator is *-continuous.

*-continuous :
   {Tok R₁ R₂ R₃ fs xs}
  (p₁ : Parser Tok (List R₁  R₂  R₃) fs)
  (p₂ : Parser Tok R₁ [])
  (p₃ : Parser Tok R₂ xs) 
  (p₁  p₂   p₃) LeastUpperBoundOf  n  p₁  p₂  n  p₃)
*-continuous {Tok} {R₁ = R₁} {R₃ = R₃} {fs} {xs} p₁ p₂ p₃ =
  record { upper-bound = upper-bound; least = least }
  upper-bound :  n  p₁  p₂  n  p₃  p₁  p₂   p₃
  upper-bound n (∈p₁ ⊛′ ∈p₂ⁿ ⊛′ ∈p₃) =
    [  -  ] [  -  ] ∈p₁  Exactly.↑≲⋆ n ∈p₂ⁿ  ∈p₃

  least :  {ys} {p : Parser Tok R₃ ys} 
          (∀ i  p₁  p₂  i  p₃  p)  p₁  p₂   p₃  p
  least ub (∈p₁ ⊛′ ∈p₂⋆ ⊛′ ∈p₃) with Exactly.⋆≲∃↑ ∈p₂⋆
  ... | (n , ∈p₂ⁿ) = ub n ([  -  ] [  -  ] ∈p₁  ∈p₂ⁿ  ∈p₃)

-- The parser combinators do not form a Kleene algebra

-- If we allow arbitrary argument parsers, then we cannot prove the
-- following (variant of a) Kleene algebra axiom.

not-Kleene-algebra :
  (f :  {R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  List (List R)) 
  (_⋆′ :  {R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs) 
         Parser Tok (List R) (f p)) 
  ¬ (∀ {R xs} {p : Parser Tok R xs} 
     return []  (p >>= λ x  (p ⋆′) >>= λ xs  return (x  xs))
        (p ⋆′))
not-Kleene-algebra {Tok} t f _⋆′ fold =
  KleeneStar.unrestricted-incomplete t f _⋆′ ⋆′-complete
  ⋆′-complete :  {xs ys s} {p : Parser Tok Tok ys} 
                xs ∈[ p ]⋆· s  xs  p ⋆′ · s
  ⋆′-complete []         = fold (∣-left return′)
  ⋆′-complete (∈p  ∈p⋆) =
    fold (∣-right [ [] ]
            ([  -  ] ∈p >>=
                       fix ([  -  ] ⋆′-complete ∈p⋆ >>= return′)))
    fix = cast∈ P.refl P.refl $
                proj₂ (Monoid.identity $ List.monoid Tok) _

-- This shows that the parser combinators do not form a Kleene
-- algebra (interpreted liberally) using _⊛_ for composition, return
-- for unit, etc. However, it should be straightforward to build a
-- recogniser library, based on the parser combinators, which does
-- satisfy the Kleene algebra axioms (see
-- TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.KleeneAlgebra).