-- Brzozowski-style derivatives of parsers

module TotalParserCombinators.BreadthFirst.Derivative where

open import Category.Monad
open import Coinduction
open import Data.List as List using (List; map); open List.List
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe); open Data.Maybe.Maybe

open RawMonadPlus List.monadPlus
  using ()
  renaming ( return to return′
           ;to fail′
           ; _∣_    to _∣′_
           ; _⊛_    to _⊛′_
           ; _>>=_  to _>>=′_

open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- A function which calculates the index of the derivative.

D-bag :  {Tok R xs}  Tok  Parser Tok R xs  List R
D-bag t (return x)   = fail′
D-bag t fail         = fail′
D-bag t token        = return′ t
D-bag t (p₁  p₂)    = D-bag t p₁ ∣′ D-bag t p₂
D-bag t (nonempty p) = D-bag t p
D-bag t (cast eq p)  = D-bag t p
D-bag t (f <$> p)    = map f (D-bag t p)
D-bag t (p₁  p₂)    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | just xs | nothing = D-bag t p₁ ⊛′ xs
... | just xs | just fs = D-bag t p₁ ⊛′ xs ∣′ fs ⊛′ D-bag t p₂
... | nothing | nothing = fail′
... | nothing | just fs =                     fs ⊛′ D-bag t p₂
D-bag t (p₁ >>= p₂)  with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
... | just f  | nothing =  D-bag t p₁ >>=′ f
... | just f  | just xs = (D-bag t p₁ >>=′ f) ∣′ (xs >>=′ λ x  D-bag t (p₂ x))
... | nothing | nothing = fail′
... | nothing | just xs =                         xs >>=′ λ x  D-bag t (p₂ x)

-- "Derivative": x ∈ D t p · s  iff  x ∈ p · t ∷ s.

D :  {Tok R xs}
    (t : Tok) (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok R (D-bag t p)
D t (return x)   = fail
D t fail         = fail
D t token        = return t
D t (p₁  p₂)    = D t p₁  D t p₂
D t (nonempty p) = D t p
D t (cast eq p)  = D t p
D t (f <$> p)    = f <$> D t p
D t (p₁  p₂)    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | just xs | nothing =   D t    p₁    p₂
... | just xs | just fs =   D t    p₁     p₂  return⋆ fs  D t p₂
... | nothing | nothing =  D t ( p₁)   p₂
... | nothing | just fs =  D t ( p₁)    p₂  return⋆ fs  D t p₂
D t (p₁ >>= p₂)  with forced? p₁ | forced?′ p₂
... | just f  | nothing = D t p₁ >>=  x   (p₂ x))
... | just f  | just xs = D t p₁ >>=  x     p₂ x)
                         return⋆ xs >>= λ x  D t (p₂ x)
... | nothing | nothing =  D t ( p₁) >>=  x   (p₂ x))
... | nothing | just xs =  D t ( p₁) >>=  x     p₂ x)
                         return⋆ xs >>= λ x  D t (p₂ x)

-- Parsing: x ∈ parse p s  iff  x ∈ p · s.

parse :  {Tok R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  List Tok  List R
parse {xs = xs} p []      = xs
parse           p (t  s) = parse (D t p) s