-- Parsing of mixfix operators

-- This module defines a grammar for the precedence graph g.

open import Mixfix.Expr

module Mixfix.Cyclic.Grammar
         (i : PrecedenceGraphInterface)
         (g : PrecedenceGraphInterface.PrecedenceGraph i)

open import Coinduction
open import Function using (flip; _$_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Any as Any using (here; there)
open Any.Membership-≡ using (_∈_)
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open PrecedenceCorrect i g

import TotalParserCombinators.Parser as Parser
open import Mixfix.Fixity
open import Mixfix.Operator
open import Mixfix.Cyclic.Lib renaming (ParserProg to Parser)

-- The following definition uses a lexicographic combination of
-- guarded corecursion and structural recursion.


  -- Expressions.

  expr :  (Parser (Expr anyPrecedence))
  expr =  precs anyPrecedence

  -- Expressions corresponding to zero or more nodes in the precedence
  -- graph: operator applications where the outermost operator has one
  -- of the precedences ps. The graph g is used for internal
  -- expressions.

  precs : (ps : List Precedence)  Parser (Expr ps)
  precs []       = fail
  precs (p  ps) =  e  here refl  proj₂ e) <$> prec p
                  weakenE                     <$> precs ps

  -- Expressions corresponding to one node in the precedence graph:
  -- operator applications where the outermost operator has
  -- precedence p. The graph g is used for internal expressions.

  -- The code would be more readable if the delay constructors (♯_)
  -- could be omitted.

  prec : (p : Precedence)  Parser ( (ExprIn p))
  prec p = closedOps  nonAssoc  preRight⁺  postLeft⁺  fail
    module Prec where
    -- [ fix ] parses the internal parts of operators with the
    -- current precedence level and fixity fix.
    [_] = λ (fix : Fixity)  inner (ops p fix)

    -- Operator applications where the outermost operator binds
    -- tighter than the current precedence level.
    p↑ = precs ( p)

    -- Closed operators.
    closedOps : Parser (ExprIn p non)
    closedOps = ⟪_⟫ <$> [ closed ]

    -- Non-associative infix operators.
    nonAssoc : Parser (ExprIn p non)
    nonAssoc =  (_⟨_⟩_ <$> p↑  [ infx non ]) ⊛∞  p↑

    -- Right associative and prefix operators.
    preRight : Parser (Outer p right  ExprIn p right)
    preRight =  ⟪_⟩_  <$>      [ prefx      ]
              _⟨_⟩ʳ_ <$> p↑  [ infx right ]

    preRight⁺ : Parser (ExprIn p right)
    preRight⁺ =  preRight
                 (similar <$> preRight⁺  tighter <$> p↑)

    -- Left associative and postfix operators.
    postLeft : Parser (Outer p left  ExprIn p left)
    postLeft =  op    e₁  e₁  op     ) <$> [ postfx    ]
               op e₂ e₁  e₁  op ⟩ˡ e₂) <$> [ infx left ]  p↑

    postLeft⁺ : Parser (ExprIn p left)
    postLeft⁺ =  (flip _$_ <$> ( similar <$> postLeft⁺
                                 tighter <$> p↑

  -- Internal parts (all name parts plus internal expressions) of
  -- operators of the given precedence and fixity.

  inner :  {fix} (ops : List ( (Operator fix))) 
          Parser (Inner ops)
  inner []               = fail
  inner ((_ , op)  ops) =
       args  here refl  args) <$> (expr between nameParts op)
     weakenI                     <$> inner ops

-- Expression parsers.

expression : Parser.Parser NamePart (Expr anyPrecedence) []
expression =   expr