-- The parser type

module StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Parser where

open import Category.Monad
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List as List
open RawMonadPlus List.monadPlus
  using ()
  renaming ( return to return′
           ;to fail′
           ; _∣_    to _∣′_
           ; _>>=_  to _>>=′_
open import Data.Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Coinduction

-- A variant of _⊛_ (for lists)

-- This function has the property that fs ⊛′ [] evaluates to [].

infixl 50 _⊛′_

_⊛′_ :  {A B}  List (A  B)  List A  List B
fs ⊛′ xs = xs >>=′ λ x  map  f  f x) fs


  ⊛′-[] :  {A B} {fs : List (A  B)}  fs ⊛′ []  []
  ⊛′-[] = refl

-- Parsers

infixl 50 _⊛_ _<$>_
infixl 10 _>>=_ _>>=!_
infixl  5 _∣_

-- The list index is the "initial set"; it contains the results which
-- can be emitted without consuming any input. For
--   p : Parser Tok R xs
-- we have
--   x ∈ xs  iff  x ∈ p · []
-- (see StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Parser.Semantics).

data Parser (Tok : Set) : (R : Set)  List R  Set1 where
  return   :  {R} (x : R)  Parser Tok R (return′ x)
  fail     :  {R}  Parser Tok R fail′
  token    : Parser Tok Tok fail′
  _∣_      :  {R xs₁ xs₂}
             (p₁ : Parser Tok R  xs₁       )
             (p₂ : Parser Tok R         xs₂) 
                   Parser Tok R (xs₁ ∣′ xs₂)
  _<$>_    :  {R₁ R₂ xs}
             (f : R₁  R₂)
             (p : Parser Tok R₁        xs) 
                  Parser Tok R₂ (map f xs)
  _⊛_      :  {R₁ R₂ fs xs}
             (p₁ : ∞? (Parser Tok (R₁  R₂)  fs      ) xs)
             (p₂ : ∞? (Parser Tok  R₁              xs) fs) 
                       Parser Tok       R₂  (fs ⊛′ xs)
  _>>=_    :  {R₁ R₂ xs} {f : R₁  List R₂}
             (p₁ :                Parser Tok R₁  xs              )
             (p₂ : (x : R₁)  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂         (f x)) xs) 
                                  Parser Tok R₂ (xs >>=′ f)
  _>>=!_   :  {R₁ R₂ xs}
             (p₁ :      ∞₁ (Parser Tok R₁ xs))
             (p₂ : R₁  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ fail′) xs) 
                            Parser Tok R₂ fail′
  nonempty :  {R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok R []
  cast     :  {R xs₁ xs₂}
             (eq : xs₁  xs₂) (p : Parser Tok R xs₁)  Parser Tok R xs₂

-- The difference between the _>>=_ and _>>=!_ combinators is that the
-- latter one accepts a delayed left parser, but requires the index of
-- the right parser to be fail′ ([]). Another option would perhaps be
-- to require the index to be a function f such that f x ≡ [] for all
-- x in xs, but this seems complicated.

-- Note that it would be reasonable to generalise the casts to accept
-- /set/ equality instead of just list equality. However, I have not
-- yet found a use for this generalisation.

-- Note also that these parsers can be both left and right recursive:


  leftRight :  {R Tok}  Parser Tok R []
  leftRight {R} =  ♯₁ (const <$> leftRight)    ♯₁ leftRight {R}