-- A breadth-first backend

-- Similar to Brzozowski's "Derivatives of Regular Expressions".

-- TODO: Examine if the use of simplification really is an
-- optimisation.

module StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Backend.BreadthFirst where

open import Category.Monad
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Function hiding (_∶_)
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.Any
open Membership-≡
open RawMonad List.monad
  using () renaming (_>>=_ to _>>=′_; return to return′)
open import Data.Product1 as Prod1 renaming (∃₀₁ to; Σ₀₁ to Σ)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality1 as Eq1

open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Coinduction
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Parser
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Parser.Semantics
  hiding (sound; complete)
open import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Backend.Simplification
  as Simplification using (simplify)

-- Parsing


  -- Map then choice: y ∈ ⋁ f xs · s  iff  ∃ x ∈ xs. y ∈ f x · s.

  ⋁-initial :  {R₁ R₂}  (R₁  List R₂)  List R₁  List R₂
  ⋁-initial e []       = _
  ⋁-initial e (x  xs) = _

   :  {Tok R₁ R₂} {f : R₁  List R₂} 
      ((x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (f x))  (xs : List R₁) 
      Parser Tok R₂ (⋁-initial f xs)
   f []       = fail
   f (x  xs) = f x   f xs

  -- Functions calculating the index of the derivative.


    ∂-initial :  {Tok R xs}  Tok  Parser Tok R xs  List R
    ∂-initial _ (return _)                = _
    ∂-initial _ fail                      = _
    ∂-initial _ token                     = _
    ∂-initial _ (_  _)                   = _
    ∂-initial _ (_ <$> _)                 = _
    ∂-initial _ ( _    _ )           = _
    ∂-initial _ ( _    _ )           = _
    ∂-initial _ ( _    _ )           = _
    ∂-initial _ ( _    _ )           = _
    ∂-initial _ (_>>=_  {xs = []   } _ _) = _
    ∂-initial _ (_>>=_  {xs = _  _} _ _) = _
    ∂-initial _ (_>>=!_ {xs = []   } _ _) = _
    ∂-initial _ (_>>=!_ {xs = _  _} _ _) = _
    ∂-initial _ (nonempty _)              = _
    ∂-initial _ (cast _ _)                = _

    ∂-⋁-initial :  {Tok R₁ R₂ y} {ys : List R₁} {f : R₁  List R₂} 
                  Tok  List R₁ 
                  ((x : R₁)  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) (y  ys)) 
                  List R₂
    ∂-⋁-initial _ []      _ = _
    ∂-⋁-initial _ (_  _) _ = _

    ∂!-initial :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs y} {ys : List R₁} 
                 Tok  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ xs) (y  ys)  List R₂
    ∂!-initial _  _  = _

  -- "Derivative": x ∈ ∂ t p · s  iff  x ∈ p · t ∷ s.

  -- Note that these functions would not work with the simplified
  -- parsers. The reason is that the analogue of p₁ !>>= p₂ is
  -- sometimes changed to the analogue of p₁′ ?>>= p₂′, where p₂′ is
  -- still dependently typed, and _?>>=_ does not accept dependently
  -- typed arguments.


    -- Note that simplification is currently not performed
    -- (co)recursively under ♯₁_.

     :  {Tok R xs}
        (t : Tok) (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok R (∂-initial t p)
     t (return x)                   = fail
     t fail                         = fail
     t token                        = return t
     t (p₁  p₂)                    =  t p₁   t p₂
     t (f <$> p)                    = f <$>  t p
     t ( p₁    p₂ )            =      t     p₁    ♯? (♭₁ p₂)
     t ( p₁    p₂ )            =  ♯₁  t (♭₁ p₁)   ♯? (♭₁ p₂)
     t ( p₁   ⟨_⟩ {f} {fs} p₂)   =      t     p₁    ♯?     p₂
                                      ♯? ( return (f  fs))    t p₂ 
     t ( p₁   ⟨_⟩ {f} {fs} p₂)   =  ♯₁  t (♭₁ p₁)   ♯?     p₂
                                      ♯? ( return (f  fs))    t p₂ 
     t (_>>=_ {xs = []}      p₁ p₂) =  t p₁ >>=  x  ♯? (♭? (p₂ x)))
     t (_>>=_ {xs = x  xs}  p₁ p₂) =  t p₁ >>=  x  ♯? (♭? (p₂ x)))
                                      ∂-⋁ t (x  xs) p₂
     t (_>>=!_ {xs = []}     p₁ p₂) = (♯₁  t (♭₁ p₁)) >>=!  x  ♯? (♭? (p₂ x)))
     t (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) = (♯₁  t (♭₁ p₁)) >>=!  x  ♯? (♭? (p₂ x)))
                                      ∂-⋁ t (x  xs) p₂
     t (nonempty p)                 =  t p
     t (cast _ p)                   =  t p

    -- ⋁ is inlined here, because otherwise the termination checker
    -- would not accept the code.

    ∂-⋁ :  {Tok R₁ R₂ y} {ys : List R₁} {f : R₁  List R₂}
          (t : Tok) (xs : List R₁)
          (p : (x : R₁)  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) (y  ys)) 
          Parser Tok R₂ (∂-⋁-initial t xs p)
    ∂-⋁ t []       p = fail
    ∂-⋁ t (x  xs) p = ∂! t (p x)  ∂-⋁ t xs p

    ∂! :  {Tok R₁ R₂ xs y} {ys : List R₁}
         (t : Tok) (p : ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ xs) (y  ys)) 
         Parser Tok R₂ (∂!-initial t p)
    ∂! t  p  =  t p

-- Parsing: x ∈ parseComplete p s  iff  x ∈ p · s.

parseComplete :  {Tok R xs}  Parser Tok R xs  List Tok  List R
parseComplete {xs = xs} p []      = xs
parseComplete           p (t  s) = parseComplete (simplify ( t p)) s

-- Soundness


  ⋁-sound :  {Tok R₁ R₂ y s} {i : R₁  List R₂} 
            (f : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (i x)) (xs : List R₁) 
            y   f xs · s   λ x  Σ (x  xs) λ _  y  f x · s
  ⋁-sound f []       ()
  ⋁-sound f (x  xs) (∣ˡ    y∈fx)   = (x , here refl , y∈fx)
  ⋁-sound f (x  xs) (∣ʳ ._ y∈⋁fxs) =
    Prod1.map₀₁ id (Prod1.map₀₁ there  y∈  y∈)) (⋁-sound f xs y∈⋁fxs)


    ∂-sound :  {Tok R xs x s} {t} (p : Parser Tok R xs) 
              x   t p · s  x  p · t  s
    ∂-sound token                      return                    = token
    ∂-sound (p₁  p₂)                  (∣ˡ    x∈p₁)              = ∣ˡ     (∂-sound p₁ x∈p₁)
    ∂-sound (_∣_ {xs₁ = xs₁} p₁ p₂)    (∣ʳ ._ x∈p₂)              = ∣ʳ xs₁ (∂-sound p₂ x∈p₂)
    ∂-sound (f <$> p)                  (<$> x∈p)                 = <$> ∂-sound p x∈p
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )                 (f∈p₁′    x∈p₂)   = ∂-sound p₁ f∈p₁′ 
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁)) refl x∈p₂
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )                 (f∈p₁′    x∈p₂)   = ∂-sound (♭₁ p₁) f∈p₁′ 
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁))) refl x∈p₂
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )          (∣ˡ    (f∈p₁′    x∈p₂))  = ∂-sound p₁ f∈p₁′ 
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁)) refl x∈p₂
    ∂-sound ( p₁   ⟨_⟩ {f} {fs} p₂) (∣ʳ ._ (f∈⋁f∷fs  x∈p₂′)) with ⋁-sound return (f  fs)
                                                                              (cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₂)) refl f∈⋁f∷fs)
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )          (∣ʳ ._ (f∈⋁f∷fs  x∈p₂′)) | (f′ , f′∈f∷fs , return) =
                                                                   initial-sound p₁ f′∈f∷fs  ∂-sound p₂ x∈p₂′
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )          (∣ˡ    (f∈p₁′    x∈p₂))  = ∂-sound (♭₁ p₁) f∈p₁′ 
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁))) refl x∈p₂
    ∂-sound ( p₁   ⟨_⟩ {f} {fs} p₂) (∣ʳ ._ (f∈⋁f∷fs  x∈p₂′)) with ⋁-sound return (f  fs)
                                                                              (cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₂)) refl f∈⋁f∷fs)
    ∂-sound ( p₁    p₂ )          (∣ʳ ._ (f∈⋁f∷fs  x∈p₂′)) | (f′ , f′∈f∷fs , return) =
                                                                   initial-sound (♭₁ p₁) f′∈f∷fs  ∂-sound p₂ x∈p₂′
    ∂-sound (_>>=_  {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ʳ ._ z∈p₂′x)          with ∂-⋁-sound (x  xs) p₂ z∈p₂′x
    ∂-sound (_>>=_  {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ʳ ._ z∈p₂′x)          | (y , y∈x∷xs , z∈p₂′y) =
                                                                   _>>=_ {p₂ = p₂} (initial-sound p₁ y∈x∷xs) z∈p₂′y
    ∂-sound (_>>=_  {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ˡ (x∈p₁′ >>=  y∈p₂x)) = _>>=_ {p₂ = p₂} (∂-sound p₁ x∈p₁′)
                                                                                   (cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁)) refl y∈p₂x)
    ∂-sound (_>>=_  {xs = []}     p₁ p₂)     (x∈p₁′ >>=  y∈p₂x)  = ∂-sound p₁ x∈p₁′ >>=
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁)) refl y∈p₂x
    ∂-sound (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ʳ ._ z∈p₂′x)          with ∂-⋁-sound (x  xs) p₂ z∈p₂′x
    ∂-sound (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ʳ ._ z∈p₂′x)          | (y , y∈x∷xs , z∈p₂′y) =
                                                                   _>>=!_ {p₂ = p₂} (initial-sound (♭₁ p₁) y∈x∷xs) z∈p₂′y
    ∂-sound (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂) (∣ˡ (x∈p₁′ >>=! y∈p₂x)) = _>>=!_ {p₂ = p₂} (∂-sound (♭₁ p₁) x∈p₁′)
                                                                                    (cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁))) refl y∈p₂x)
    ∂-sound (_>>=!_ {xs = []}     p₁ p₂)     (x∈p₁′ >>=! y∈p₂x)  = ∂-sound (♭₁ p₁) x∈p₁′ >>=!
                                                                   cast∈ refl (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁))) refl y∈p₂x
    ∂-sound (nonempty p)                x∈p                      = nonempty (∂-sound p x∈p)
    ∂-sound (cast _ p)                  x∈p                      = cast (∂-sound p x∈p)

    ∂-sound (return _) ()
    ∂-sound fail       ()

    ∂-⋁-sound :  {Tok R₁ R₂ t z s y} {ys : List R₁} {f : R₁  List R₂}
                xs (p : (x : R₁)  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) (y  ys)) 
                z  ∂-⋁ t xs p · s 
                 λ x  Σ (x  xs) λ _  z  ♭? (p x) · t  s
    ∂-⋁-sound []       p ()
    ∂-⋁-sound (x  xs) p (∣ˡ    z∈p₂′x)  = (x , here refl , ∂!-sound (p x) z∈p₂′x)
    ∂-⋁-sound (x  xs) p (∣ʳ ._ z∈p₂′xs) =
      Prod1.map₀₁ id (Prod1.map₀₁ there  z∈  z∈))
        (∂-⋁-sound xs p z∈p₂′xs)

    ∂!-sound :  {Tok R₁ R₂ z t s xs y} {ys : List R₁}
               (p : ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ xs) (y  ys)) 
               z  ∂! t p · s  z  ♭? p · t  s
    ∂!-sound  p  z∈p′ = ∂-sound p z∈p′

sound :  {Tok R xs x} {p : Parser Tok R xs} (s : List Tok) 
        x  parseComplete p s  x  p · s
sound []      x∈p = initial-sound _ x∈p
sound (t  s) x∈p =
  ∂-sound _ (Simplification.sound (sound s x∈p))

-- Completeness


  ⋁-complete :  {Tok R₁ R₂ x y s} {i : R₁  List R₂} 
               (f : (x : R₁)  Parser Tok R₂ (i x)) {xs : List R₁} 
               x  xs  y  f x · s  y   f xs · s
  ⋁-complete         f (here refl)  y∈fx = ∣ˡ y∈fx
  ⋁-complete {i = i} f (there x∈xs) y∈fx = ∣ʳ (i _) (⋁-complete f x∈xs y∈fx)


    ∂-complete :  {Tok R xs x s t} {p : Parser Tok R xs} 
                 x  p · t  s  x   t p · s
    ∂-complete x∈p = ∂-complete′ _ x∈p refl
      ∂-complete′ :  {Tok R xs x s s′ t} (p : Parser Tok R xs) 
                    x  p · s′  s′  t  s  x   t p · s
      ∂-complete′ token     token       refl = return

      ∂-complete′ (p₁  p₂) (∣ˡ   x∈p₁) refl = ∣ˡ                  (∂-complete x∈p₁)
      ∂-complete′ (p₁  p₂) (∣ʳ _ x∈p₂) refl = ∣ʳ (∂-initial _ p₁) (∂-complete x∈p₂)

      ∂-complete′ (f <$> p) (<$> x∈p)   refl = <$> ∂-complete x∈p

      ∂-complete′ ( p₁    p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl =     ∂-complete f∈p₁ 
                                                          cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁))) refl x∈p₂
      ∂-complete′ ( p₁    p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl =     ∂-complete f∈p₁ 
                                                          cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁)))) refl x∈p₂
      ∂-complete′ ( p₁    p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl = ∣ˡ (∂-complete f∈p₁ 
                                                          cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁))) refl x∈p₂)
      ∂-complete′ (_⊛_ {xs = x  xs}  p₁   p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = []}    f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl = ∣ʳ (∂-initial _ p₁ ⊛′ (x  xs))
                                                         (cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₂))) refl
                                                            (⋁-complete return (initial-complete f∈p₁) return) 
                                                          ∂-complete x∈p₂)
      ∂-complete′ ( p₁    p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = _  _} f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl = ∣ˡ (∂-complete f∈p₁ 
                                                          cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁)))) refl x∈p₂)
      ∂-complete′ ( p₁    p₂ )
                  (_⊛_ {s₁ = []}    f∈p₁ x∈p₂) refl = ∣ʳ []
                                                         (cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₂))) refl
                                                            (⋁-complete return (initial-complete f∈p₁) return) 
                                                          ∂-complete x∈p₂)

      ∂-complete′ (_>>=_ {xs = x  xs} {f} p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=_ {s₁ = []}    x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl = ∣ʳ (∂-initial _ p₁ >>=′ f)
                                                            (∂-⋁-complete p₂ (initial-complete x∈p₁) y∈p₂x)
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=_ {xs = x  xs}     p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl = ∣ˡ (∂-complete x∈p₁ >>=
                                                             cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁))) refl
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=_ {R₁} {xs = []}    p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=_ {s₁ = _  _} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl =     ∂-complete x∈p₁ >>=
                                                             cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ p₁))) refl

      ∂-complete′ (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs} p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=!_ {s₁ = []}    x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl = ∣ʳ []
                                                             (∂-⋁-complete p₂ (initial-complete x∈p₁) y∈p₂x)
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=!_ {xs = x  xs}     p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=!_ {s₁ = _  _} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl = ∣ˡ (∂-complete x∈p₁ >>=!
                                                              cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁)))) refl
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=!_ {R₁} {xs = []}    p₁ p₂)
                  (_>>=!_ {s₁ = _  _} x∈p₁ y∈p₂x) refl =     ∂-complete x∈p₁ >>=!
                                                              cast∈ refl (Eq1.sym (♭?♯? (∂-initial _ (♭₁ p₁)))) refl

      ∂-complete′ (nonempty p) (nonempty x∈p) refl = ∂-complete x∈p

      ∂-complete′ (cast _ p) (cast x∈p) refl = ∂-complete x∈p

      ∂-complete′ (return _) () refl
      ∂-complete′ fail       () refl
      ∂-complete′ (_   _ )            (_⊛_    {s₁ = []} f∈p₁ _) _ with initial-complete f∈p₁
      ... | ()
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=_  {xs = []} _ _) (_>>=_  {s₁ = []} x∈p₁ _) _ with initial-complete x∈p₁
      ... | ()
      ∂-complete′ (_>>=!_ {xs = []} _ _) (_>>=!_ {s₁ = []} x∈p₁ _) _ with initial-complete x∈p₁
      ... | ()

    ∂-⋁-complete :  {Tok R₁ R₂ x t z s xs y} {ys : List R₁}
                     {f : R₁  List R₂}
                   (p : (x : R₁)  ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ (f x)) (y  ys)) 
                   x  xs  z  ♭? (p x) · t  s  z  ∂-⋁ t xs p · s
    ∂-⋁-complete p (here refl)  y∈px = ∣ˡ (∂!-complete (p _) y∈px)
    ∂-⋁-complete p (there x∈xs) y∈px =
      ∣ʳ (∂!-initial _ (p _)) (∂-⋁-complete p x∈xs y∈px)

    ∂!-complete :  {Tok R₁ R₂ z t s xs y} {ys : List R₁}
                  (p : ∞? (Parser Tok R₂ xs) (y  ys)) 
                  z  ♭? p · t  s  z  ∂! t p · s
    ∂!-complete  p  z∈p = ∂-complete z∈p

complete :  {Tok R xs x} {p : Parser Tok R xs} (s : List Tok) 
           x  p · s  x  parseComplete p s
complete []      x∈p = initial-complete x∈p
complete (t  s) x∈p =
  complete s (Simplification.complete (∂-complete x∈p))